In Tom Yearnshaw's words: "I was on Baker Flight and one of my roommates, Dixie Duggan, was creative and made this modification to the basic Air Force flight wings. Orders were taken, and a bunch of these “Midnight Flyer” wings were made by someone in Taipei. ...A few of us wore them to work on a graveyard shift, and while they were received with amusement (for which they were intended), we were politely advised (..."ordered") to take them off. To my knowledge, this was unique to Baker Flight in the 1967-68 time frame." [24 Aug 2009]
SPECIAL NOTE: "THE PHANTOM" took the liberty to obscure the obvious in the image use your imagination as Bucky Beaver would want you to do.
1.) 1971 magazine advertisement with Taiwan sajays sporting the latest trends on the Taipei fashion scene. 2.) The 1971 magazine photo caption reads, "Photo contest swim suit models included top singers". Second from the right is Teresa Teng, a Chinese pop singer from Taiwan who was immensely popular throughout Asia. 3.) 1970s shot of Teresa Teng (1953-1995), Taiwan singing sensation shown in the previous photo. (photo credits: unknown)
The musical program was held on June 1, 1955 at the Armed Forces Stadium in Taipei. Madame Chiang Kai-Shek is referenced as a program supporter.
(Right Photo) 1954 commemorative booklet from the USNS James O'Hara that transported Les Hamilton and many other military personnel from Seattle to Yokohama, Japan in the 1950s. Les arrived at the U.S. Army Camp Momoyama, Kyoto, Japan (Click Here) on December 6, 1954 with the 327th CRC ASA only to board another ship, an LST to Taiwan, three short months later as one of the first arrivals at the newly established base at Linkou in March 1955.
The original 1969 menu from the downtown Linkou Club. The Saturday Special for May 10th, 1969, shown on the front cover of the menu (first photo), is a full-course sirloin steak dinner for 75-cents. Dawgs spotted by THE PHANTOM "wining and dining" their "true luvs" at the club (...André Champagne and "Surf 'n' Turf") read all about their romantic escapades later on mids along with the entire flight in the notorious Dawg Flight "Screamer Files" of the "Mid-Rag Smok-ah".
John Hurst (Taipei Air Station 1972-73): "... I do remember the spectacular Thanksgiving dinners at the Taipei Air Station and Shu Linkou Dining Halls. We went to Shu Linkou in 1973, and it was fabulous. I think the cost was $1.55 each for my spouse and me...children under five were free! I went with my boss and his family, and can still remember that great meal and all the trimmings for less than $5.00." [24 Nov 2010] (courtesy of "")
(Left Photo) Shulinkou Teapatch II Service Club mug (1966/67). (Center Photo) May 1969 shot of the Teapatch II Recreation Center, which opened at its new location July 1965 on the old dispensary site at the front corner of base. The original Teapatch Recreation Center was torn down in summer 1965 to make way for the new Navy (NSG) dormitory built on that site. (Right Photo) January 24, 1967 ribbon cutting ceremony at the opening of the new Shulinkou dispensary. Colonel Raymond E. Lambert, Base Commander, 03 Jan 1966 to 29 June 1967, is second from the right (next to the captain wearing glasses). All the other officers in the photo are unidentified.
NOTE: Additional photos and history of the old and new Teapatch Service Club and Dispensary are located at (center of page): "Shulinkou Air Station: 1960 thru 1969, Base Modernization" (Click Here).
(FIRST ROW ABOVE) (1.) Beer mug provided by Scott Ellinger. (2.) Linkou Club medalion, ca. 1959. (permission and courtesy of USAF ISR Agency History Office). (3., 4. & 5.) 1958 Linkou Club and Taiwan souvenir lighter (front & back) provided by Harry Davis (1957-59). (6.) MAAG 63 Club lighter, ca.1957. (image credit unknown) (7.) 1966 Linkou Club lighter. (image credit unknown) (8.) Linkou Club ashtray, ca. 1962. (image credit unknown) (9.) Octoberfest 1970 MAAG NCO Open Mess (63 Club) beer mug. (image credit unknown) (10.) Circa 1971, 63 Club mug provided by Bradley Owens.
(SECOND ROW ABOVE) (1. & 2.) Shulinkou Devil Dogs lighter (front & back), ca. 1970. (3. & 4.) Linkou Club lighter (front & back), ca. 1962. (images 1. to 4.: credits unknown) (5. & 6.) MAAG Officers Club lighter (image provided by Kent Mathieu) (6. and 7.) 1966 MAAG Club 63 pocket watch chain and medallion (front & back) provided by Les Duffin (1962-66). Les Duffin: "...It’s a Club 63 medallion attached to what I can only guess may be a chain for a pocket watch. I have no memory of receiving this and no clue why the club might think I carried a pocket watch. My only guess is that I might have received it as a thank-you token for booking a party room for our wedding reception in August 1966." [07 Mar 15]
Al High's 63 Club (MAAG NCO Open Mess) and Linkou Club (Airmens' Open Mess) membership cards from 1955 and 1956. Note the Nov. 1955 176th ASA (Army Security Agency) NCO Open Mess card for the "Last Resort" on the Hill. The Linkou Club on base was originally name the "Last Resort" when it first opened in 1955. Dick Scarponi's 1957 Linkou Airmen's Open Mess membership card is on the far right.
The April 1960 daily calendar for the Linkou Clubs at Linkou and Taipei. The daily and monthly specials for mixed drinks and beer were 10 cents. "Sizzling New York Steak" was $1.00 every Wednesday at Linkou and every Saturday in Taipei. Nick's Orchestra played daily at either location except on Sundays. April 12th was Stag Night at Linkou: 10 cent drinks and beer, free buffet dinner, free movies and dancing to Nick's Orchestra.
NOTE: " Branch No. 2" was the predecessor to the Linkou Club in Taipei and provided food, drinks and temporary quarters (see top of calendar above).
1.) The 63 Club (MAAG NCO Open Mess) MAAG-NET monthly magazine cover, June 1968. 2.) and 3.) (pages 6 and 7 are adjoining) "Tenth Anniversary Show" for bandleader Rudy Arevelo and his Orchestra that performed nightly at the club. 4.) 63 Club "General Information", including the "In & Out Reception", and weekly program schedule. Departing club members received a large brass 63 Club ashtray at their respective "Out Reception". 5.) The 63 Club's "Hours of Operation" June 1968. 6.) 63 Club calendar of events May/June 1968.
Clayton Smith's (Charlie Flight 1973-74) Charlie Flight jacket and patch designed by Charlie Flight members circa 1973. The Charlie Flight jackets were tailor-made by Peter Woo's Tailor Shop at Linkou located next to the Barber Shop and Cleaners across from the BX. Tailor Woo also made suits, boots and the "must have" leather coats for many Linkouites.
(Right Photo) Early 1960s shot of Peter Woo Tailor's main shop located in Taipei.
Almost 10 years prior to Dawg Flight (1970-71) were some "Bee" Flight members who were already on to the idea of jackets with patches that depicted their affiliation with Shulinkou and which flight. Earl Gardner sent in the photo of the jacket patch shown above. One that he proudly wore as a young 18 year old Airman Second Class morse intercept operator right out of Keesler AFB, and assigned to Linkou with 17 others from March 1961 until June 1962.
Everyone had one of these sheets taped on the inside of their barracks locker. Day-by-day the numbered squares were shaded in by pencil counting down the days until you got your orders for another assignment or, most importantly, discharge. The short sheet was around for other years, however they might have looked slightly different depending on your "point of view", and where you located the last day to be shaded in.
Both sides of a wallet-size 1969 Emergency Action Data Card ("AF Form 1173, Feb. 67"). Issued to 6987th AF personnel, the card listed "Base Alert Status" and "Warning Alert Signals" for DEFCON 5 (Normal Readiness) thru DEFCON 1 "Cocked Pistol" (Maximum Security and Readiness) and Air Defense Emergency "Big Noise" (Ready for Combat). Earl McDonald, Charlie Flight's R/T Controller, signed the card. "Date Briefed: 02 Dec 69".
(Left and Center Images) Taiwan Bank note (front & back) used by "Early Linkouites" during the 1950s. How far do you suppose they were able to stretch a "One Cent" bill? Provided by Don Milano (1958-59).
(Right Image) Taiwan Bank note provided by Bill Wood (1957-59). Typed on the front of the note are the names of several members of "Trick Two on Linkou, Formosa. In order of time overseas as of June 28, 1958". The names on the note are (from top to bottom): Jose Perez (TX), Al Fessenden (NH), James Walker (NC), Robin Arsiga (HI), Gene Dugas (LA), Jack Laird (TX), Bill Wood (GA), Rufus Warmkessel (PA), Robert Hogan (CA), Purvis Graham (LA), Don Brideau (MA), Dave Cain (MA), Sam Parker (SC), Robert Morris (NJ), Dick Stein (NY), Dick Herndon (FL), Honore Gendron (NH), Loren Griswold (FL), Bill Magee (NY), and Bill Miller (PA).
(Left and Center Images) The "IHTFP" ("I Hate This F.....g Place") key chain originated in 1957 and was carried by many Linkou GIs. Click on the link below to read the humorous account of the origins of the "IHTFP" key chain and how it helped morale by Robert F. Stark, Colonel USAF (Ret), Commander 1957-59, Det. 1, 6925th RGM/6987th RSM:
(Click Here) The Untold Story ( "I.H.T.F.P.") - The Early Years.
(Right Image) 1957 letter from Major Robert F. Stark, Commander, Det. 1, 6925th Radio Group, Mobile, to Bill Wood's father regarding his assignment to Linkou from Clark AB, PI. Provided by William "Bill" Wood ('57-'58).
Bill Wood (1957-58): "These are the original headsets issued to me in August 1957 when I arrived at Shulinkou. Prior to issuing individual headsets, headsets were shared by all the operators at each position, causing ear infections. As a result, the base medical staff required operators to have personal headsets. The code key is identical to the one I used at the radio school in '56 at Keesler AFB, Mississippi." [29 Aug 11]