Hello my name is Andrew and the person next to me in the picture is called Harry
and he is one of my favourite scorers.
Also the person under Harry is called Nathen and Nathen is one of my teams best
midfield players and one of my team managers say I am one of the best defenders.
I score nearly every week.
Andrew went to do his 100M swimming badge on Sunday 28th March (he did 50M last year), but he somehow forgot to stop at four lengths and instead went on to do 16. So now he has a 100M, 200M and 400M badge! Well done Andrew!
My birthday is on Friday 9th July and I am eight. I am in the A team for the league. We have drawn 1 match,won 2 matches and lost 2 matches.
I have joined a new swimming club and we learn how to bomb and dive professionally.I am in
a really hard maths group at school.