• ROLE: Lead Dr. Scott

  • LOCATION: Palm Harbor, FL


  • OCCUPATION: Computer stuff

  • HOBBIES: Sci-Fi, women, his car/penis

  • E-MAIL:

  • ON CAST SINCE: '96 or '97

  • OTHER: ?

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    {Sam, the evil bio writer was here!}

    Some people would note Andy for his tallness. Some would note him for his fluent control of Hebrew, the fact he has a louder A.P. voice than Jay Ashworth and Torch put together. However, to most people who know him, Andy is known for his GIGANTIC PENIS. Now, some of you would probably say "Come on, Sam, that is no measure for a man. That is no way to gauge someone's personality". Well, if that's what you think, you probably haven't seen it. I mean, look at that sucker; It's f*cking HUGE: Large impressive and gargantuan enough to deserve it's own paragraph.

    Not only is Andy's penis large and impressive, it is also very powerful, and can reach high speeds with little effort. It is the sort of penis worthy of a passage in the Illiad, the type of penis that makes you realize the magnificance of creation. Legand has it that Andy's penis helped win the 100 years war and is also responsible for the first space shuttle launch back in the 50's, and let's face it, even if it's not true, it's definately believable. Andy currently lives in his palm harbour apartment. His penis lives next door.

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