SB's World Today!
Live!  From Bailey, Colorado... or damn close to it!

Friday, April 23, 1999 10:00 AM MDT


I shoveled snow three times yesterday and the snow is deeper than Jasper is tall now!  It's bumper high on the Jeep in the driveway and Jasper is afraid to go out in it!  So here is a special edition of my snow update, known as SB's World Today!  It is supposed to keep snowing, so keep checking back at Noon each day to see the latest.

Here is Jas yesterday doing the joyous doggie snow leap off the back deck...

To the Northeast...


Above is the view towards Denver.

On the right, the white space between my front deck and those trees is Pinon Road!


To the Southwest...


Out the kitchen window...


The Snow Archives

Click here to see what it was like on:

March 15, 1999
April 2, 1999
April 15, 1999
April 22, 1999

Email me!


Mushrooms or my deck furniture?

The mound in front is a chair!
I cleared the snow off that railing yesterday!