This gathering of Dawgs occurred approximately 15 years after we had all departed Taiwan. Everyone stayed at the Best Western Rosslyn Westpark Hotel in Rosslyn, Virginia. In attendance were 18 Dawgs and their families from all corners of the United States. The photos show the reunion events including arrival at the Westpark Hotel on Friday evening with a reception held at the cocktail lounge on the top floor of the hotel which overlooked D.C., sightseeing in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, a Dawg Flight group dinner Saturday night at the China Garden Restaurant located next to the hotel, and later that night some serious partying into the wee hours of Sunday morning in Nelson "Shaky" Carpenter's hotel room.
A Group of Dawgs sightseeing in Washington on Saturday. They traveled by Metro to the Mall in Washington D.C. to visit the many museums and monuments located there. Photos by Carpenter.
1. Nelson "Shaky" Carpenter (NE), Steve "Pig Body" Swallom (KY), John Savino (CT), Lee "Rhee" Higgins (ME), and Dick "LW" Ferretti (NJ) in front of the reflecting pool with the Lincoln Memorial in background.
2. Higgins, Ferretti, Savino, Dave "Doink" Vandierdonck (MI), Swallom at the Lincoln Memorial.
3. Swallom, Savino, Higgins, Ferretti, Vandierdonck at the Lincoln Memorial.
1. Higgins and Swallom behind Savino, Vandierdonck, and Ferretti resting after a long walk.
2. Vandierdonck, Ferretti, Savino, Higgins, Swallom, and Carpenter at the Lincoln Memorial.
3. Savino, Swallom, Hanegan, and Chuck "Sugar Bear" Castillo happily walking to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum to view an IMAX flick. Per my recommendation, the tired group agreed that the museum's IMAX theater, with its comfortable seats, would be a good place to stop and rest after a hard night of serious partying. Little did they realize (but I did....) that the IMAX movie was a flying film with you, the viewer, piloting the airplane. It gave everyone the feeling they were actually doing the barrell rolls and loops through the Grand Canyon....Ugh! I caught hell from the guys for that stomach upsetting experience all the way back to the hotel. However, it was well worth the laugh!!!
1. Swallom, Savino, Vandierdonck, Higgins, and Ferretti on the mall.
2. Higgins, Savino, Ferretti, and Swallom leaving the Washington Monument.
3. Hanegan, Swallom, Castillo, and Savino stopping for a bite to eat on the mall.
4. Hanegan, Savino, Castillo, and Swallom trying to decide whether they really want a hot dog.
1. Savino, Ferretti, Higgins, and Swallom taking the escalator down to the Washington DC Metro (subway).
2. Hanegan, Swallom, and Savino taking the escalator at the Foggy Bottom Metro station to catch the train back to Rosslyn.
3. Swallom, Castillo, Hanegan, and Savino cross the street heading back to the Westpark
Hotel after getting off of the Metro.