Thanks for the Treasures

I can remember when I saw those F Keys on my keyboard. They said you could put your favorite "favorites" on them, you know the ones you would use over and over again. Seven F keys, I certainly didn't imagine at the time that I would even collect that many favorite sites to use up my F Keys.

All too soon, my favorite folders, All of them, were filled to the brim, and boy did I need just a dozen or more F Keys to fully utilize my webtv properly.

Then Owen's4 developed this wonderful utility, the F Key Saver... you could put as many of your favorites on an F-Key page and then save that page to your F-Key as a shortcut. And you could clean out a lot of your favorite folders. I've always meant to do an F-Key Saver page, I thought this was such a wonderful concept... but instead I just kept collecting and using other people's wonderful F-Key sites. Below you will find my attempt at 24 F Keys... doesn't seem like much, but each F Key Link takes you to so many wonderful, helpful webtv sites..

This page is dedicated to some outstanding F-Key Saver Sites, and my thanks to those who have put so much time into making these so that my time on the internet is more easily enhanced and enjoyed.

To Utilize the F-Key Savers, simply save the page when you link onto it in a folder in your favorites. Then go to your favorite files and click on to shortcut and follow the directions to assigning it to an F-Key. Want to make one of your own? Owens4 and Lucille both have great how to tutorials.

A TreasureChest of FKeys

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