Comment received from Cameron Elliot on Tue Jun 20 10:36:26 2000:

It works

and another line which works

Comment received from Ignacio Packer on Tue Jul 4 10:08:43 2000:


I am one of Carlos' brothers... the one in Switzerland.

I just visited with a lot of pleasure your site. Thank you and long live the Brassouls.


Comment received from Monique Elliott on Wed Jul 26 07:17:59 2000:

Hey, It Cherie siter and I think the pictures are really cool, you all look like you are having fun, Good luck for your next gig.
Catch you later

Comment received from Trudie McConnochie on Thu Jul 27 06:20:49 2000:

Hi, my name's Trudie McConnochie and I work for Eye Magazine. I heard about your gig this Saturday through a friend and I would really like to come along and take some photos for our magazine's 'people pages'. It would be great publicity for you! All I'd like is a free ticket. Please contact me at or phone 025 290 7982.

Thanking you,


PS Web page looks fantastic!

Comment received from Darryl on Thu Aug 3 10:45:38 2000:

Great gig at Java Jive on Saturday 30th July.
Who was the strange lone guitarist?
See you soon, darryl.

Comment received from Belinda on Tue Aug 8 17:15:03 2000:

Hey Carlos.... why aren't you on the Home page???? Disappointing!

Keep gigging... I'll keep drumming for now...

All my love,

Comment received from Tania Wilson on Thu Sep 7 10:31:03 2000:

Hi Cameron, I've finally got a computer to borrow, and have time to look at the website - looks excellent, love the pics - pity about the vocals pic (especially the female - yuck!!), but enjoying it!!
Thanks - IN MUSIC Tans xx


Comment received from Jules on Wed Oct 25 00:43:49 2000:

Hey Cherie, the site looks great and i so wanna hear u guys play, must go to Java Jive enxt time in Akl...and Kingsley, phoar what a babe! Your team or mine??? :)

Comment received from wallace on Wed Dec 27 00:52:59 2000:


how are U man ! Congrats on the Brassouls getting into Bfm top 10 - and the Coke Demo derby.

I'll be in touch yeh.


Comment received from Nicole Farr on Mon Jan 1 22:43:56 2001:

Hey Guys
I'm an old buddy of Cherie's from Australia. She emails me all your stuff and I've just checked out your site. I must say it's an excellent site. I have a pretty ancient computer by today's standards and the site was so well put together that my computer actually dealt with it!!!! I also listened to your little bit that the radio station put on their site. It was just so great. I had no idea. I loved it, it was so different. Congrats on the win!
Well anyway gotta go.
P.S. Cherie- write soon!!!

Comment received from Richard Woolf & Glenda Little on Thu Apr 4 04:03:56 2002:

Saw the band at Tauranga. Very nice indeed (we tend to be critical).
We're interested in being on your mailing list. WHY HAVEN'T WE HEARD OF YOU BEFORE???!!!


Comment received from mark on Mon Apr 29 01:31:26 2002:

whens the cd?

Comment received from AB & ABI on Thu Mar 20 07:50:54 2003:

Hey Kings cool web site Come to Brussels and play us sweet music Miss you Loads of love XXXX

Comment received from Tans on Tue May 6 03:13:26 2003:


Comment received from Tania Wilson on Tue May 6 03:14:56 2003:

Hi everybody,
thank you for your interest and comments - but this website is now not in use - and we have a new website which is:

Cheers Tans
In Music xx

Comment received from Louise on Tue May 13 18:35:24 2003:

I would like to know how many CDs you have and how much they are. Could you please email me this information.


Email address:

Comment received from Gavin Marriott on Sun Jul 27 23:43:52 2003:

sorry i can't read your web page - the gold writing against the black background

Comment received from Tania Wilson on Sat Aug 9 06:11:07 2003:

Hi Gavin,
thanks for your email - try:

this will bypass the home page to get into Brassouls website!

Cheers Tans
In Music

Comment received from Su Gourlay on Sun Feb 22 01:50:30 2004:

Hello guys saw you play today in the Domain - Still fab and full of Energy .................wanted to stay til the end and catch up with Carlos ......... but got called away ......... on call midwife now !! Please can you give my details to Carlos would love to catch up - used to share a house in Devonport - I have not seen Carlos for over a year when he had much less hair ................ Thanx Su
Easiest way to catch me leave me a message on my pager - Dial phone number 358 0825 and dial in 4841

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