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Texas etiquette is about as important as anything in the world.  Naturally, there are exceptions but chances are, these people weren't born and raised in Texas!!

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  • Men will always tip his hat or touch two fingers to the brim when he meets a lady on the street.

  • No Texan will ever make fun of another Texan's hat no matter how dirty or bent up it is.

  • Children are taught to say "Ma'am" and "Sir" to anyone older and are generally corrected if they have a moment of brain freeze.  This habit continues well into adulthood.

  • Texans mostly respect other driver's need to hurry, even if they don't feel the need to be, and will most likely pull onto the shoulder of a two-lane road so they can pass.  But, we do expect a wave of the hand to say "thank you" as you zoom by!

  • You best not go over a rancher's fence without his permission no matter how many points that buck has.  This is considered trespassing and property lines are just not violated in Texas.  If you decide to take your chances, then be prepared to explain in the emergency room how you got buckshot in your rear.  Of course they will probably know anyway.  Oh yeah, and don't forget about those Texas bulls who may decide you just shouldn't be there either!

  • There are certain rules to carrying on a conversation with a Texan that are just plain good manners.  You never discuss anything, especially business, without first asking about the family, how they've been feeling and what they think about the weather.  Yankees seem to get impatient with these preliminaries but this is just the way it is.

  • John Wayne, may he rest in peace, rarely removed his hat in the movies when he entered a house or a cafe.  If ladies are present, it is a must that the hat be removed.  And a lady is lady until she proves differently.

  • Texans always compliment a good cook by asking for "seconds" or the very least, the recipe.

  • A Texan always knows when to back down when something from another state is better.  For instance, a Texan knows that the best and hottest hot sauce comes from our cousin state of Louisiana!

  • A Texan will always honk his horn when he's leaving someone's house and then always calls to let them know they made it home safely.

  • Lastly, the most important mannerly act taught to young Texans is to never ask a man where he's from.  If he's from Texas, he'll tell you.  If he isn't, don't embarrass him!


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A special thank you to All Critters graphics for making this background page from a picture of my spotted donkey, Tipper!

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