Hi! Welcome to my place. I am Alyssa and I will start kindergarten this fall.

I like to play with my baby dolls. I like to push them in my dolly stroller. Sometimes, I push my brother, Stevie, in it too. :) It is fun.

My best friends are Kara and Cassie. I enjoy playing with them when we visit each other. Cassie is my cousin.

I also like to color, watch nick jr. on tv, I love Rugrats. I got to see Rugrats Live when they were here. It was fun. They made me laugh. I got to go with Cassie.

I like to play outside on my swing and with my dog Charly. He is very hyper. You can see his pictures by Clicking here I also like to play waitress and serve my family and my dolls with all of my play food and my little kitchen set. Mom says I am cute when I do this. She says I act just like a little lady.

I also like to go to my grandma Taylor's house and spend the night. In the summer we get to stay out late and go swimming in the night time. She has lights around her pool, so it isn't dark, but it sure is fun! My grandma also has some new baby kitties. I can't have one to bring home because of my parents, but my grandma is letting me keep one at her house. It is my kitty and it is so cute. I get to take care of it when I am there. I bought it some kitty toys to play with. I love her so much.

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