  • ROLE: "Whatever"

  • LOCATION: Clearwater, FL

  • BIRTHDATE: July 2nd, 1977

  • OCCUPATION: Customer Service ... hey, someone's got to do it!

  • HOBBIES: I play Asheron's Call, read, write, sing and try to take nothing seriously

  • E-MAIL:

  • ON CAST SINCE: First in '96, then she joined another cast, but came back to us in '99.

  • PREV CASTS: Denton High

  • OTHER: In 1997, Lisa was understudy Eddie & a Transylvanian for the annual cast, "Larger Than Life" at Tampa Theatre. In '99, she was a "Trannie", in '00, Lisa performed Transylvanian AND understudy Frank to an audience of 1,446 people! This year, she will be contentedly hiding from the spotlight of Tampa Theatre and working with the props crew.

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    Updated on July 19, 2001

    Hello, this is a brief venture into the world of Lisa, where few dare to tread and even fewer return from. If you come across someone who has been there, you can tell, for they have never been the same again.

    I am a 1977 Cancer (early July, yes I accept presents from strangers) who is 5'6" with deep brown eyes and monumentous breasts. I am currently working in customer service. Yes, you guessed it. I have found someone who will pay me for what I usually do at home. Not that! Jeez, some people and their imaginations!

    I have been performing at Rocky for about 4 ½ years, with one layover of 6 months. During which I lost my mind and had to move to Alabama to find it. I am still not sure if the one I found there is in fact mine or not, but so far the mind and I have gotten along fine together. However, I do wish it would let me know when it had plans. So far, the number of times I had to go out without it because it was 'too busy' are too many to count. Wish I had a life too ...

    The first part I played was Eddie, and since then have played every part except Riff Raff. However, I am especially fond of the criminologist. I am very anal about the show, and have been asked many times to teach audience members a part in 15 minutes. It only recently came to my attention the reason why people come to me to teach them a part. Apparently, on the first cast list that I was on, all actors had their real name, their phone number and their part. I was the only one who was listed with "Whatever" as my part. I am also, so far as anyone knows, still the only person who has ever been listed that way. People have definite parts that they don't like to stray from these days. I will do whatever is needed and like it, love it, and want some more of it!

    I am the quote queen. I have memorized just about every movie I have ever seen, and can rarely be stumped with a quote. provided I have seen the movie, of course.

    I enjoy a multitude of different activities. Only a few of which actually requiring me getting off my lazy ass to do them. I try to do as much as possible without actually looking like I am doing anything, it confuses people. Which happens to be one of my favorite pastimes, by the way.

    I enjoy candlelit dinners, cuddling, romantic evenings, romance in any form, and talking.

    Turn ons: men who aren't afraid to show emotion, men who have enough class to purchase a single rose, men who aren't afraid to cry, men with huge.uhh.intellects! Yeah, that's the ticket. men who treat me like a lady, and well, I think just men in general. I have always found it easier to get along with guys than chicks. I have yet to figure out why. But if I get invited to a 'Girl's Night Out' which will consist of going to the mall, giggling, talking about guys and dinner, and a 'Just One of the Guys' outing wchich will probably involve a lot of dirty jokes, swearing, movies, and intelligent discussions of some sort, I will always kindly decline the female's invite (by laughing at them and asking if they are crazy to think that I would want to do that and then running screaming in the other direction).

    Turn offs: people who don't realize how bad their body odor really is, people with no confidence, people who deny who they really are, and people whose ego's need it's own zip code.

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