  • ROLE: Columbia




  • HOBBIES: Anime, swing dancing

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  • ON CAST SINCE: mid 1999 (I think)

  • OTHER: -

  • * More pictures in the Picture Gallery! *

    I, Carrie, cleavage queen, was one night accompanying my dear friend Thelma to see a midnight viewing of the Matrix (See Thelma’s bio) when we realized that we were sadly mistaken. That small oversight and the following weeks events would change our weekends forever and lead us into the decadent situation in which we are both now immured.

    That is how I have come to be here, but what of before? What of life BRH (before Rocky Horror)? It involved swimming, fencing tournaments, acting in any facet of the theatre including the Renaissance Festival and Fright Fest, and of course doodling incessantly. I suppose the fact that I also work full time and am attending school to be an architect might give you some idea as to how little I sleep, but it matters little. But, ah well, such is life in Carrieness.

    And now a paragraph devoted to the love of my life. The one man who has stood by me through the years and never let me down… My beloved Lazarus, previously named Cain, a 1977 fuck-me red MGB Roadster with black ragtop. Ahh my love, let us never be apart.

    As a disclaimer: I am in no way liable for psychiatric expenses stemming directly from the shock of my breasts accidentally exposing themselves during a performance or for chiropractic bills for those aforementioned breast striking a certain pasty eddie-look-alike about the head and neck. Thank You.

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