We are pleased to include herewith an Application Form for Membership in The Sociely of Neuroscientists of Africa (SONA).

Purpose: To promote, advance and co-ordinate neuroscience research and awareness in Africa; to enhance training of young African scholars in neurobiology; and, to inform the general public of the importance of basic research, in general, and of Neurosciences in particular in national and technological developments.

Membership: 400 members in December 1992

Membership categories:

Regular - any scientist residing in Africa, who has done research relating to the nervous system and/or cognitive sciences;

Foreign - any scientist residing outside of Africa, who has done research relating to the nervous system and or cognitive sciences;

Student - predoctoral candidates at degree-granting institutions in and/or outside Africa whose research programmes are in the areas of nervous system and/or cognitive sciences. (Student applicant must provide documentation enrollment in a post-graduate programme, i.e., letter of acceptance or letter from Department Head. Applications without documentation will not be considered complete.

Corporate - any registered neuroscience body in Africa.

Affiliate - all persons interested in the Society's objectives but not eligible for another membership class.

1997 Dues:

All entering memberships - $10.00

Life memberships - $100.00

Do not send payment with application. The Society will bill all new members upon acceptance. Payment must be receive by June 30 for members accepted after January 31 or by December 31 for members accepted after June 30.

Regular, Foreign, Affiliate and Student members will receive copies of the African Journal of Neurosciences. Only one copy of the Journal will be sent to the registered office of a Corporate member.

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Membership Application Form

Statement by the Applicant: "I wish to be considered for Regular/Foreign/Corporate/Student/Affiliate membership of SONA.

Surname of Applicant: ........................................................................Other Names: ................................................................

Address: .......................................................................................................................................................................................

Institution: ..................................................................................................................................................................................

Full postal address: (Street, P.O. Box, City, Country, Zip): ........................................................................................................

Telephone number and area code: ..............................................................................................................................................

Fax number and area code: .........................................................................................................................................................

Applicant's signature: ........................................................................................ Date: ...............................................................


Send this form to: Dr. James K. Kimani, SONA Secretary General, Department of Human Anatomy, University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 30197, NAIROBI, Kenya.

Fax No. 254-2-33 6138

Registered at Nairobi, Kenya (Certificate No. 15542) as a non-profit scientific organization.
