1) Sunrise over Mount Alishan.
2.) Crowd viewing the sunrise over Mount Alishan. Pete Conroy (foreground) is wearing a Nehru jacket.
3.) Walking back to the hotel in Alishan after watching the sunrise (from left) John "JB" David, Brian Brady, Steve Swallom (yellow jacket), U/ID (hood), Bob Koenig (right).
4.) Breakfast at the hotel in Alishan after watching the sunrise over Mount Alishan. (From left) Nelson Carpenter (blue jacket), Brian Brady, John "JB" Davis, Bob Koenig (yellow jacket-facing camera), Mike Keogh, Steve Murphy, Mort Gearhart and Fred Kirschstein (back to camera- lt. brown jacket).
Photos credits: (1. & 4.) Mike Hine (2. & 3.) Dave Vandierdonck (Click on Photos to Enlarge)
(1. & 2.) Alishan train station and gift shop. (3,) Group at the Alishan train station waiting for their train down the mountain: (From left) Bob Koenig,
Bill Martin, Pete Conroy, John Davis, Mike Keogh, Fred Kirschstein, Ray Sorensen. (4.) View from the Alishan train station.

Mount Alishan photos above by Mike Hine (Click on Photos to Enlarge)
Additional Mt. Alishan Trip Photos by Dave Vandierdonck, February 1970
Photo credits: (1., 2., & 3.) Dave Vandierdonck (4.) Mike Hine (Click on Photos to Enlarge)
(1.) Ray Sorensen (window), Dick Ferretti, Nelson Carpenter. (2.) Ray Sorensen (left), Dick Ferretti. (3.) Dick Ferretti (right) at the "Sacred Tree" (far left).
(4.) The "Sacred Tree" (background) the oldest tree in Taiwan.

Photo credits: (1., 2., & 4.) Dave Vandierdonck (3.) Nelson Carpenter (Click on Photos to Enlarge)
(1.) Dick Ferretti (far right). (2.) Mort Gearhart (left), Dick Ferretti. (3.) Dave Vandierdonck (left), Steve Swallom, Bob Ellendorf, Mike Keogh, Bob Koenig,
Dick Ferretti, Ray Sorensen, Larry Briske (glasses), John Davis, Fred Kirschstein, Pete Conroy (foreground), Mike Hine (right). (4.) Mike Hine (left), Mike Keogh,
Ray Sorensen, Bob Ellendorf, Nelson Carpenter (window), Steve Murphy (right).
Photos by Dave Vandierdonck (Click on Photos to Enlarge)
(1.) Bill Bonar (left), Steve Swallom, Al Luczyk, Brian Brady, John Davis, Bob Koenig, Mike Keogh, Mike Hine, Pete Conroy, Ray Sorensen (plaid shirt-right).
(2.) "Three Generation Tree". (3.) Unidentified (left), Pete Conroy, Steve Swallom, Dick Ferretti, Mort Gearhart (right). (4.) Village.
Additional Mt. Alishan Trip Photos by Steve Swallom, February 1970
Photos by Swallom (Click on Photos to Enlarge)
(1.) Mike Keogh, Mort Gearhart, Bob Koenig, Nelson Carpenter, Pete Conroy. (2.) Steve Swallom. (3.) Ray Sorensen, Bob Ellendorf, Paul Pete Conroy, Dick Ferretti.
(4.) Steve Murphy (left), Bob Ellendorg, Pete Conroy, Fred Kirschstein, Dave Vandierdonck.
Photos credits: (1.) N. Carpenter (2.) D. Vandierdonck ( (3. & 4.) S. Swallom (Click on Photos to Enlarge)
(1.) Ray Sorensen (plaid), JB Davis, Steve Swallom, Mike Hine (right) (2.) Ray Sorensen (3.) Steve Swallom (4.) Mort Gearhart, Dick Ferretti.
(Bottom row) Photos credits: (1.) S. Swallom (2. & 3.) Paul Schultz (4.) Mike Hine (Click on Photos to Enlarge)
(1.) Fred Kirschstein (left), Bob Ellendorf (2.) Alishan sign (photo by Paul Schultz) (3.) Paul "Pope" Schultz (4.) Mt. Alishan view.