it's not. It's just the water page. We haven't got much to say
here. As you know every human should know how to swim or just
to stay in the water. We offer that too. We are going three times
a wekk inthe "Maria Luiza" pools. There are three pools
actually - one which is half meterto one, second which is two
meters to three and third, which is from three to five. There
is one long slide, bodybuilding, a jumping place, a jumping tower,
which has a choice for jumping from one to ten meters. Also, a
restaurant, cofee bars and sneck bars all around.
- We
are going waterskiing near Sofia. We are usually going afte noon,
so we take lunch usually in McDonalds. The place, where we are
going, is supplyed with whaterskiing lift, whater skis and saving
water jackets. We will be thankful if your children can swim.
But if not so, we will teach them both - waterskiing and swiming.
Your children are going to be in our care and will have many
emotions. As you know, they don't like when you go to work. After
returning, you won't find their faces sad. They will tell you
stories, which you would like too, and you will wish to be them.
We want to say again, we hope that you like us and you will join
our club!
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