(1.) SSgt. Bob "Huey" Hughes (left - '67-'68) and Tom "Jorgy" Jorgensen (OR, '68-'70). (2.) Al Pirkle (Dawg Flt '67-'69, Able Flt '72-'76) and Tom Jorgensen (right). (3.) Maurice Hartz (IA, '68-'69) and his wife arrived early. (4.) Tom Thomas (standing), Merle Meckley (PA, '68-'69 - seated on the right facing the camera), others are unidentified. (5.) Unidentified Dawg and guest.
1. Dick Ferretti scans the dance floor looking for his "panyo" Lee "Rhee" Higgins at the 1969 Christmas party.
2. Dennis Kuroda (HI) is talking to an unidentified Dawg (back to camera) at the 1969 Christmas party.
3. (From left) Dave "Hondo" Rauh (MA), Brenda and Brian "Baloney" Brady (CT). Bill "Marty" Martin is in the right background on the left facing the camera (others are unidentified).
4. Dennis "Oly" Olson (OR) and guest at the 1969 party.
5. At the 1969 Dawg Flight Christmas party, MSgt. Scott (left) and his wife are joined onstage by Ron Mundwiller and his wife in the Sky Lounge Ballroom of the 63 Club. Ron Mundwiller is holding a serving bowl from the china tableware set (on floor-foreground) the newlyweds received as a wedding present from Dawg Flight.
NOTE: The 1970 Dawg Flight Christmas party was also held at the 63 Club...photos from that Christmas party are currently not available. Please send us your photos...
(1.-above) Linkou Club on the Hill where Dawg Flight celebrated a rockin' New Year's Eve, Dec. 31, 1970.
(2.-above) A rare shot of Dawg Flight celebrating New Year's Eve, Dec. 31, 1970 at the Linkou Club on the Hill along with the WAFs (at tables across the room), prior to working a mid later that night. The Dawgs are visible at the long table in the background (right corner) along the back wall adjacent to the service window (center background) and under the TV (top of photo). The bartender is shown behind the bar just to the left of the service window.
The Navy (NSG) Delta Section is at the table in the foreground...they also worked a mid that night. The shot was taken standing on the dance floor in front of the bandstand looking toward the entrance to the dining room, which is just off to the left background.
(PHOTO ON LEFT-cropped from Photo 2. above) Larry "Jeep" Reuben is on the far right wearing a red shirt and black vest. Also, at the table are George "Sergio" Raseta, Ray "Chocolato" Badolato, Bill "Gordy" Gordon,"THE PHANTOM" Carpenter, "Pig Body"" Swallom, "Dirty Al" Brewer, Fred "Sgt. K" Kirschstein, "Mouse" Emerson, Mike Hine, "SSgt"Lentz, and several others who are unidentified. The kitchen's service window is shown on the far left.
Note: After "bleeding" badly on that New Year's Eve mid the Dawgs rallied the next morning, grabbed taxis outside the Main Gate, and reconvened at the Linkou Club downtown for a few "eye openers"..."Shin Nain Kuai Le" (Happy New Year)...!
(3.) The Dawgs "kicked out the jambs" to the rockin' sounds of the "Ritmos" at the club on New Year's Eve 1970.
(4.) Waitress Louise at the Linkou Club on the Hill during the 1970 Christmas holidays. The decorated kitchen door is on her left, the service window is around the corner to her left, and the main dining room, bandstand, and dance floor (all shown in the previous photos) are straight ahead.
1. Charles "Chuck" Jenkins (VA) and Georgia at the 1971 Dawg Flight Christmas party.
2. After rubbing it with a quarter, "Witt" discovers his new ashtray isn't really gold as "LT" Hansen claimed... John Hanretty (center) and Scott Heister look on.
3. Don Wilson (seated-right) "blowing smoke" with a saujay. Young 'Un" Bill Meyer (center-at mirror) is at the bar getting "carded" again. Jim Haverstock is also at the bar (left mirror with navy jacket). Bill Prucha (beige suit-back to camera) is standing on the far left.