Talise Clearwater



Talise Clearwater is a ranger. She has small magic abilities, and those are only as strong as the forest she protects. She's good with a bow, and is married to a shapechanger named Kagin. He is usually only human when she asks him to be.

Their forest was destroyed by the awakening of a huge monster in it. The creature took the forest's soul and left to terrorize the land elsewhere. They hunt it, to return their home to it's original beauty and power. Talise is afraid of horses, so she usually rides on Kagin in his beast form.

Kagin has no magical abilities except for his natural power to be either human or a huge furry thing with teeth and his attunement to his forest. He was already protecting it before Talise came to range there. They fought at first until they realized their goals were the same. Talise gave hima name, and they became partners, then cuddlebuddies, then got married. He is a little jealous of her pet glidelizard and secretly plans to eat it when she's not looking.

His picture is below.