Colors of the Bloodhound
There are three
recognized colors
in the bloodhound.
Black & Tan
Liver and Tan and
This page has photos of all 3 colors & some of
the variations of each.
To the right
are pictures of a color not explained in our standard. To make a complicated issue easy to put into words for understanding, I am going to give a very basic explanation of color. This is what is known as a light skinned red. They have the same coloring as the liver and tan dog but do not carry the saddle. The eyes are yellow or light hazel & the nose is liver. They are registered as Reds with the AKC & will carry the recessive Liver gene. There is no disqualifying color in the breed & although the light skinned red is not preferred, they can be very beautiful dogs. Cello finished his championship easily in one short summer.
To the right, is Peaches. She is Liver & Tan. Peaches is pictured being held at 5 wks & arriving at her new home at 8 weeks. As you can see, this breed grows very quickly!
The Black & Tan puppy The puppy on
Zephyrus is shown |
Cello at 6 months
Riverbank's I Am Able at 2 wks
Riverbank's Zephyrus
As you see, these beautiful babies grow from about 12 to 16 ounces at
birth to upwards of 75 to 100 pounds at less than a year old.
If you are looking to purchase a Bloodhound, please do your homework and visit some of
these animals in their homes. You might be surprised at how much slobber you come out with!
For more
information on the Bloodhound,
please visit the following
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