Hi! Welcome to my place. I am Alison and I am going into the fifth grade this fall. I got all A's again. I love to go to school and hang out with all of my friends. My best friends are, Elizabeth, Tiffani, and Courtney. We have lots of fun together haning out.

I am enjoying my summer vacation so much. I took a two week French class at school this summer and it was great. I learned quite a bit. We even got to make a French meal.

I love country music the most, but enjoy other music as well. My favorite singer is LeAnn Rimes. I have all of her cd's and know all of her songs by heart. She is great. If you would like to see my page on LeAnn, then CLICK HERE

I got to meet LeAnn Rimes and get her autograph too. It was so cool. I saw LeAnn and Bryan White in their "something to talk about" tour. It was fabulous!!!! My mom took my friend Elizabeth and me to see the concert. We had loads of fun.

I also have a page up for Hanson. I enjoy their music too. Even my mom likes listening to them. :)

I like to watch Nickelodean alot and I love Rugrats. I got to see Rugrats live when they came here. It was so much fun. My mom has to get the film developed so I can put some pictures of the show up here. Hurry up mom!!! hehe

I also collect barbie dolls. They are on shelves all around my room. I even have some of my mom's from when she was little. I no longer share a room with Alyssa either. I got a new bed for my birthday, and I have my very own room now. It is small, but it is all mine. I love it.

I also enjoy reading, writing, drawing, and singing. I usually sing LeAnn Rimes songs, but I sing others too. I also going to my grandma Taylor's house. I like to spend the night with her and go swimming in her pool in the summer. She is a pretty cool grandma :) Mom says she spoils us too much, but I don't think so :)

I hope you enjoy your visit with Alyssa and I. Please come back again soon. We enjoy the company, and don't forget to sign our guestbook on our front page :) Thanks

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Copyright © 1997, 1998 Sheryl Trowbridge