The Life And Times...

Nothing Is Right Or Wrong, It's Thinking That Makes It so - Hamlet

Life will always be filled with ups and downs, but, occasionally, the downs can go much farther than expected. At these times, when reality bites hard, you must find an outlet. A way to deal with feelings you can't control or understand. On this page, you will find my therapy. The words I wrote, and read, and reread, until I was delivered from the emotional whirlwind that had me in it's grip. I will say here, that I am no poet. These writings, I'm sure, wouldn't qualify as poetry to any "real" poet. These are simply the words that came out during various unstable times in my life. The real "poetry" lies in the fact that these works all put things in perspective at times when I felt completely overwhelmed. Perhaps one of them will do the same for you.

Heart to Soul
Ashes to Ashes

Poems by Other People (Famous or Not-So-Famous)
Little Pictures by Michelle Schmidt
Pete's Best Loved Poems - This is an excellent site...huge index of poems---be sure check Rudyard personal favorite

I Plan on adding many links to this page as I come across them, so if you have any poetry yourself, or know of a good page, let me know:) And as I would hope you wouldn't copy my writing without my name, I wouldn't take the credit for yours.

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