(1.-above) The congested intersection of Chungshan North Road (foreground to background) and Min Chuan East/West Road (left to right) in Taipei 1970. Looking south on Chungshan N. Road in the direction of the Taipei Government Center and Shimending are the King's Hotel (high-rise on far right) and the upscale 14-story Central Hotel and Central Theater Restaurant (center background) with its revolving rooftop restaurant and lounge. The Majestic Hotel (off to the left of the photo) was on the corner across from the King's Hotel. The Green Garden Hotel was located on the right just beyond the Central Hotel.
(Right Photo) 1970 advertisement for the landmark Central Hotel at 120 Chungshan N. Road, Sec. 2. Shown are the hotel's upscale revolving rooftop restaurant (left side of the advertisement's photo) and lounge (right side). In 1983 the Central Hotel was renamed the Fortuna Hotel. It closed on June 30, 2007 and was demolished soon afterward. Photo courtesy of "Taipics.com"
(Left Photo) Central Theater Restaurant (1966 photo) adjacent to the Central Hotel (far left). Floor shows (1967): 7:45pm, 11:00pm, 12:10am (schedule below ).
(2.) 1969 view from the Central Hotel's revolving rooftop restaurant and lounge looking north. Shown is the busy intersection of Chungshan North Road and Min Chuan East Road (to the right). The back of the King's Hotel is in the lower left corner. The Majestic Hotel is shown under construction in the lower right corner. The Northwest Orient Airlines office (white bldg) is on the corner right across Min Chuan East Road from the Majestic Hotel construction. Further north on Chungshan North Road in the distance were the Linkou Club, East-West Compounds, and Zoo.
The Grand Hotel, 63 Club, Martyrs' Shrine, Shihlin, and the highway to Tien Mou and Peitou were beyond the Zoo and Chungshan N. Road bridge across the murky Keelung River.
(3.) 1970 shot of the front entrance to the "Back Street Market" on Nung An Street where you could buy live chickens,
chicken feet, fish, vegetables, fruit, herbs and anything else imaginable...haggling was expected. The market was located a
block down Nuang An Street from the corner at Chungshan North Road where the Florida Bakery (next photo) was located. (The Dawgs had to hold their breath and walk fast while cutting through the market as a shortcut to their apartments located beyond the "Big Benjo".)
(Right Photo) March 2011 shot taken inside the Back Street Market still operating at the same location. photo by J Valkwitch
(4.) Circa 1971 shot of the rear entrance to the "Back Street Market".
(5.) Fall 1970 photo of the Florida Bakery located on the corner at 23-5 Chungshan N. Road, Sect. 3, and Nung An Street (foreground) where the Linkou Bus dropped-off its passengers.
The "Back Street Market" is off to the left...a short walk down Nung An St. The "Flamingo Club & Restaurant" was on the second floor above the bakery (sign visible). Just beyond the bakery are the neon signs for the OK and Suzie Wong bars. The illuminated Central and King's hotels are in the background. Shot taken from the front of the Japanese Embassy on the corner at 25 Chungshan N. Road, Sect. 3. and Nung An St.
(Right Photo) March 2011 shot of the Florida Bakery at the same location today. photo by J Valkwitch
(Left Images) 1968/69 photo of the Florida Bakery (Click Here for website) known for its breads and baked goods including mooncakes traditionally eaten during the annual Mid-Autumn ("Zhongqiu") Festival every August 15th. 1969 Florida Bakery newspaper ad from The China Post, September 01, 1069 edition.
Image credits: (far left) Florida Bakery website ("Bread.com.tw"), 1969 Florida Bakery newspaper ad provided by J. Crum courtesy of "TaipeiSignalArmy.blogspot.com"
(1.-Above) Feb 1972 shot of the King's Hotel on the corner at 150 Chungshan North Road, Section 2, and Min Chuan West Road. Next door on the right is the King's Club (first floor) and 77 Club (second floor above). The Central Hotel is on the far left (tall grey bldg.),
(2.) Feb 1972 shot looking just to the right of the previous photo. The view looking down Min Chuan West Road, which was the route the Linkou Bus took up to the Hill. (L-R): King's Hotel (far left), 77 Club and Mongolian BBQ Restaurant, King's Club (below 77 Club), and Pink Bar. On the corner (far right) at Chungshan N. Road is the covered stairway entrance to the pedestrian tunnel beneath the intersection (see photos below) . The Pillbox is just off to the right. The San Francisco Club's round red sign is partially visible (far right). The Prince Club is a few blocks down on the right.
(Left Photo) May 1971 shot of the Majestic Hotel shown under construction, Olympic Hotel (next door), Hotel New Asia (next to the Olympic Hotel), and the King's Hotel (far right) on the opposite corner.
(Right Photo) March 2011 shot of the former Majestic Hotel. Shanghai C & S Bank bought the building in the late '80s. photo by J. Valkwitch
(3.) February 1972 photo of the newly completed Majestic Hotel, which opened late 1971, on the corner of Chungshan North Road and Min Chuan West Road. The Kings Hotel is just off to the right on the opposite corner.
(4.) February 1972 shot of the intersection of Chungshan North Road (center background) and Min Chuan East-West Road (off to the left and right of the photo). Shown are the Majestic Hotel (far left) and the 14-story Central Hotel (center) with its revolving restaurant on top. The King's Hotel is just off to the right on the opposite corner.
Note: This 1972 shot shows the Central Hotel with a new tower at the back of the hotel, which was added in 1971 (see the 1970 shot of the Central Hotel at top of page for comparison.) The next photo taken the year before in 1971 shows the construction of the new tower.
(5.) 1971 shot of the Central Hotel showing the new hotel tower under construction (see previous photo). The Majestic Hotel is on the far left.
(6.) 1973 shot looking south on Chungshan North Road toward downtown Taipei and Shimending. Shown are the Majestic Hotel (far left), Olympic Hotel, and Hotel New Asian. The Kings and Central hotels located across the street are just off to the right of the photo.
(Left Photo) 1972 shot of the stairway entrance (lower left) to the pedestrian tunnel beneath the busy intersection. Photo by
S. Callas (courtesy of "LinkouNavy.com")
(Right Photo) 1971 shot taken in the pedestrian tunnel (completed in 1970) beneath the intersection of Chungshan North Road and Min Chuan East-West Road. The intersecting tunnels are visible in the background. (Note: Legend has it that Lee "Rhee" Higgins, Dawg Flight 1969-70, was occasionally spotted giving "face rips" in the tunnel.) Photo by G. Nelson (courtesy of "LinkouNavy.com")
(Top Row): (1.-above) 1971 shot of the President Hotel located at 9 Teh Huei Street a few blocks from the Linkou Club. The President Hotel first opened in 1963. It closed and was demolished in 1998.
(2.) Feb 28, 1970 shot of the President Hotel and adjacent Imperial Hotel (far right) looking north. The plane over the hotel is approaching the nearby Taipei International Airport located off to the east (right of photo).
(3.) Feb 25, 1970 sequential shot of the Imperial Hotel and President Hotel (far left) located a a few blocks east of Chungshan North Road. Shot taken from the roof of a nearby apartment building.
(4.)1960s shot of the Ambassador Hotel, which opened in the early 60s. The hotel was located at 63 Chungshan North Road, sec. 2, beyond the Central Hotel heading south toward Shimending.
(Bottom Row) (1.) Circa 1970 postcard of the President Hotel and adjacent Buddhist Temple also shown in the next photos.
(2.) 1971 shot of the Buddhist Temple in Taipei adjacent to the President Hotel (visible on far left of photo) located at 9 Teh Huei Street. The temple stood at the corner of Teh Huei (DeHui) Street and LinSen North Road.
(3.) 1971 shot of the interior of the Buddhist Temple shown in the previous photo.
(Right Image) Taipei nightclubs and show times in 1967 including the President Hotel's "Champagne Room" (floor-shows: 9:30 & 11:30pm), and the Ambassador Hotel's International Hall (floor-shows: 10:30pm & 12:20am).
(Left Photo Below) View looking north (ca. 1970) of the President and Grand Hotels. (Right Photo) Main entrance on Teh Huei St. (ca. 1970).
(1.-above) Circa 1970 view of Taipei looking south. The Hotel Diamond is visible on the far right (black sign on the upper side of its building). The Central Hotel (see photos at top of page) with its spaceship-like rooftop restaurant is visible in the upper far right background. Downtown Taipei and Shimending are in the distance in the center of the photo.
(2.) Circa 1970 view looking toward the northwest. The front section of the West Compound including the Gas & Service Station is visible in the lower left. The East Compound is on the far right. The roof of the Navy Exchange is visible in the lower right corner of the photo. The Linkou Club (not visible) is located on the lower far left behind the tall building in the foreground. The Taipei Zoo was located on the hillside in the background. The bridge to the 63 Club and Grand Hotel is off to the far right of the photo.
(3.) Looking a little further to the right of the previous photo are the East Compound's Navy Exchange (roof-lower left corner), Commissary (center), East-West Theater and Library (right of Commissary), and Pacer Ball Field (far right). The Grand Hotel (hillside-upper center) and MAAG 63 Club (upper far right) are visible in the distance on the hillside (ca. 1970 photo).
(4.) Looking further to the north and to the right of the previous photo. 1970 panoramic shot of the back section of the East Compound and surrounding Taipei area taken from the Imperial Hotel. Shown are the East Compound's facilities (foreground) inside the rear gate, the entrance road (center foreground) from the rear gate on Min Tzu ("Tse") Road, and Pacer Field (center). The 63 Club and the Martyrs' Shrine (gold roof-center) to its right are visible on the hillside in the distance. The East-West Theater is the large light grey building in the lower left corner (ca. 1970 photo).
(1. & 2.) Taipei street scenes (1976 photos). (3. & 4.) "Buy & Sell" Men would hawk their wares on the streets at all hours of the day and night (1970 photos). (5.) 1976 shot of Taipei's "Big Benjo" (open sewer), pedestrian bridge, and two vehicle bridges (left background) over the benjo. (6, 7, 8. & 9.) Taipei housing, apartments, and businesses (photos: 1970, '71, '71, '68) (10.) Circa 1970 shot of the Taipei apartments surrounding the President and Imperial Hotels (shot taken from the roof of the Imperial Hotel).
(1. & 2.) Then and Now. November 2015 shot of Jim Valkwitch in the Evergreen Restaurant, formerly "HoJo's", with the woman who is the HoJo's waitress in photo (2.) taken in 1970 (see 1970 HoJo's photos above). She is a member of the family that owns the restaurant.
(3). November 2105 shot of the Evergreen Restaurant, formerly "HoJo's". The Chinese characters on the front door read: "Evergreen Restaurant" (the literal translation is "Green Forever"), "Since 1958", and the hours of operation. Initially the name "Howard Johnson's" was also on the front door, but was later removed.
Note: HoJos moved into the building in 1971, which was possibly the location of the former Overseas Bar. (see Dennis Murphy's 2011 HoJo's narrative below).
(4.) The Evergreen Restaurant's English menu, November 2015.
Jim Valkwitch (Linkou Navy, Delta Section, 1971-72): "Each trip to Taiwan I try to find HoJo's, as I heard the family is still in business. During a November 2015 trip to Taiwan I asked around and found them, just a few steps from where they used to be, but in a restaurant building now (see Dennis Murphy's 2011 narrative below). I showed the woman who waited on us at the restaurant the 1970 photo from the Dawg Fllght website, the one of the girl smiling in the red sweater (photo no. 2 above). After consultation with her other family members it turned out to be her...the lady in the photo to my left (see photo on left). She was excited and called her other family members to look at the photo. She said they didn't have any old photos of the business, and told me the pastor of the adjacent small church let them use the area in the alley where their original stand was located. She also told me that other old American customers come in once in a while, but I was the first to show her the 'Dawg Flight' website." [ 13 Nov 2015}
"HoJo's" (Evergreen) Restaurant 2011
Dennis Murphy (1970 photo on right - Embassy Shop photo ID): "I was a Dawg Flight 203 at Linkou from 1970-72. I just returned to Taiwan this January (2011). The last day there I visited the empty field that once was Lin Kou Ji Di. They are building a Metro connection from the new airport in Tao Yuan to down town Taipei. There is a Lin kou station and the the old base is the plowed up field about 100 yards north and east of the stop.
I did discover that HoJo's survives, not at the outside location, but the inside building (I believe formerly the Overseas Bar) they moved into in 1971. They called it the 'Evergreen Restaurant' when they moved inside in 1971, not knowing that the GI's knew it as "Howard Johnson's" ("HoJos"). Once inside, Americans stopped going there because it lacked the ambiance of the outdoor stall. They later reopened the stall and you would see Chinese dining inside in air conditioned comfort while the Americans were, incomprehensibly to the Chinese, sitting out in the elements.
A sign in the window of Evergreen Restaurant reads 'Chang Ching', which boasts of being open since 1958. The stall is long gone as the alley has been opened up where it formerly dead ended at the stall. The small church behind the old stall is still there and the expanded alley runs beside it.
When I located the place, I couldn't help myself. My wife and I feasted on platters of 'shui jiao', pot stickers (quotea-photo above), suan la tang (original recipe still uses tomatoes). Had to settle for a Coke as it is hard to find 'R-Shee Ke Le' in Taiwan these days. You can walk out the alley to Chung Shan Bei Lu and see the old Ta Tung building.
I like the newer, clearer, more courteous Taiwan, but the best time of my life was my Linkou days." [04 Apr 2011]
(1.) Jack Brown (left), Mary and Ray "Chocolato" Badolato (LA) shown outside the "Tropical Venomous Snake & Plant Investigation Institute", a popular snake emporium and restaurant located in downtown Taipei on Linsen North Road (April 1971 photo). Jack (IA) and Ray departed Taiwan a few "short" weeks after these photos were taken.
(2.) April 1971 photo of Ray Badolato (left) and Johnny Parker (TX) enjoying some tasty Cobra meat at the snake shop and restaurant shown in the previous photo.
(3.) 1970 shot of the front window of the snake shop and restaurant (window is also shown next to group in first photo). Paul Birden ( Charlie Flight '69-'70): "...Patrons selected their snake and it was gutted right there. The snake's bile from its gall bladder was then drunk for good health." [Oct. 2008]
(4.) 1971 shot of Han Kou (Kow) Street in downtown Taipei near Shimending. On the left corner is "Rolliei Photo Supply" and on the right on the opposite side of street is the "Pan American Hotel" (vertical blue sign) located at 88 Han Kou Street (the hotel is still in business today at the same location).
(1.) 1971 shot of Mike Perhach (PA) at the Taipei Government Center in downtown Taipei near Shimending with the Presidential Office Building in the background.
(2.) Jim "Fitz' Fitzgerald (left foreground-back to camera) at the Taipei Govenment Center during the Oct. 10, 1970 Double Ten Day Celebration. A Double Ten Day Festival archway is visible in the left background.
(3.) Another shot of Jim "Fitz" Fitzgerald (lower right corner) in front of the Presidential Office Building (aka the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense Buidling) at the Taipei Government Center during the October 10, 1970 Double Ten Day Celebration.
(4.) 1971 street scene taken in downtown Taipei near Shimending and the Taipei Government Center. The Presidential Office Building tower at the Taipei Government Center (previous photo) is visible in the distance (center) above the other buildings in the photo.
(1.) July 1970 shot of (front to back) Nelson "Shaky" Carpenter (NE, camera), Dick Ferretti (NJ), and Mike "Mouse" Emerson (TX) across the street from the 63 Club along the Keelung River (far right). Steve "Pig-Body" Swallom (KY) , pictured in the next photo (2.) above, is taking the photo.
(2.) Another shot of the group in the previous photo, taken the same day in July 1970. Steve Swallom (left), Mike Emerson, and Dick Ferretti (right).
(3.) 1970 shot by Mike Hine of Tina, a Taiwan University coed, across the street from the 63 Club with the Keelung River in the background.
(4.) November 1970 shot of Chungshan North Road and the long white wall and tall entrance gate (right-center) to the Martyrs Shrine, which is just of the right of the photo. The Grand Hotel is in the upper background with the 63 Club below (not visible). The Keelung River is off to the left.
(Right Photo) 1970 photo of the ornate facade and entrance (far left) of the Grand Hotel located at 1 Chungshan North Road, Section 4.
Note: "The Grand Hotel is a 5-star hotel established May 1952 and expanded several times. In 1968, the hotel was rated as one of the world's top ten hotels by "Fortune" magazine. The swimming pool, tennis court, and the membership lounge were constructed in 1953, and Golden Dragon Pavilion and Golden Dragon Restaurant opened in 1956. The Jade Phoenix Pavilion and Chi-Lin Pavilion opened in 1958 and 1963, respectively. The main Grand Hotel building was completed in 1973 on Double Ten Day." [Wikipedia, May 2008]
(1.) Nov. 1970 shot of the entrance to the National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine just beyond its main gate on Chungshan North Road. Two honor guards are in the center archway.
(2.) The scenic National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine completed in 1969 is backed by Cingshan Mountain and overlooks the Keelung River. The impressive main shrine building is modeled after the Hall of Supreme Harmony of the Forbidden City in Beijing. (Nov 1970 photo)
(3.) The Martyrs’ Shrine was built in the memory of 330,000 men who lost their lives in the revolutionary years leading to the formation of the Republic of China and those who were martyred in the Sino-Japanese war and the Chinese Civil war. (Nov 1970 photo)
(4.) The buildings in the compound were modeled after Ming Dynasty palaces. (Nov 1970 photo)
(1.) 1970 photo of the small park and mosaic in Shih Lin located on the hillside along the right side of the highway to Tien Mou and Peitou. The mosiac was just beyond the 63 Club and the village of Jintan, where several Dawgs had apartments, and just before the Bowling Alley and indoor Skating Rink (see next photos) heading north on the Tien Mou/Peitou highway
(2.) A close-up of the mosiac shown in the previous photo (1971 photo).
(3.) Located in Shih Lin near the 63 Club and adjacent to the highway to Tien Mou was this Amusement Park (1970 photo). It also had a large Bowling Alley (see next photos) and indoor Ice Skating Rink, which Dave "Hondo" Rauh (MA), John Savino (CT), and Nelson "Shaky" Carpenter (NH) were surprised to find. And yes, they did skate, but were disappointed when they couldn't find any hockey sticks.
(4.) 1973 photo of the Shih Lin Bowling Alley and indoor Skating Rink building (see next photo) on the hillside in the background right above the highway to Tien Mou and Petou. The photo was taken from the town of Shih Lin shown in the foreground.
(1.) 1971 shot taken from the the hillside near the Bowling Alley (see photo above) overlooking the Keelung River and Tien Mou/Peitou highway below. The gold roofs of the Martyrs' Shrine are visible on the left. The 63 Club (not visible) was located along the highway on the left just ahead of the Martryrs' Shrine.
(2.) The opposite view of the Keelung River and Taipei in 1970 from the Grand Hotel. The 63 Club and its swimming pool are visible in the lower left corner of the photo. Taipei was an industrial city with heavy air polution and smog.
(3.) 1970 shot taken in Shih Lin, a small town located on the northern outskirts of Taipei along the road to Tien Mou and Peitou.
(4.) A Taiwanese farmer tending his rice paddies outside of Shih Lin along the Peitou Highway to Tien Mou and Peitou (1970 photo).
Bill "Joe Witt" Wittenberg's ('69-'72, '66-'67) 1971 hand drawn map distributed to fellow Dawg Flighters invited to another of his famous Tien Mou house parties.
His address is written in Chinese so the Taiwanese cab drivers transporting the Dawgs could find his place...#84 on the map.
Also shown on the map are the "New Peitou Highway" (see photo above) and the Navy Hospital on "Hospital Road" (see photo below).
"...It must have been a 'good' map, as EVERYONE always showed up. I do remember the Dawgies showin' up...
but it was the 'leaving' that I NEVER remembered..." [June 2, 2009]
(Click on Map to Enlarge) image provided by C. Jenkins
(1.) Circa 1972 of "Zhi-shan-yan" in the Shinlin area.
(2.) Circa 1972 panoramic shot of the growing Taipei suburb of Tien Mou.
(3.) Circa 1972 shot of the the U.S. Naval Hospital in Tien Mou (Tienmu) that opened in 1961 and moved from the MAAG Compound in Taipei where it was previously located since 1955 (photo on right). The groundbreaking ceremony for the Naval Hospital in Tien Mou took place on July 25, 1960.
(4.) Circa 1972 photo of the Taipei American School was also located in Tien Mou. Many U.S. military personnel and their dependents resided in Tien Mou and nearby Peitou.
(Left Photo) 1970 shot of the Taipei suburb of Peitou known for its Japanese hotels, hot sulphur springs and mountain scenery. Many U.S. military personnel and their dependents also lived there.
(Right Photo) Circa 1956 photo of the original Naval Hospital (shown on far left of the photo) that was located in the back section of the MAAG Compound (West Compound) from 1955 until 1961 when it moved to the new facility in Tien Mou (photo above). (Note "Club 63" also on the sign.) The Snack Bar, Bowling Alley and Game Room were later located in the old hospital building in the HSA West Compound.