There are many differences between the Sailormoon manga and anime dealing with the amount of "screen time" Sailorsaturn has. Was something lost in the translation of the manga to anime? Well, what someone didn't want you to know is exposed on the internet for all to see........The Great Saturn Conspiracy, in all it's.....errr.....glory 

     In the Sailormoon manga by Naoko Takeuchi, we first meet frail Tomoe Hotaru in book eight. In book nine, upon recieving Chibiusa's Heart Crystal, a demon known as Mistress 9 takes command over her body.  As possession for Hotaru's body reaches a climax between Mistress 9 and Hotaru, Hotaru reveals her true identity: Bishoujo Senshi Sailorsaturn, senshi of death and rebirth.  Now, you may think, why is this so different from the anime? Well, at this point, there is no difference.  Sailormoon S anime followed the SailormoonS manga very well.  Sailormoon SuperS, however, is a different story.......  On the manga scene, Hotaru is back in book fourteen of the Sailormoon SuperS manga.  She gives super powers to the Outer Senshi and aids Chibiusa against the Amazoness Quartet.  Near the conclusion of Act 40, she is trapped with Chibiusa in a mirror and given to Neherenia.  In the fourth season of the Sailormoon anime, however, Sailorsaturn does not appear at all!!  She doesn't even have a part (not even a cameo!) in the SuperS movie!!! What happened to her? Fortunately, the fifth and final season of BSSM, Sailormoon Sailorstars is like the end of SuperS manga.  Hotaru is back.........but for only 8 episodes!!!! Then, where does she go? There is an incredibly large gap in the season spanning her absense, and she only returns during the final battle against Galaxia, where she is *gasp* killed! (by Uranus and Neptune, who turned against her) What was she doing during the rest of the season?

Final Thoughts....

  • Why is it that Sailorsaturn is only seen in the very beginning and very end of SMStars?  
    She's there throughout the entire manga.   

  • Where does she go when she disappears from the anime?   
    There are several scenes from the manga version that have been ommitted from the anime....what excuse does the anime offer as to her whereabouts?  

  • Why doesn't she get a henshin sequence in the Sailormoon anime?  
    She has one in the manga, and also in a video game.

  • Is she any less of a senshi than the others?  
    Certainly not, if she can destroy the world in three words!  

So far an explanation as to the lack of Saturn in the world has yet to be found.