Alright, I do, do commissions. I'll try just about anything, I do hentai and what not, but I'm still honing my skills. I don't charge excessively much in my mind either, I'll charge what I believe the artworks worth, here are the base prices.

US Price
Canadian Price
Pencil B&W
Inked B&W
Computer Coloured

Yes I know the US price is abit more but its to cover the costs of Changing it to Canadian. Also at the moment I cannot sell any hard copies, Computer Images only, sorry folks.
E-mail Me a Request

I apologize, This was still in tune with my old e-mail address, it is now fixed, so if you sent in a commission and didn't get a reply, then try again with COMMISSION in the subject line.
Prices ARE Subject to change depending on the type, detail and such in the picture. Unless its a picture done on my pocket sketch pad, the pencil or inked prices will be the smallest it'll get. E-mail me and we'll discuss what you want done, and price. I may do pencils and inked before getting paid, but don't expect the picture to be given to you until I recieve my moola. Also I will scan all pictures and send them electronically. So no hard copies at the moment. All pictures are copyrighted to me and all fanart pictures are copyrighted to me as well, except the characters are copyrighted to their respectful owners.

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