Bunch of Dawgs in the bleachers at the Linkou softball field early April 1970. They just finished a pickup game after working a mid and were contemplating which bus they would catch to Taipei. (Front Row-from left) Bob "Dorf" Ellendorf (NY), John Savino (CT) (Second Row) Bill "OJ" Simpson (IL), Larry Reuben (NJ) (Third Row) Tom "Jorgy" Jorgensen (OR), Sam Dairyko (SC), Dick Ferretti (NJ) (Fourth Row) Dale Wollen (SD), Dave "Doink" Vandierdonck (MI), and Ken "Cool Hand" Larsen (WA) (Fifth Row) John "JB" Davis (MD), Curt Dunn (FL), and cleanup is "heavy hitter" Rick "Pancho" Sanchez (TX). NOTE: Ellendorf, Savino and Sanchez all left the island and the Air Force "shortly" after this photo was taken.
Declassified official U.S. Air Force photo taken in the Linkou Operations Center May 1969.
(1.) May 1969 shot of Dawg Flight X1s on a day-watch at their racks in the aisle adjacent to the 202 section, which is just off to the right of the photo. (From left) Rick "Big Kahuna" Muller, Unidentified, Bill "Marty" Martin, John Savino ("saluting"), "vacant rack" (Phil Anderson), Mike Hine, Unidentified (glasses), Unidentified, Larry "Brillo-head" Briske (glasses), and Army (ASA) operators at the end of the aisle. Dennis Kuroda, "Chick" Dovey (Dovie..?), Floyd "Butch" Kester, and Steve "Murf" Murphy sat at racks across the aisle from Hine and Briske. Fred Kirschstein, self-proclaimed ace X1, worked the rack across from "Marty" at the table and typewriter on the far right.
(2.) Cropped enlargement of previous photo.
NOTE: The Dawgs are "monitoring" AFRTS on their bottom receivers...shielded from the prying eyes of roaming Block Controllers Larry Copeland and Vasley Cain. Curt Dunn and Sam Dairyko were the Block Controllers in the other X1 aisle when the 1969 photo was taken. Gary "Woody" Woodward arrived mid-1970.
Declassified official Air Force photo taken in the Linkou Operations Center May 1969.
(1.) May 1969 photo of the Dawg Flight 202 shop on a day-watch at 1500 hrs. Standing on the left are Dawg 202s Pete Conroy, grabbing a smoke, and Bob "Dorf" Ellendorf, behind Pete to his right. The X1s in the previous photo are in the aisle located on the other side of the console on the far left at the black clock.
Dawg 202 Bill "Stick" Bonar is sitting at the console on the left, where THE PHANTOM would later pipe-in AFRTS tunes to the X1 racks...much to the dismay of "management", SMSgt Loyd "Gus" Harris, NCOIC/Mission Controller, and 2nd Lt Bob Jones, Flight Commander, who also worked in this section. All others in the photo are unidentified.
(2.) Cropped enlargement of previous photo.
Declassified official Air Force photos taken in the Linkou Operations Center May 1969 and August 1971.
(1.) May 1969 shot of unidentified Dawg Flight 203s at work during a day-watch in their darkened section behind the X1 blocks. When not enjoying another night off, the hard working Dawg 203s were often found fast asleep at their positions...just like the second 203 from the left in the photo.
(2.) August 1971 photo of the revamped 203 section.
(1.) Rowdy bunch of Dawgs in the bleachers cheer-on the "Dawg" softball team against the Civil Engineers. The "Dawgs" won this hotly contested game and went on to win the 1971 league championship on the Hill. (Bottom Row-from left) Paul "Pope" Schultz (MI-striped shirt), U/ID, TSgt Bob Gee (uniform), MSgt Dave Propst (head turned), Don "Deckley" Decknatel (far right) (Second Row) Bob "Stuk" Gravenstuk (MS), Roman "OK" Okrei (IL), Ray "Riccione" Riccitello (NJ), Ken "Bush" Bushee (MA-Dawg football jersey) (Top Row) Chuck "Sugar Bear" Castillo (CA), Bruce "Cuz'in" Weagle (MA), U/ID, Mike "Elephant Man" Perhach (PA-hat), Phil "Vogeletti" Vogel (IL-shades).
(2,) (From left) Fred "Wheatgerm" Hayfield (standing), Unidentified, Tom Chandler (kneeling-catcher), and Bill "Joe Witt" Wittenberg (foreground). Tom Chandler later went on to play for the "All Air Force Softball Team" that won the inter-service championship three years in a row while he was on the team.
Dawgs on a Sun Moon Lake boat ride during a flight trip to Taichung November 1969. Captured by Mike Hine are (from left): Al Luczyk, Mort Gerhart, U/ID, Don Wilson (plaid shirt), Dave Rauh (rear), Dale Wollan, Dennis Kuroda, Steve Swallom (right corner), Bill Martin, Brian "Baloney" Brady and Paul Diggins (far right).
With THE PHANTOM "lurking" Brian "Baloney" Brady is caught on film in 1970 pleading his case to the Prince Club's owner (left), manager and employee (Lucy) for "extended terms" on his unpaid $20 bar tab from the previous month. It was during this encounter the club owner proclaimed that "Mr. Brady" should forever be known as 充分的資訊科技 ( "BALONEY" ). THE PHANTOM knows...
(From left) Ray Adams, Dennis "Oly" Olson (OR), Rick "Big Kahuna" Muller (RI) and Joel "Robbie" Robinson (CA) with his trademark "hippy-style" hair (...often slicked down with Dippity-Do), clothes and peace medallion on the roof of a Taipei apartment building. Note: The June 30, 1970 article on the right was obviously directed toward Dawg Flight...warning that foreigners in Taiwan "with hippy-style hair or clothes may be deported". Of particular concern was..."men wearing women's clothing, shoes or ornaments"...
Bill Bonar (NC), left, and Tom "Jorgy" Jorgensen (OR). A couple of Dawg's "Finest" shown in their tech school class photo taken outside Thompson Hall at Keesler AFB, MS in Fall 1967. They ended up in the same training class at Keesler and also arrived together in January 1968 and extended their tours to 1970 at the best assignment in the entire USAFSS...Shu Linkou Air Station, and, of course, Dawg Flight (...see photos below).
(Right Photo) 1970 group photo taken in Okinawa during Smitty's first overseas tour. In the photo with Smitty (standing-far right) are Dawgs Bill Prucha
(kneeling-far left) and Ted "Teddy Bear" Johnson (kneeling-far right). All three arrived on Dawg Flight at Shulinkou a few months after this photo was taken.