Voice: Why don't you want to talk to me? Casey: Who is this?
Voice: You tell me your name I'll tell you mine.
Casey: aa, I don't think so.
Voice: What's that noise?
Casey: Popcorn.
Voice: You're making popcorn?
Casey: Uh-huh.
Voice: I only eat popcorn at the movies.
Casey: Well, I'm getting ready to watch a video.
Voice: Really? What?
Casey: Oh. Just some scary movie.
Voice: You like scary movies?
Casey: Uh-huh.
Voice: What's you favorite scary movie?
Casey: Uh, I don't know.
Voice: You have to have a favorite. What comes to mind?
Casey: Umm....Halloween.
Casey: You know the one guy in the white mask that walks around and
stalks babysitters.
Voice: Yeah.
Casey: What's yours?
Voice: Guess.
Casey: Um..Nightmare on Elm Street.
Voice: Is that the one with the guy that has knives for fingers?
Casey: Yeah, Freddy Kruger.
Voice: Freddy, that's right.
Voice: I like that movie. It was scary.
Casey: Well, The first one was but, the rest sucked.
Voice: So, you got a boyfriend? Casey: Why? You want to ask me out
on a date? Voice: Maybe.
Voice: Do you have a boyfriend?
Casey: mmm..no.
Voice: You never told me your name.
Casey: Why do you want to know my name?
Voice: Cause I know who I am looking at.
Casey: What did you say?
Voice: I wanna know who I am talking to.
Casey: That's not what you said.
Voice: What do you think I said?
Voice: What?
Voice: Hello?
Casey: Look, I got to go.
Voice: Wait! I thought we were going to go out?
Casey: Uh, I don't think so.
Voice: Don't hang up on me!
Phone Rings Again
Casey: SHIT
Casey: Yes?
Voice: I told you not to hang up on me.
Casey: What do you want?
Voice: To talk.
Casey: Well, dial someone else. Okay?
Phone Rings Again
Casey: Listen ASSHOLE!
Voice: No, you listen you little BITCH! You hang up on me again, I'll
gut you like a fish. You
Voice: ha,ha, Yeah.
Casey: Is this some kind of joke?
Voice: More of a game really.
Voice: Can you handle that?
Voice: Blondie?
Casey runs locks two doors and looks out the window
Voice: Can you see me?
Casey: Listen, I am two seconds away from calling the police.
Voice: They'd never make it in time were out in the middle of nowhere.
Casey: What do you want?
Voice: To see what you're insides look like.
The door bell rings twice
Casey: ahhhhh
Casey: Who's there?
Casey: Who's there?
Casey: I'm calling the police!
Casey: ahhhhh
Phone rings again
Voice: You should never say "Who's there?"
Voice: Don't you watch scary movies?
Voice: It's a death wish.
Voice: You might as well come out and investigate a strange noise or
Casey: Look, you've had your fun now. So, I think you better just leave
or else.
Voice: Or else what?
Casey: Or else my boyfriend will be here any second, and he'll be pissed
when he finds out. Voice:
I thought you didn't have a boyfriend?
Casey: I lied, I do have a boyfriend and he'll be here any second.
So, your ass better be gone.
Voice: Sure.
Casey: I swear.
Casey: He's big and he plays football and he'll kick the SHIT out of
Voice: I'm getting scared, I am shaking in my boots.
Casey: So, you just better leave.
Voice: His name wouldn't be....Steve would it?
Casey: How do you know his name?
Voice: Turn on the patio lights....again.
Looks out the patio door
Casey: Oh god!
Voice: I wouldn't do that if I was you!
Casey: Where are you?
Voice: Guess.
Casey: Please Don't hurt him.
Voice: That all depends on you.
Casey: Why are you doing this?
Voice: I wanna play a game.
Casey: No.
Voice: Then he dies right now.
Casey: NO. NO!
Voice: Which is it? Which is it?
Casey: Wha- - What kind of game?
Voice: Turn off the lights, You'll see what kind of game. Just do it!
Steve: Casey! No! No! NO! CASEY! NO!
Voice: Here's how to play. I ask you a question, If you get it right
Steve lives.
Casey: Please, don't do this.
Voice:: Come on, It'll be fun!
Casey: Please - -
Voice: It's an easy category.
Casey: Please.
Voice: Movie Trivia.
Voice: I'll give you a warm-up question.
Casey: Don't do this, I can't.
Voice: Name the killer in Halloween?
Casey: No.
Voice: Come on, It's your favorite scary movie remember?
Voice: He had a white mask and he stalked babysitters.
Casey: I don't know.
Voice: Come on, Yes you do.
Casey: No, please.
Voice: What's his name?
Casey: I can't think.
Voice: Steve's counting on you.
Casey: Michael....Michael Myers.
Voice: Yes! Very good.
Voice: Now for the real question.
Voice: But, you're doing so well.
Voice: We can't just stop now.
Casey: Please, Stop! Leave us alone.
Voice: Then answer the question.
Voice: Same category.
Casey: Oh, please stop.
Voice: Name the killer in Friday the 13th?
Casey: Jason! Jason! Jason!
Voice: I'm sorry that's the wrong answer.
Casey: No it's not! No it's not! It's Jason!
Voice: Afraid not, NO WAY!
Casey: Listen it was Jason! I saw that movie 20 god DAMM times!
Voice: Then you should know that the original killer was Jason's mother,
Mrs. Voorhes. Jason
didn't show up till the sequel.
Voice: I'm afraid that was the wrong answer.
Casey: You tricked me.
Voice: Lucky for you there is a bonus round.
Voice: But, poor Steve, I am afraid he's out!
Voice: ha,ha,ha,ha,ha Hey, we're not finished yet.
Voice: Final question, Are you ready?
Casey: Please, Please, Leave me alone!
Voice: Answer the question and I will!
Voice: What door am I at?
Casey: What?
Voice: There are two main doors to your house.
Voice: The front door and the patio door. If your answer correctly
you live
Voice: Very Simple.
Casey: I can't do this, I can't, I won't.
Voice: Your call.
Casey: Aaaaaahhhhhhh!
Outside the house
Mother: Did you water over here today?
Father: It was just that water from the rain.
Mother: They look great don't they?
Father: Don't they smell strong?
Mother: I told you could send it back.
Casey: Mom!
Father: Jesus!
Mother: What is it?
Father: CASEY!
Mother: Oh Go--?
Mother: Casey! Casey! Casey!
Mother: Where is she?
Father: Call the police!
Mother: Casey
Father: Casey, are you upstairs?
Mother: Oh my god, Casey, baby?
Father: Casey!
Mother: She's here.
Casey: Mom.
Mother: Where is she?
Mother: Oh my god! I can hear her.
Voice: Hey!
Father: Get in the car, drive down to the MacKenzie's.
Mother: No, No, not my daughter.
Father: Just go!
Mother: Not my daughter.
Father: Call the police!
Mother: AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHhhhhhhhhhhh!
Sidney's house
Billy: It's just me!
Sidney: Billy, what are you doing here?
Billy: Sorry, don't hate me!
Billy: You sleep in that?
Sidney: Yes, I sleep in this.
Sidney: My dad is in the other room. You can't be here.
Billy: I'll just stay a sec.
Sid: No you gotta go! go! go! go!
Dad: What's going on in there?
Dad: Are you okay?
Sidney: Can you knock?
Dad: I heard screaming.
Sidney: No, you didn't.
Dad: No?
Dad: Oh, well. I am hitting the sack.
Dad: My flight leaves first thing in the morning. Now, the expo runs
all weekend so I'll won't be
back till Sunday.
Dad: There's cash on the table and I am staying- -
Sidney: At the Hilton.
Dad: Out at the airport.....So call - -
Sidney: if I need anything.
Dad: I could've sworn I heard screaming.
Sidney: Have a good trip okay?
Dad: Sleep tight, sweetie.
Billy: Oh, close call.
Sidney: Billy, what are you doing here?
Billy: It occurred to me that I had never snuck through your bedroom
Sidney: shhh..shhh...shhh.. now that it's out of your system.
Billy: I was home watching television.. The uh exorcist was on. It
got me thinking of you.
Sidney: It did?
Billy: Yeah, it was edited for TV all the good stuff was cut out.
Billy: And, it got me thinking of us.
Billy: How 2 years ago we started off hot and heavy.
Billy: Nice solid R rating on our way to a NC-17. And now...things
have changed and....lately were
just edited for television.
Sidney: Oh so you thought you would climb through my window and have
a little raw footage?
Billy: No! I wouldn't dream of breaking your underwear rule.
Billy: I just thought we could do a little on-top-of-the-clothes stuff.
Sidney: Okay.
Billy: Yeah?
Sidney: Yeah.
Sidney: Okay, okay, okay. Time is up stud muffin.
Billy: God, you see what you do to me!
Sidney: You know what my dad will do to you?
Billy: Yeah, I'm going.
Sidney: Okay.
Sidney: You know, I appreciate the romantic gesture.
Billy: Hey about the sex stuff, I'm not trying to rush you at all.
Billy: I was only half serious.
Sidney: Okay.
Sidney: Hey Billy.
Sidney: Would you settle for a PG-13 relationship?
Billy: What's that?
Billy: My god your just a tease.
Next day at school
Woman on radio: Thirty-five Ninety-five situation under control.
Man on radio: Roger, dispatch.
Woman reporter: There's blood found? Alright.
Another woman reporter: They're doing drugs, they buy in the classroom
and involved in occult.
Gale: Woodsboro, California was devastated last night two young teenagers
were found brutally
murdered. Authorities have yet to issued a statement but our sources
tell us that no arrests are yet
to be made and the murderer could strike again.
Tatum: Do you believe this shit?
Sidney: Tatum, what's going on?
Tatum: You don't know?
Tatum: Casey Becker and Steve Orth were killed last night.
Sidney: What? No way.
Tatum: Were not just talking killed were talking splatter movie killed.
Ripped open from end to end.
Sidney: Casey Becker? She sits next to me in English.
Tatum: Not anymore.
Tatum: It's so sad her mom and dad they found her hanging from a tree
with her insides on the
Sidney: oh my god
Sidney: do they know you did it
Tatum: There fucking clueless
Tatum: there interring the whole school Teacher students, janitor's
Sidney: They think the school did it
Tatum: they don't know
Tatum: um dewey was saying this is worst crime they've seen in years
even worst then well it's bad.
student: Here you go Mrs. Taylor
Teacher: Sidney you have a peered to be ordained
Sheriff Burke: aa who is next
Mr. Himbry Sindey Prescott
Dewey: Presscott
Mr.Himby She was daughter of
Mr. Himby: Sindey. Thank you
Sheriff Burke: Hi Sidney.
Sidney: Sheriff Burke, Dewey.
Dewey: Uh.. that's Deputy Riley today Sid.
Sheriff Burke: How is everything?
Sidney: Good.
Sheriff Burke: And your dad how is he?
Sidney: Were fine thanks.
Mr. Himbry: We are going to keep this very brief, Sidney.
Mr. Himbry: The police just want to ask you a few questions.
Mr. Himbry: You okay?
Sidney: Mhmmm.
Sheriff Burke: Sidney, were you very close to Casey Becker?
Town Square
P.A.: Remember your principal loves you and I want you to be safe.
All students are encouraged to
return home promptly from school grounds. Avoid strangers, walk in
2's and 3's.
Tatum: What kind of questions did they ask you Sid?
Sidney: They asked me if I knew Casey.
Tatum: They asked me too.
Stu: Hey did they ask if you liked to hunt?
Billy: Yeah, they did. Did they ask you?
Tatum: Why would they ask if you liked to hunt?
Randy: Cause they're bodies were gutted.
Billy: Thank you, Randy.
Tatum: They didn't ask me if I liked to hunt.
Stu: Cause there is no way a girl could've killed them.
Tatum: That is so sexist.
Tatum: The killer could easily be a female, Basic Extinct.
Randy: That was an ice pick, not exactly the same thing.
Stu: Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out.
Stu: And in fact, it takes a man to do something like that.
Tatum: Or a man's mentality.
Sidney: How do you....gut someone?
Stu: You take a knife and you slit them from groin to sternum.
Billy: Hey It's called tact you fuckrag.
Sidney: Hey Stu, didn't you used to date Casey?
Stu: Yeah for like two seconds.
Randy: Before she dumped him for Steve.
Tatum: I thought you dumped her for me.
Stu: I did he's full of shit.
Randy: And are the police aware you dated the victim?
Stu: What are you trying to say, that I killed her?
Randy: It would sure improve your high school "Q".
Tatum: Stu was with me last night.
Stu: Yeah I was.
Randy: Was that before or after he sliced and diced?
Tatum: FUCK You nut case! Where were you last night?
Randy: Working Thank you.
Tatum: At the video store?
Tatum: I thought they fired your sorry ass.
Randy: Twice.
Stu: I didn't kill anybody.
Billy: Nobody said you did.
Stu: Thanks buddy.
Randy: Besides it takes a man to do a thing like that.
Stu: I'm gonna gut your ass in a second kid.
Randy: Tell me something, Did you really put her liver in the mailbox?
Cause I heard that they found
her liver in the mailbox next to her spleen and pancreas.
Tatum: Randy you goon! Fuck, I'm trying to eat here.
Stu: She's getting mad alright?
Stu: You better liver alone.
Stu: Liver alone!
Stu: Liv - - Ow!
Stu: Liver. Liver. It was a joke!
On the bus
Girl 1: See you, Sidney.
Girl 2: Talk to you tomorrow Sid!
On the phone with tatum
Sidney: So your sure I can stay over? Cause my dad won't be back till
Tatum: No prob, I'll pick you up after practice. You okay?
Sidney: Uh-huh, It's just the police and reporters just like deja vu
all over again.
Tatum: I'll be there by 7:00 I promise.
Sidney: Thanks Tatum.
Tatum: Later.
Watching the news
Woman Reporter: The bodies of 17 year old Casey Becker and her 18 year
old boyfriend Steve
Orth were discovered late last night by her parents.
Man Reporter: The Woodsboro double murder case. Authorities are baffled
by the lack of clues
savaged - -.
Gale: The town's in shock and nobody can quite believe what has happened
here although this is
not the first time this small community of Woodsboro has endured such
tragedy. Only a year ago
Maureen Prescott, wife and mother was found raped and murdered not
far from this peaceful town
On the phone with Tatum
Sidney: Hello?
Tatum: Practice ran late, I am on my way okay
Sidney: It's past 7:00.
Tatum: Don't worry Casey and Steve didn't bite it till way past ten.
Tatum: I'm going swing by the video store. I was thinking Tom Cruise
in "All the Right Moves". If
you pause it just right you can see his penis.
Sidney: Whatever, just hurry up please.
Tatum: Ta--ta Sid.
Sidney: Tatum, just get in the car.
Voice: Hello Sidney.
Sidney: Uh..Hi, who is this?
Voice: You tell me.
Sidney: Well, I - I have no idea.
Voice: Scary night isn't it?
Voice: With all the murders and all it's like just out of a horror
movie or something.
Sidney: Randy, you gave yourself away.
Sidney: Are you calling from work cause if you are Tatum is on the
way over?
Voice: Do you like scary movies, Sidney?
Sidney: I like that thing your doing with your voice Randy, It's sexy.
Voice: What's your favorite scary movie, Sidney?
Sidney: Come on You know I don't watch that shit.
Voice: Why not? Too scared?
Sidney: No no, what's the point they are all the same. Some stupid
killer stalking some big breasted
girl that can't act when she is running up the steps when she should
be going out the front door...It's
Voice: Are you alone in the house?
Sidney: Randy, That's so unoriginal I'm so disappointed in you.
Voice: Maybe because I'm not Randy.
Sidney: So who are you?
Voice: The question isn't who am I it's where am I?
Sidney: S - So where are you?
Voice: Your front porch.
Sidney: Why would you be calling from my front porch?
Voice: That's the original part.
Sidney: Oh yeah, I call your bluff.
Sidney: So where are you?
Voice: Right here.
Sidney: Can you see me now?
Voice: Uh-huh.
Sidney: ah-hah.
Sidney: OK What am I doing huh?
Sidney: Huh, what am I doing huh hello, ?
Sidney: Nice try, Randy.
Sidney: Tell Tatum to hurry up okay, Bye now.
Voice: If you hang up on me you'll die just like your mother. Do you
want to die Sidney? Your
mother sure didn't.
Sidney: Fuck you, you cretin.
Sidney: ahhhhhhhhh
Sidney: No!
Sidney: Damm!
Sidney: Shit!
Sidney: Billy!
Billy: The doors locked, I heard screaming, you alright
Sidney: The killer is here he's in the house.
Billy: He's gone.
Billy: He's gone.
Billy: What?
Billy: Sid, What?
Billy: Whoa, Whoa, Wait, Wait, Wait, Sid, Wait!
Billy: Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Sid, What's going on?
Billy: Sidney come back, Sidney.
Outside Sidney's house
Police Officer: Alright hold your hands together.
Dewey: Do you wish to give up your right to remain silent?
Billy: I didn't do anything.
Dewey: Do you wish to give up your right to speak to an attorney and
have them present during
Billy: Ask her, She'll tell you.
Sheriff Burke: What do we have Dewey?
Dewey: I caught him Sheriff.
Sheriff Burke: Who is that?
Dewey: Billy Loomis.
Billy: Sheriff, Sheriff, Call these guys off.
Billy: I didn't do it, Sheriff wait.
Billy: Please call him, he'll tell you, call him.
Billy: Sidney, Sidney.
Sheriff Burke: How she doing?
Dewey: Sid's tougher than she looks.
Sheriff Burke: Well, were seeing alot of you today.
Sheriff Burke: Are you going to be able to come down to the station
and answer a few questions?
Tatum: God Sidney, I'm so sorry I was late.
Dewey: Tatum you can't be here it's an official crime scene.
Sidney: It's okay.
Tatum: Her dad's out of town she's staying with us tonight.
Dewey: Does mom know?
Tatum: Yes dufus.
Tatum: Let's get out of here.
Dewey: Oh you won't believe this.
Dewey: Creepy huh?
Gale: I'll be dammed.
Kenny: Huh?
Gale: Jesus, the camera hurry.
Kenny: My name isn't Jesus.
Gale: Sidney, is that you in there?
Gale: Excuse me is that Sidney Prescott they took away?
Tatum: I'm not talking to you.
Gale: What happened to her?
Gale: I heard something about a costume is that true?
Gale: Can you tell me anything?
Tatum: Yeah, your a real pain in the ass. And leave sid alone
Kenny: Where she going?
Gale: Look Kenny?
Kenny: Yeah?
Gale: I know your about 50 pounds over weight but when I say hurry
please interpret that as move
your fat-tub-of-lard-ass NOW!
The Woodsboro police station
Sidney: Did you find him?
Dewey: You sure it was the Hilton?
Sidney: At the airport.
Dewey: He's not registered there.
Dewey: Could he of stayed somewhere else?
Sidney: I don't know, I guess.
Dewey: Don't worry Sid.
Dewey: We'll find him.
Dewey: I'll be right back.
Sheriff Burke: Let me ask you this, what are you doing with a cellular
phone son?
Billy: Everybody's got one Sheriff.
Billy: I didn't make those phone calls. I swear.
Hank: Why don't you check the phone bill for Christ Sake?
Hank: Call Vital Phone Comp. they've got a record of every number dialed.
Sheriff Burke: Thanks Hank, were on top of it.
Sheriff Burke: What were you doing over Sidney's house tonight?
Billy: Well, I wanted to see her, that's all.
Sheriff Burke: And yesterday she said you climbed through her window
last night too?
Hank: You went out last night?
Billy: I was watching TV, I got bored. I decided to go for a ride.
Sheriff Burke: Did you happen to drive by Casey Becker's house too?
Billy: No I didn't.
Billy: Sheriff, I didn't kill anybody.
Sheriff Burke: Were gonna have to hold you son until we get those phone
Billy: That's crazy, you know I didn't do it.
Woman: Camera 2? Okay.
Kenny: Are there anymore donuts in here?
Gale: Move it Kenny.
Kenny: They're not letting anybody in.
Gale: I'm not just anybody.
Kenny: Bitch goddess.
Gale: Kenny, are we on?
Kenny: Yeah! Go!
Gale: Hi! Gale Weathers reporting live from Woodsboro police station
hoping to get a glimpse of
Sidney Prescott.
Police Officer: Hey watch it lady.
Gale: Hey, watch the hand, don't you know who your dealing with?
Billy: Tell them, come on dad, tell them.
Police Officer: He's waiting for the lawyer, Billy.
Billy: Sidney, Sidney come on you know me.
Billy: Sidney look at me, come on!
Tatum: Sid, we are going to get you out of here okay? Are you okay?
Dewey: They sell this costume in every five and dime in the state.
There is no way we can track the
Sheriff Burke: What about the cellular phone bill?
Dewey: We're pulling Loomis's account we won't know anything till morning.
Tatum: Oh come on!
Dewey: Think he did it?
Sheriff Burke: Twenty years ago I would've said "not a chance" these
kids today dammed if I
Tatum: Hey Dewey can we go yet?
Dewey: Just a minute.
Tatum: God damm it Dewey.
Dewey: What did mama tell you?
Dewey: When I wear this badge you treat me as a man of the law.
Tatum: I'm sorry Deputy-Dewey-Boy but, we are ready to go now ok?
Police Officer: Whoa!
Sheriff Burke: Take them out the back way to avoid that circus out
Dewey: Come on.
Tatum: Don't touch me.
Dewey: That was my superior.
Tatum: Janitors are your superior.
Sheriff Burke: Let's get back to work!
Gale: Isn't there a back way out of this place?
Kenny: Yeah, down that alley I think.
Dewey: You guys stay here, I'm going to get the car.
Dewey: Don't move, Don't make a sound.
Gale: There she is, Sidney! Hi! That's some night. What happened? Are
you alright?
Tatum: She's not answering any questions. Just leave us alone.
Sidney: No Tatum. It's okay. She's just doing her job. Right Gale?
Gale: Yes, that's right.
Sidney: How's the book?
Gale: Well, it'll be out later this year.
Sidney: I'll look for it.
Gale: I'll send you a copy!
Kenny: Jeez.
Kenny: Nice Shot.
Sidney: Bitch.
Dewey: where did you learn to punch like that.
Tatum's house
Tatum: God I loved it "I'll send you a copy"
Tatum: BAM bitch went down!
Tatum: "I'll send you a copy" BAM Sid Super Bitch!
Tatum: You are so cool!
Dewey: I thought you might want some ice for that right hook.
Sidney: Thanks.
Dewey: I'll be right next door. Try to get some sleep.
Tatum: Do you really think Billy did it?
Sidney: He was there Tatum.
Tatum: He was destined to have a flaw, I knew he was too perfect.
Mom: Telephone honey.
Tatum: Who is it?
Mom: It's for Sid.
Tatum: Take a message.
Sidney: I'll get it.
Sidney: My dad? Mom: I don't think so.
Mom: How she doing?
Down stairs on the phone
Sidney: Hello?
Voice: Hello Sidney.
Sidney: NO!
Voice: Poor Billy - boyfriend.
Voice: An innocent guy doesn't stand a chance with you.
Sidney: Leave me alone.
Voice: Look's like you fingered the wrong guy again!
Sidney: Who are you?
Mom: Dewey?
Tatum: Hang up Sid!
Voice: You'll find out soon enough I promise.
Tatum: What? What?
Dewey: What?
Dewey: Hello
The next morning
Reporter: Sidney Prescott escaped a vicious attack last night. Sidney
is the daughter of Maureen
Prescott who was brutally killed last year by convicted murderer Cotton
Weary broke into their
home and savagely raped and tortured the deceased. Cotton Weary is
now waiting appeal for the
death sentence handed down by young Sidney after she testified against
him. She was the key
witness in the state's case against....
Sidney: It's never going to stop is it?
Dewey: Billy was released his cellular phone bill was clean, he didn't
make those calls.
Dewey: We are checking every cellular account in the county. Any calls
made to you or Casey
Becker are being cross-referenced. It's Gonna take some time.
Dewey: Okay?
Dewey: Don't worry, Sid. It's school you'll be safe here.
Reporter: So how's it feel to be almost brutally butchered?
Dewey: Leave her alone!
Reporter: We have a right to know.
Dewey: Leave her alone.
Reporter: How does it feel?
Dewey: She just wants to get an education.
Tatum: What?
Sidney: Just a sec.
Gale: Stop right there.
Sidney: I'm not here to fight! I need to talk.
Gale: Kenny, camera now!
Sidney: Off the record, no camera.
Gale: Forget it!
Sidney: Please, you owe me!
Gale: I owe you shit!
Sidney: You owe my mother!
Gale: Your mother's murder was last year's hottest court case. Someone
was going to write a book
about it.
Sidney: Right, but it had to be you with all your lies and bullshit
Gale: What is your problem? You got what you wanted. Cotton Weary is
in jail they're Gonna gas
him. A book's not Gonna change that.
Sidney: Do you still think he's innocent?
Gale: Your t0estimony put him away it doesn't matter what I think.
Sidney: During the trial you did all those stories about me calling
me a liar?
Gale: I think you falsely identified him! Yes.
Sidney: Have you talked to Cotton?
Gale: Many times.
Sidney: Has his story changed?
Gale: He admits to having sex with your mother but, that's all.
Sidney: He's lying she would of never touched him. He raped her and
then he butchered her. Her
blood was all over his coat.
Gale: He was drunk that night. He left his coat at your house after
your mother seduced him.
Sidney: I saw him leave wearing it.
Gale: No! You saw someone wearing that coat...The same someone planting
it in Weary's car.
Framing him!
Sidney: No! Cotton murdered my mother.
Gale: Your not so sure anymore are you?
Tatum: Nice welt sweetie.
Tatum: Let's go Sid.
Gale: Those murders are related.
Sidney: I'm sorry I mangled your face.
Gale: Sidney don't go.
Tatum: Just stop all right.
Gale: Jesus Christ.
Gale: An innocent man on death row, A killer's still on the loose,
Kenny tell me I am dreaming.
Kenny: You wanna go live?
Gale: Not so fast we don't have anything concrete.
Kenny: You can't just sit on it.
Gale: I know that's why we need proof. If I am right , I could save
a man's life. Do you know what
that could do to my book sales?
Sidney: This is a mistake I shouldn't be here.
Tatum: I want you to meet me here right after class. Okay Sid?
Sidney: All right.
Sidney: Haven't seen Billy around. Is he really pissed?
Stu: Oh you mean after you branded him the Candyman?
Stu: No his heart is broken.
Tatum: Stu.
Stu: Oww.
Sidney: Why are they doing this?
Stu: Are you kidding it's like Christmas.
Tatum: Stupidity Leak!
Stu: Take it easy.
Tatum: Sidney.
Billy: Oww.
Sidney; Jesus...shit
Billy: It's just me.
Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you still think its me don't you?
Sidney: No no I don't
Sidney: It's just that someone was there. Someone was there Billy,
someone was trying to kill me.
Billy: I know the police said I must of scared him off.
Sidney: I know he called me again last night at Tatum's house.
Billy: See, It couldn't be me. I was in jail, remember.
Sidney: I'm so sorry, please understand.
Billy: Understand what?
Billy: That I have a girlfriend who would rather accuse me of a being
a psychopathic killer than
touch me.
Sidney: You know that's not true.
Billy: Then what is it?
Sidney: What is it?
Sidney: Billy, I was attack and nearly filleted last night.
Billy: I mean between us.
Billy: You haven't been the same since your mother died.
Sidney: Is your brain leaking?
Sidney: My mom was killed! I can't believe you are bringing this up.
Billy: It's been a year.
Sidney: One year, one year tomorrow.
Billy: I think it's time you got over that.
Billy: When my mom left my dad, I accepted it, that's how it is. She's
not coming back. Sidney:
Your parents split up! Not the same thing. Your mom left town, she's
not lying in a coffin
Billy: Okay, Okay, I'm sorry, It's a bad analogy.
Billy: It's just that I want my girlfriend back.
Billy: SID!!
Sidney: I'm sorry that my traumatized like has inconvenience to you
and your perfect existence.
Billy: What? What?
Billy: Nobody said that Sid.
Billy: STUPID!
Mr. Himbry: You make me sick. Your entire havok-enducing, thieving,
whoring generation disgusts
me. So 2 of your fellow students were just savagely murdered and this
is the way you show your
compassion and sensitivity. Huh? Let me tell you something, You both
expelled! Get out!
Kid #1: Come on, Mr. Himbry that's not fair.
Mr. Himbry: Your absolutely right. It's not fair. Fairness would be
to rip your insides out. Hang you
from a tree so we can expose you for the heartless desensitized little
shits that you are.
Girl #1: She was never attacked, I think she made it all up.
Girl #2: Why would she lie about it.
Girl #1: For attention. The girl has some serious issues. What if she
did it, what if Sidney killed
Casey and Steve?
Girl #2: Why would she do that?
Girl #1: Maybe she had the hots for Steve and killed them both in a
jealous rage.
Girl #2: What would Sidney want with Steve? She has her own bubble-butt
boyfriend, Billy.
Girl #1: Maybe she's a slut just like her mother.
Girl #2: Your evil.
Girl #1: Please It's a common fact, her mother was a tramp.
Girl #2: Cut her some slack she watched her mom get butchered.
Girl #1: And it fucked her up royally. Think about it her mothers death
left her disturbed and hostile
in a cruel and inhumane world. She's delusion. Where's God etc. She's
completely suicidal. One
day she snaps wants to kill herself but, finds out that teen suicide
is out this year and homicide is a
more healthier, therapeutic expression.
Girl #2: Where do you get this shit?
Girl #1: Ricki Lake.
Girl #2: Your pathetic.
Sidney: I am Pathetic?
Man: Sidney.
Sidney: Is someone there?
Reporter: In what appears to be a prank, several students have been
seen wearing scary masks.
School officials have yet to comment. This is known to be the same
costume worn by the killer.
Another reporter: 17 year old Casey Becker and her boyfriend Steven
Orth have already lost their
lives. Who's next?
Gale: Hi! Gale Weathers, field correspondent Top Story.
Dewey: I know who you are Miss. Weathers.
Dewey: How's the eye?
Gale: Productive! Is there a problem on campus?
Dewey: No, everything is under control.
Gale: Of course, your here.
Dewey: Your not supposed to be here.
Gale: I know, I'm supposed to be in New York covering the Sharon Stone
stalker. But who knew?
Gale: You look awfully young to be a police officer.
Dewey: I'm 25 years old.
Gale: You know in a demographic study, I prove to be most popular in
males 11 - 24.
Gale: I guess I just missed you. Of course you don't look a day older
than 12.
Gale: Except in that upper torso area. Does the force require you to
work out?
Dewey: No mam. Cause my boyish looks, muscle mass has increased to
my acceptance as a
serious police officer.
P.A.: I need your attention now, kids. Due to the recent events that
have just occurred, effective
immediately classes will be suspended until further notice. The Woodsboro
police department has
issued a city wide curfew beginning at 9:00 tonight.
Gale: Looks like we've got a serial killer on our hands.
Dewey: Serial killer's not really accurate.
Dewey: You got to knock off a couple more to get that title.
Gale: We can hope can't we?
Gale: I mean we don't have certainly any leads.
Gale: Have you located Sidney's father?
Dewey: No not yet.
Gale: He's not a suspect is he?
Dewey: Well, we haven't ruled him out as..a..possibility.
Dewey: If you excuse me...
Gale: I'm sorry am I keeping you?
Dewey: If I may say so Miss. Weathers you are much prettier in person.
Gale: So you do watch the show.
Dewey: I'm 25, I was 24 for a whole year.
Gale: Please, call me Gale!
Tatum: It was just some sick fuck having a laugh, Sid.
Sidney: No, it was him Tatum. I know it.
Tatum: You're not going to pee anymore alone. If you pee, I pee. Is
that clear?
Stu: Kizzo, Kaskcoo is out, I don't know what you did Sidney, but on
behalf of the entire school
we say "Thank you!"
Tatum: Drop it, Stu!
Stu: I say... an impromptu party tonight at my house to celebrate this
fiesta. What do you say?
Sidney: Are you serious?
Stu: This little vixen doesn't invite the entire world we'll be okay.
Intimate gathering, Intimate friends.
Tatum: What do you say Sid?
Tatum: I mean pathos could have it's perks.
Stu: Totally protected. Yo, I am so buff. I've got you covered, girl.
Tatum: Come on Sid, for me? It will be fun.
Sidney: Okay, whatever.
Stu: Yeah? Nice.
Stu: Cool, you guys bring food all right?
Back in school
Mr. Himbry: Yes?
Mr. Himbry: Hello?
Mr. Himbry: Damn little shits.
Fred: What did you call me? Huh?
Mr. Himbry: Not you Fred. Prick.
Mr. Himbry: Aaah! Aaaah! Uhh!
Back at Tatum's house
Tatum: What if Cotton Weary is telling the truth? Maybe he was having
an affair with your mom.
Tatum: I mean your dad is always out of town on business,
Tatum: Maybe your mom was just a very unhappy woman.
Sidney: If they were having an affair how come Cotton couldn't prove
it in court?
Tatum: Well, you can't prove a rumor. That's why it's called a rumor.
Sidney: Right, created by that tabloid twit, Gale Weathers.
Tatum: It goes farther back, Sid.
Tatum: There's been talk of other men.
Sidney: And you believe it?
Tatum: Well, you can only hear that Richard Gere gerbil story so many
times before you got to start
to believe it. Oh, I'm sorry.
Sidney: Y - Y know if I was wrong about Cotton Weary, the killer's
still on the loose.
Tatum: Don't go there, Sid.
Tatum: Your starting to sound like some Wes Carpenter flick or something.
Tatum: Don't freak yourself out, we got a long night in front of us.
Tatum: Let's boogie.
At the Video store
Man #1: Excuse me, dude.
Man #2: Watch it, Jerk!
Stu: Oh sorry.
Randy: Ohhh.
Randy: Dork.
Stu: Jesus this place is packed tonight.
Randy: We had a run in the mass murder section.
Stu: You coming to my fiesta?
Randy: Yeah, I'm off early cause curfew you know.
Girl: What's that werewolf movie with E.T.'s mom in it?
Randy: The Howling, horror, straight ahead.
Girl: Thanks.
Randy: Now, that's in bad taste.
Stu: What?
Randy: If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath, would
you be standing in the horror
Stu: What? It was just a misunderstanding. He didn't do anything.
Randy: Your such a little lap dog.
Randy: He's got killer printed all over his forehead.
Stu: Oh really, How come the cops let him go, smart guy?
Randy: Cause they obviously they don't watch enough horror movies.
This is standard horror movie
stuff. Prom night revisited.
Stu: Yeah? Why would he want to kill his own girlfriend?
Randy: There's always some stupid bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend.
Stu: Oh.
Randy: That's the beauty of it all, simplicity.
Randy: Besides if you get too confusing you lose your target audience.
Stu: Well, what's his reason?
Randy: Maybe Sidney wouldn't have sex with him?
Stu: What is she saving herself for you?
Randy: Maybe. Now that Billy tried to manipulate her. Do you think
Sid would go out with me?
Stu: *a long laugh* NO I DON'T AT ALL! NO!
Stu: You know who I think it is?
Stu: I think it's her father. Why can't they find her pops, Man?
Randy: Because he's probably DEAD! His body will come popping up in
the last reel or something.
Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out!
Randy: The police are always off track with this shit!
Stu: Man!
Randy: If they watched Prom Night, they'd save time.
Randy: There's a formula to it. A very simple formula! Everybody is
a suspect!
Randy: I'm telling you, The dad's a red herring. It's Billy!
Billy: How do we know it's not your not the killer, huh?
Billy: Huh?
Randy: Hi Billy.
Billy: Maybe your movie freaked mind lost its reality button. Ever
think of that?
Randy: Your absolutely right I'm first to admit it. If this was a scary
movie I would be the chief
Stu: What would be your motive?
Randy: It's the Millennium. Motives are incidental.
Billy: "Millennium" hmm.. I like that. That's good. Millennium. Good
Stu: "Millennium" good word my man.
Randy: Your telling me that's not a killer.
In town
Sidney: Sure is quiet. God, look at this place.
Sidney: It's the town of the "Dreaded Sun Down".
Dewey: I saw that movie. It was about a killer in Texas huh?
Tatum: Hey Sid, just think if they make movie about you? Who's Gonna
play you?
Sidney: I shudder to think.
Dewey: I see you as a young Meg Ryan myself.
Sidney: Thanks Dewey with my luck they cast Tori Spelling.
Dewey: I'm just Gonna be a few minutes. You girls don't go far.
In the grocery store
Sidney: Is Billy Gonna be there tonight?
Tatum: He'd better not. I told Stu to keep his mouth shut.
Tatum: I think we can live without the endorphin rush for one night.
Sidney: Billy's right. Whenever he touches me I can't relax.
Tatum: So you have a few intimacy issues as a result of your mother's
untimely death.
Tatum: That's no big deal Sid. You'll thaw out.
Sidney: Yeah, but he has been so patient with all the sex stuff. How
many guys would put up with a
girl that's sexually anorexic?
Tatum: Billy and his penis don't deserve you. All right?
At the Woodsboro police station
Sheriff Burke: Dewey, where the hell have you been?
Dewey: I was keeping an eye on Sidney uh- -.
Dewey: Thought you quit?
Sheriff Burke: I did but damn it - -.
Sheriff Burke: Dewey, Vital Phone just faxed us. Those phone calls
are listed to Neil Prescott,
Sidney's father.
Sheriff Burke: He made those calls with the cellular phone, it's been
Dewey: There's no way a cellular could be cloned?
Sheriff Burke: There's more guess what tomorrow is...
Sheriff Burke: The anniversary of his wife's death.
Sheriff Burke: We'll keep the road blocks and curfew in effect through
the night.
Sheriff Burke: If he's not picked up by morning, we'll do a house-to-house.
Sheriff Burke: Where's Sidney?
Dewey: She's with my sister.
Dewey: Do you want me to bring her in?
Sheriff Burke: Naw. Not just yet.
Sheriff Burke: Let's find Neil fist, make sure he's our man.
Sheriff Burke: You stay close to Sidney. Don't let her out of your
Dewey: Yes Sir.
At Stu's house
Dewey: All right you girls have fun, Not too much fun or I'll bust
Dewey: Bye Sid.
Sidney: Bye.
Tatum: Here kids.
Tatum: Oh that's absurd.
Stu: Your tardy for the party so we started without you.
Stu: Oh my man.
Gale: Shh.
Kenny: Were we spotted?
Gale: I don't think so, go get the camera.
Dewey: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare ya.
Gale: Deputy, that's okay.
Dewey: So what brings you to these parts?
Gale: Well you never know when or where a story will break.
Dewey: Not much of a story here just a bunch of kids cutting it loose.
Gale: Then what are you doing here?
Dewey: Just keeping an eye on things.
Dewey: I'm Gonna check the party out.
Gale: Do you mind if I join you?
Dewey: Not at all.
Gale: Let me get my coat.
Gale: Thanks.
Gale: All right.
Dewey: I'm fine.
Dewey: Oh yeah.
In Stu's house
Randy: How many evil deed's?
Randy: One? Two?
Randy: How many Hellraiser's?
Stu: Hellraiser right here.
Sidney: The Fog, Terror Train, Prom Night. How come Jamie Lee Curtis
is in all of these movies?
Randy: She's the Scream Queen!
Stu: With a set of lungs like that she should be.
Stu: Yeah.
Tatum: Tits, see?
Stu: Oh, I'll get it.
Stu: Hey Tate, grab another beer will ya? There's beer in the garage.
Tatum: What am I the Beer wench?
Randy: She was nominated for Terror Train.
Sidney: Oh yeah?
Stu: You'll never believe who's here! It's that chic from Top Story!
Dewey: Your under age son, I'm kidding have a good time.
Tatum: Dewey?
Dewey: Hi!
Tatum: Dewey?
Tatum: What is she doin' here?
Dewey: She's with me.
Dewey: I'm just checking things out.
Tatum: So you did.
Tatum: Now leave and take your media mouth with you. Girl #1: I just
think your awesome.
Gale: Oh thank you very much.
Girl #2: I watch your show religiously.
Gale: That's great.
Dewey: Hey.
Sidney: Hey.
Randy: I need a camera.
Sidney: Have you found my father?
Dewey: I'm afraid not.
Sidney: Should I be worried?
Dewey: Not yet.
Boy #1: That's the one I want HALLOWEEN!
The garage
Tatum: MMM.
Tatum: Jesus!
Tatum: Tatum it's okay.
Tatum: Shit.
Tatum: Hey Shitheads!
Tatum: Hello?
Tatum: Shit, Piss.
Tatum: Is that you Randy?
Tatum: Cute, what movie is this from?
Tatum: I spit on your garage?
Tatum: Lose the costume, if Sidney sees it she'll flip.
Tatum: Oh, you wanna play psycho killer?
Tatum: Can I be the helpless victim?
Tatum: Okay let's see, On no Mr. Ghostface don't kill me I want to
be in the sequel.
Tatum: Cut Casper that's a wrap.
Tatum: Randy, what the hell are you doing?
Tatum: Ahhh! Stop!
Tatum: Fucker!
Tatum: Ahhh! No! No!
Stu: Happy Curfew!
Boy #1: Nice party, Stu.
Sidney: TATUM come on!
Sidney: Do you know where she is?
Billy: Ah!
Sidney: Oh Billy Hey?
Stu: MM. Billy what are you doing here?
Billy: I was hoping to talk to Sidney alone.
Sidney: You know if Tatum sees you she'll draw blood.
Stu: You know, why don't you guys go up to my parents bedroom?
Stu: So you guys can talk, whatever.
Billy: Subtlety Stu, you should look it up.
Sidney: No it's okay we need to talk.
Stu: Ooh! Ow!
Randy: What's leatherface doing here?
Stu: Cute, He came to make up.
Randy: There goes my chance with Sid. Damn it.
Stu: As if, that's all I'm going to say, as if.
Randy: Oh really Alicia? "As if" I'm going to check on them.
Kenny: Come on!
Kenny: You are a genius. Oh shit!
Gale: What?
Kenny: I got a delay.
Gale: How long is it?
Kenny: I don't know.
Kenny: What did it take you to walk from the house? 30 seconds?
Gale: It'll be fine. Just record it.
Gale: Oh, the placement is perfect.
Gale: Tell me Kenneth?
Kenny: Hmm?
Gale: Has a cheesy tabloid journalist ever won the Pulitzer?
Kenny: First time for everything.
Gale: Your god damn right.
Billy: So um...
Billy: So...I'm sorry, I've been selfish and I want to apologize.
Sidney: No Billy, I - I am the one who's been selfish and self-absorbed
with all of this post
traumatic stress.
Billy: You lost your mom!
Sidney: Yeah, I know but your right. Enough is enough. I can't wallow
in the grief process forever
and I can't keep lying to myself about who my mother was. Yeah I think,
I'm really scared. That I'm
Gonna turn out just like her you know? Like the bad seed or something
and I know it doesn't make
any sense.
Billy: Yeah it does. hmm...It's like Jodie Foster in "Silence of the
Lambs" when she keeps having
flashbacks of her dead father.
Sidney: But this is life. It's not a movie.
Billy: Sure it is Sid. It's all it is. It's just one big movie.
Billy: Only you can't pick your genre.
Sidney: Why can't I be a Meg Ryan movie or even a good porno.
Billy: What?
Sidney: You heard me!
Billy: Are you sure?
Sidney: Yeah I think so.
Randy: Look, Look, Look here it comes!
Boy #1: Whoa Ohh!
Boy #2: Why do they do that?
Boy #2: The blood is all wrong. It's too red.
Randy: Wait, here comes another.
Boy #1: Ooh, yes .
Boy #1: Predictable, I knew he was going to bite it.
Boy #2: How can you watch this shit over and over?
Randy: Shh.
Stu: I wanna see Jamie Lee's breast.
Stu: When will we see Jamie Lee's breasts?
Randy: Breasts?
Randy: Not until "Trading Places" in '83.
Randy: Jamie was always the virgin in horror movies.
Randy: She never showed her tits until she went legits.
Girl #1: Couldn't afford a decent pair.
Randy: That's why she always out smarted the killer in the big chase
scene at the end.
Randy: Only virgins can do that, don't you know the rules?
Stu: What rules?
Randy: Jesus Christ, You don't know the rules?!
Stu: Have an aneurysm why don't you!
Randy: There are certain rules you must abide by in order to successfully
survive a horror movie.
Randy: For instance. #1 You can never have sex. Big no-no Big no-no.
Stu: I'd be a dead man.
Randy: Sex equals death okay?
Randy: #2 You can never drink or do drugs. No E sin factor. This is
It's an extension of number 1.
Randy: #3 never ever under any circumstances do you ever say "I'll
be right back" cause you won't
be back.
Stu: I'm getting another beer you want one?
Randy: Yeah sure.
Stu: "I'll be right back!"
Randy: You push the laws and you end up dead. I'll see you in the kitchen
with a knife.
Gale: Um..boring.
Dewey: The sheriff just radioed. Somebody just reported a car in the
bushes down the road.
Dewey: I'm Gonna go check it out.
Dewey: Would you care to join me?
Gale: I'd love to.
Gale: If your sure it's all right?
Dewey: Mam, I'm the deputy of this town.
Gale: Be right back.
Dewey: W - - excuse me mam.
Gale: Mhmm.
Dewey: I thought maybe we'd walk.
Dewey: It's such a nice night out. I got a flashlight.
Dewey: Your not scared are you?
Gale: No.
Gale: All right.
Dewey: Great.
Dewey: Do you know what that constellation is?
Gale: No, what is it?
Dewey: I don't know that's why I was asking you.
Boy #1: What happened to Tatum, Stu?
Stu: She probably got pissed at me and bailed.
Stu: No. I'm just kidding.
Randy: Look! Here comes the obligatory tit shot.
Boy #1 and #2: Yes! Oh! Beautiful! Lovely! Oh my god!
Girl #1: I'll leave you guys alone.
Billy: You are so amazing.
Randy: Hello?
Randy: Yeah?
Randy: Holy Shit!
Randy: No.
Randy: Listen up!
Randy: They found Principal Himbry dead. He was gutted and hung on
the goal post in the football
Boys: What are we waiting for? Let's go before they pry him down. Where
did he say he was? The
football field.
Randy: Come on! Where you guys going?
Randy: We were just getting to the good part!
Boys: Whoo! Hi Ho Silver! Let's Go!
Gale: So, is Dewey your real name?
Dewey: No. It's Dwight.
Gale: Dwight?
Gale: I'm sorry.
Dewey: No it's all right.
Dewey: It's just something I got stuck with a long time ago.
Gale: Well, I like it. It's sexy.
Dewey: Sexy?
Gale: Mhmm.
Dewey: It's just this town's way of not taking me serious.
Gale: What about Gale Weathers? It sounds like I'm a meteorologist
or something.
Gale: People treat me like I'm the anti-Christ of television journalism.
Dewey: I don't think your that bad.
Gale: No? I think that's just because you kinda like me.
Dewey: They are sure coming fast. SLOW DOWN!
Dewey: I'm sorry are you okay?
Gale: Yeah.
Dewey: I'm sorry I'm on duty.
Gale: Is that what your looking for?
Dewey: My whole life.
Dewey: Damn.
Gale: What?
Gale: What is it?
Dewey: This is Neil Prescott's car.
Gale: Sidney's father?
Dewey: Yeah.
Dewey: Jesus, what's he doing here?
Dewey: We gotta get back.
Billy: You okay?
Sidney: Yeah, yeah I'm fine.
Sidney: Who'd you call?
Billy: What?
Sidney: Um..Well..when your arrested you are allowed a phone call.
I was just curious who'd you
Billy: I called my dad.
Sidney: No, I saw Sheriff Burke call your dad. I saw him.
Billy: Yeah, but when I called there wasn't an answer.
Sidney: Huh?
Billy: You still don't think it's me do you?
Sidney: No No.
Sidney: I was just thinking if it was you it would be a clever way
to throw me off track. You know
to use your one phone call to call me so I wouldn't think it was you.
That is all.
Billy: Really?
Billy: What do I have to do to prove to you I am not a killer?
Sidney: Oh my god huh?
Sidney: Oh my god.
Billy: Sidney?
Sidney: Billy, watch out!
Billy: Ahhh! Ahhh! SID!
Sidney: No!
Sidney: Shit!
Sidney: Help me somebody help me.
The field
Sidney: HELP ME!
in the house
Randy: Watch out Jamie you know he's around.
Randy: You you know.
Randy: Look there he is I told you.
Randy: He's right around the corner.
Randy: J- J- Jamie look behind you, Jamie look behind you! Look behind
you! Turn around,
behind you! Behind you Jamie, Jamie turn around.
Randy: Oh god, Yeah
Sidney: Help me! Help me!
Sidney: Let me in!
Sidney: The killer's after me. He's in the house.
Kenny: Where wait!
Kenny: There's a camera in the house. Look! Behind you!
Kenny: Oh my god! No oh shit! Behind you kid!
Sidney: RANDY! Behind you. Look around!
Kenny: Shit!
Sidney: What?
Kenny: Were on a 30 second delay.
Kenny: Oh my god.
Kenny: Ahh!
Kenny: The door.
Sidney: Ahh!
Dewey: Is there a phone in the van?
Gale: Yeah.
Dewey: Lock yourself in it and call the sheriff for back up.
Dewey: Be careful!
Dewey: Neil?
Dewey: Mr. Prescott?
Gale: Shit!
Gale: Kenny, I need the cellular.
Gale: Kenny!
Gale: Kenny!
Gale: 9-1-1.
Randy: What's going on?
Randy: Ooh! Aah!
Gale: Oh god! Oh! Oh God! Kenny, I'm sorry but get the fuck off me
Sidney: STOP!
Sidney: Oh god!
Sidney: Dewey!
Sidney: Dewey!
Sidney: Dewey, where are you?
Sidney: Dewey?
Dewey: Sidney?
Sidney: Shit!
Radio: 7825 code 6 suspect at 105 N. Avenue 52.
Sidney: Hello! Help Me! I'm at Stu Macher's house on Turner Lane. It's
261 Turner Lane. Please
he's gonna try and kill me.
Randy: Jesus, we got to get the fuck out of here.
Sidney: Stop, right there!
Randy: Don't shoot, It's me. I found Tatum she's dead. I think Stu
did it!
Stu: Don't listen to him Sidney!
Sidney: Stay back!
Randy: Stu did it!
Stu: He killed Billy. He killed my Tatum.
Stu: You did it. You killed my Tatum.
Randy: No, I didn't you lied.
Stu: Sidney, baby, please give me that gun. Give me that gun. Christ
Randy: No he did it, Sid. He did it. He did it Sidney. Please, I didn't
do it, He did it Sidney. Please
Sidney. NO!
Sidney: Fuck YOU BOTH!
Randy: No No SIDNEY! Open up he did it help me! He's going crazy Sidney.
Sidney: GO AWAY! leave me alone.
Billy: Sid?
Sidney: Billy?
Sidney: Oh B- B- Are you okay?
Sidney: Okay?
Sidney: I thought you were dead.
Billy: I'm like a stuck pig but, I am all right.
Billy: I'm okay.
Sidney: Your bleeding.
Sidney: Oh my god.
Billy: We got to get help.
Sidney: No he's out there.
Billy: Give me the gun. Give me the gun. It's okay.
Sidney: Careful.
Randy: Please. Help me!
Billy: Come in! Come in!
Randy: Stu's flipped out, he's gone mad!
Billy: We all go a little mad sometimes.
Sidney: No No BILLY!
Randy: OH Fuck!
Billy: Anthony Perkins, Psycho.
Billy: Mmm.
Billy: Corn syrup. The same stuff they used as pig's blood in Carrie.
Sidney: Stu.
Sidney: Help me please.
Stu: Surprise Sidney.
Sidney: No ooh!
Billy: Oh now Whoa!
Billy: What's the matter Sidney? It looks like you've seen a ghost.
Sidney: Why are you doing this?
Stu: It's all part of the game, Sidney.
Billy: It's called guess how I am going to die!
Sidney: Fuck YOU!
Billy: NO NO NO we already played that game remember you lost.
Stu: It's a fun game, Sidney. See we ask you a question you get it
wrong bookah you die.
Billy: You get it right you die!
Sidney: Your crazy, both of you!
Stu: Actually we prefer the term "psychotic".
Sidney: You'll never get away with this.
Billy: OH NO?
Billy: Tell that to Cotton Weary. You wouldn't believe how easy he
was to frame.
Stu: Watch a few movies, take a few notes, It was fun!
Sidney: NO!
Billy: Whoa!
Stu: Where you going?
Sidney: Why? Why did you kill my mother?
Billy: Why? Why!
Billy: You hear that Stu? I think she wants a motive.
Billy: I don't really believe in motives Sid.
Billy: Did Norman Bates have a motive?
Stu: NO!
Billy: Did they ever really decide why Hannibal Lector like to eat
Billy: I don't think so!
Billy: It's allot scarier when there is no motive Sid.
Billy: We did your mother a favor.
Billy: That woman was a slut-bag whore who flashed her shit all over
town , like she was Sharon
Stone or something. Yeah, we put her out of her misery.
Stu: Let's face it Sid, your mother was no Sharon Stone. hmm?
Billy: Is that motive enough for you?
Billy: How about this?
Billy: Your slut mother was fucking my father.
Billy: And she's the reason my mom moved out and abandoned me.
Billy: How's that for a motive?
Billy: Maternal abandonment causes serious deviant behavior. It certainly
fucked you up. It caused
you to have sex with a psychopath.
Stu: That's right you gave it up. Your no longer a virgin Ooh!
Stu: I said "virgin" Whoops!!
Stu: Now you got to die, those are the rules.
Billy: Let's pretend it's all one big scary movie. How do you think
it's gonna end?
Stu: Oh! Oh! This is the greatest part you're gonna love this! Yeah
your gonna love this one. It's a
scream baby! Hold on a sec, I'll be right back!
Billy: You know what time it is, Sid? It's after midnight. It's your
mom's anniversary. We killed her
exactly one year ago today.
Stu: ATTENTION oh..look what we have behind door #3, Sidney.
Sidney: Daddy.
Billy: Whoa hold it.
Billy: That's enough.
Stu: Guess we won't be needing this anymore. uh-huh. And oh look at
this ring-ring won't need this.
Billy: Got the ending figured out yet, Sid?
Stu: Come on Sid, You think about it now, huh? Your daddy's the chief
suspect we cloned his
cellular. Evidence is all right there baby!
Billy: What if your father snapped? Your mothers anniversary set him
off and he went on a killing
spree. Killing everyone.
Stu: Except for me and Billy we were left for dead.
Billy: And then he kills you and shots himself in the head. Perfect
Stu: I thought of that.
Billy: Watch this.
Billy: Ready?
Stu: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, baby, Right, get it up, yeah, baby, get it up,
hit it, good one man! Jesus! Oh
shit, my turn!
Billy: Don't forget go to the side and don't go to deep.
Stu: Okay I'll remember.
Billy: Ahh! Fuck! Fuck! God damn Stu!
Stu: Sorry Billy I guess I got a little too zealous huh?
Billy: Give me the knife.
Stu: No.
Billy: Give me the knife! NOW!
Stu: You see Sid! Everybody dies but us. Everybody dies but us. We
get to carry on and plan the
sequel. Cause let's face t baby, cause these days you gotta have a
Sidney: You sick fucks have seen to many movies!
Billy: Sid, don't blame the movies. The movies don't create psychos,
movies make psychos more
Stu: Oh stop it Billy, would you? All right? I can't take it anymore.
I'm feeling a little woozy here!
Billy: All right, All right, get the gun and I'll untie pops. Okay?
Stu: Um uh - - Houston we have a problem here.
Billy: What?
Stu: The gun man, the gun I put it right here and it's not here.
Billy: Where the fuck is it?
Gale: Right here asshole.
Billy: Man, I thought she was dead!
Stu: She looked dead man! She still does!
Gale: I've got an ending for you. The reporter left for dead in the
news van comes to. Stumbles on
to you 2 dipshits. Finds the gun, foils your plan, and saves the day.
Sidney: I like that ending.
Billy: I know something you don't.
Gale: Fuck No!
Stu: Yeah, Man, Yeah!
Billy: aw so sweet.
Billy: It works better without the safety on.
Billy: This is Gale Weathers signing off.
Stu: Baby your gonna love this!
Stu: Shit!
Billy: What!
Billy: Where are they?
Billy: Where are they?
Stu: I don't know but, I'm hurting man.
Billy: Fuck!
Stu: Shall I let the machine get it?
Billy: Hello?
Sidney: Are you alone in the house?
Billy: Bitch, you bitch, where the fuck are you?
Sidney: Not so fast I want to play a little game...It's called guess
who just called the police and
reported your sorry motherfucking ass.
Billy: Find her you dipshit get up!
Stu: I can't Billy. I think you cut me too deep. I think I'm dying
here man.
Billy: Talk to her, Talk to her.
Stu: Hello?
Sidney: Ah, Stu, Stu, Stu, what's your motive? Billy's got one, the
police are on their way. What are
you going to tell them?
Stu: Peer pressure, I'm far too sensitive.
Billy: I'm going to rip you up you bitch, just like your fucking mother.
Sidney: You got to find me first you pansie-ass-momma's boy.
Billy: fuck
Stu: Fuck! Oh you fucker you hit me with the phone dick!
Billy: Fucker, where are you?
Billy: You Fuck!
Stu: Did you really call the police?
Sidney: You bet your sorry ass I did.
Stu: My mom and dad are going to be so mad at me.
Billy: Aaahh! Bitch! Aaaahhh! Aaaaaahhh! Aaaaahhhh!
Stu: Ooh! My arm!
Stu: I always had a thing for you Sid!
Stu: Bitch!
Sidney: In your dreams!
Randy: I'm sorry, it's all right.
Sidney: Oh my god Randy I thought you were dead!
Randy: I probably should be, I never thought I would be so happy to
be a virgin.
Billy: Fucker!
Billy: Say hello to your mother!
Sidney: It's okay!
Gale: Guess I remembered the safety that time you bastard!
Randy: Careful.
Randy: This is the moment when the supposedly dead killer comes back
to life for one last scare.
Sidney: Not in my movie.
Sidney: Dad. Sidney: Randy, help me out!
Dad: Ow! Aah!
Sidney: You okay?
Sidney: Are you okay?
Dad: Yeah.
Ambulance: Hang in there buddy?
Dewey: All right?
Dewey: Where's Gale?
Ambulance: Over here sorry kid.
Gale: Okay, I think it's gonna go something like this, Just stay with
me. Hi this is Gale Weathers,
with an exclusive eyewitness account of this amazing breaking story.
Several more local teens are
dead....bringing to the end of the harrowing mystery of the mass killing
that has terrified this peaceful
community like the plot of a some scary movie. It all began with a
scream over 9-1-1 that ended in
a bloodbath that has rocked the town of Woodsboro. All played out here
in this peaceful
farmhouse far from crimes and the sirens of larger cities that its
residents fled. Okay let's take it
back to 1. Come on move it. This is my big shot. Let's go.