Font page of the January 01, 2011 issue of the "Apple Daily Taiwan" (click here), Taiwan's leading newspaper, featuring a 1970 photo of Shimending from the website: Shimending: 1960s and 1970s (click here). The 1970 photo shown on the newspaper's front page (click here) above was featured in an article about what Shimending looked like 40 years ago. The website was credited in the article for the photo.
"In Spring 1970 an order was placed with a company in Shimending to print a couple hundred of the "U.F.O." ("Under-Four-Only") Beach Blast tickets pictured above. The $1.50 admission tickets were sold only to Linkou Air Force, Navy and Army "first-termers" for the renowned McCauley Beach event on May 9, 1970. The money from the ticket sales paid for the UFO party's beer and food. Linkou Special Services provided buses for transportation from Linkou to McCauley Beach and plenty of large trash cans for the party's Falstaff beer.
Because we were young first-termers, the base commander, Col Barnes, required a senior NCO or officer to supervisor our U.F.O. party or would not allow it to happen. Col Barnes first got "wind" of our Beach Blast when the requisition for our buses and trash cans from Special Services came across his desk. Fortunately, Dawg Flight's young flight commander, Lt. John R. Jones (1969-71), fresh out of the US Air Force Academy, volunteered to supervise the May 9, 1970 event. Lt. Jones and his family attended the event, but unfortunately were required to stay on the "Officers' Only" side of the beach because military regs prevented officers from fraternizing with enlisted personnel. A sign and a low white picket fence that ran right down to the water delineated the "officers' side" of the beach from the "enlisted side". Regardless, it was a great UFO party!" N. Carpenter (Dawg Flight 1969-71)
If you ran "Town" hard you should recognize this plastic sign typically positioned on the bar next to the cash register in Taipei nightspots. It served as a polite reminder to GIs to use Taiwan N.T. currency only and not U.S. dollars. This 12 inch sign was "appropriated" from the Prince of Dawg Flight's main hangouts. Provided by THE PHANTOM (Dawg Flight: ca. 1970).
THE PHANTOM (Dawg Flight: ca. 1970)...was known to "sneak" around Taipei in the dark of night lurking for Dawg Flighters running town. His mission was to observe, gather information and take note of all the trouble the Dawgs got into. THE PHANTOM was seldom seen getting the "scoop"...but observed all! Never was he heard "sneaking-up" on unsuspecting Dawgs because he wore black low-top Converse sneakers. The 2002 photo above shows THE PHANTOM's one remaining black Converse size 10 1/2 sneaker that was over 30 years old and fading...but not the THE PHANTOM's spirit...!
Dawg Flight's off-duty escapades were later reported and published in Dawg Flight's notorious "Screamer Files" of the infamous "Mid-Rag Smok-ah". During the early morning hours of the second or third mid shift, the latest issue of the Mid-Rag Smok-ah would mysteriously appear on the Dawgs racks and positions. The Mid-Rag was printed in the Ops Center on eight-ply paper with everyone assured of getting a copy including the Mission Supervisor (NCOIC). If you were a town-runner, you were indeed nervous during those mid-shifts until the rag was finally distributed. You would either breathe a sigh of relief, be embarrassed beyond belief, or want to put your hands around the neck of THE PHANTOM! The Dawgs tried their best to stay on the good side of THE PHANTOM...who was not above accepting bribes from them in the form of free drinks at the Prince Club.
Taiwanese antique "crystal" sipping vessels saved by Ray "Riccione" Riccitello (Dawg Flight 1971-72) from two of Taipei's "finest" establishments...the Top Hat and Black Cat clubs (Click Here). "Riccione" still toasts to "Malaysia" with these cocktail glasses on special occasions like Chinese New Year..."Ganbei”...!
Note: 1970/71 drink prices in Taipei clubs and bars were: Mixed Drinks-NT $20 (50 cents), U.S. Beer (12 oz. can)-NT $20 (50 cents), Taiwan Beer (large brown bottle)-NT $30 (75 cents), Wu Mei Jyou (sweet plum wine)-NT $10 (25 cents) per glass, Soft Drinks-NT $10 (25 Cents), Girls' Drinks (bars) NT $50 ($1.25).
1.) 1972 Taiwan "Brewed Vinegar" bottle photo provided by Tom "Spy" Stovall (Dawg Flight 1972-74). The Dawgs were known to drink almost anything in a pinch...Gambay! ("Brewed Vinegar" was drunk for its alleged health benefits). 2.) 1950s Taiwan Beer label. 3.) 1970s Taiwan Beer label. Taiwan Beer in 1970/71 came in large, liter-size brown bottles and sold for NT $30 (75 cents) in clubs and bars (stateside beer was NT $20 or $.50 for a 12 oz. can). Taiwan "Pejyou" was vile tasting stuff that GIs typically did not drink.
Next to the Linkou Club, the Dragon Inn Dining Hall was the most important building on base. Steak for lunch on Wednesdays, Chinese food ("beef and greens") on Thursdays, lobster on Fridays, omelettes made to order, make-your-own ice cream sundaes, and a beer vending machine set it far apart from the chow hall standards of the day. Consistently rated the best chow hall in the Air Force, the Dragon Inn won the Hennessy Trophy a record four times: 1968, 1969, 1973, and 1974.
Drink coaster and large brass ashtray from the 63 Club's "Out Reception" in March 1971. All departing members of the 63 Club received this large brass ashtray as a going-away present at the club's "Out Reception" their last month on Taiwan. Images provided by "Sarge" (Dawg Flight 1970-71).
"In & Out Receptions" for both new and departing members were held monthly in the 63 Club's Coral Room Cocktail Lounge. Both receptions included free cocktails and dinner.
Roger Jarvis: "This plaque with the Linkou Club seal hung inside the front entrance to the downtown Linkou Club. When "Happy Hour" was on the plaque was turned over to to display the sign "Happy Hour" along with a drawing of an Air Force sergeant having a brew. When "Happy Hour" was over we turned it back over to show the Linkou Club seal shown above.
I was the person to leave the downtown Linkou Club in March 1977 before we turned the building back to the Chinese. I took the plaque and now it hangs in my home." [08 Feb 14]
The same ChiNat Police Dept. spring-loaded, telescopic (9" to 21") steel baton that Dawg Flight's Bill Wittenberg carried concealed during his stint as head Master at Arms (MA) at the Taipei Linkou Club from 1969 to mid-1971. "There had been 'several' incidents in the Taipei Linkou Club and one the Taiwanese employees had a ChiNat Police Dept. day job and offered to get me one of the nightsticks. ...I guess he was looking out for my welfare!" [26 Aug '09] Bill "Joe Witt" Wittenberg, Dawg Flight (1969-72, 1966-67). Note: Dawg Flight's SSgt. Larry Copeland (1969-71) was also a MA at the Taipei Linkou Club during the same timeframe.
Note: A Dawg first-termer, who will remain "anonymous", was also known to carry one of these nightsticks on occasion while running Town in early 1970...
Chuck Jenkins (Dawg Flight 1971-72) provided Dawg Flight's Bill "Joe Witt" Wittenberg's 1971 hand-drawn map given to fellow Dawgs invited to another of his famous Tien Mou house parties. "Joe Witt's" address is written in Chinese so Taiwanese cab drivers transporting the Dawgs could find his place...#84 on the map.
Dawg Fight's Bill "Joe Witt" Wittenberg (1969-72, 1966-67):"...It MUST have been a 'good' map, as EVERYONE always showed up. I DO remember the Dawgies showin' up...but it was the LEAVING that I NEVER remembered!" [02 Jun 2009]
Chuck Jenkins (Dawg Flight 1971-72) provided his January 25, 1972 China Airlines (CAL) ticket (front & back) from the Taipei International Airport to Hailien Airport located on the eastern central coast of Taiwan. Chuck was in seat 10B and round trip airfare from Taipei was NT$407 ($10.18 USD). Several Dawgs accompanied Chuck on the trip to Haiien and nearby Taroko Gorge over a long break. Photos of the group's 1972 trip are Located Here.
1.) 2004 photo of "THE PHANTOM's" 1970 TEAC reel-to-reel tape deck and 1970 Kenwood AM/FM KR-5150 stereo receiver from Taiwan...still in perfect working condition after 34 years. State of the art Japanese component systems from the Linkou and East Compound BX (deeply discounted from U.S. prices) were commonplace in Dawg Flight's barracks rooms and Taipei apartments circa 1970.
2.) 1970 shot taken by "THE PHANTOM" of the Kenwood KR-5150 receiver (on shelf) and Kenwood speaker(s) he later purchased from the "unidentified" Dawg SSgt partially visible in his barracks room. The "Sarge" replaced his Kenwood amp and speakers with a new 1970 Sansui 2000a receiver, Pioneer CS-77A walnut speakers, and a Sony cassette tape deck for dubbing albums played on his Dual 1219 turntable.
3.) 1970 Kenwood KR-5150 receiver ad. The U.S. retail price in the ad is $319.95...the BX price was about 50% less
4.) 1975 AKAI ad. The Reel-to-Reel and 8-track decks in the ad were soon replaced by the latest and hottest new technology of the day...cassette decks and players.
(5. & 6.) Bose and Pioneer speakers were the best in the seventies (1975 ads). The Bose speaker prices (U.S.) listed in the 1975 ad were more than 50% less at the Linkou and Navy Exchanges.
A pirated album purchased in 1969 from one of the many Taipei record and book stores located along Chungshan North Road. Pirated versions (typically red vinyl) of the latest hit albums sold for only $12NT (30 cents US) and pirated hard cover best sellers and other books went for $40NT ($1.00 US)...both at a fraction of U.S. prices. Note: Pirated albums were hard on turntable (Dual 1219...) tone arm cartridges and needles...typically sold out at the BX. Shure cartridges were the best (1975 ad above).
1969 Caves Bookstore card and 1969 newspaper ads for bookstores listing "New Books" (...all pirated copies) as appeared in The China Post on September 01, 1969.
(Left) Revised U.S. military pay scale schedule, effective July 1, 1969. The pay rates do not include overseas pay (around $50 mo.) paid to all airmen at Linkou, or separate rations pay (around $100 mo.) paid to airmen at Linkou, E-4 (Sgt.) and above (single or married). These increased pay rates in 1969 remained in effect for a few years and gave the Dawgs (1969-72) just enough Taipei running money for "wine, women, and song"... (Right) 2014 military pay scale.
The bronze lapel pin was an award which recognized airmen for the performance of their duties over a thirty day reporting period. "BEAVER" stood for Be Ever Alert, Vigilant, Energetic, and Ready. One former Linkouite, Mike Dick (Able Flight 1972-74), recalls in an e-mail that it was actually an award that was given to operators who went sober for 30 days. That may very well be true and evident, because the majority of Dawg Flighters "obviously" did not receive such a dubious award.
The front and back sides of the American Embassy Shop ID Card. This ID card was issued to U.S. military personnel stationed in and around Taipei as proof of identity for the purchase of alcohol at the Embassy Shop located in the HSA West Compound. To curtail black marketing all liquor purchases were limited to a controlled amount monthly, which were recorded and tracked on our Ration Cards (see images below). Viewing the face of the person in the photo on this card you could jump to several conclusions...was he:
A.) "GAF" B.) "Bleeding" badly after a mid. C.) Hung over. D.) All of the above. The correct answer is: D.) All of the above.
1975 ID card for the Embassy Shop located in the HSA West Compound in Taipei. The Embassy Shop sold liquor tax-free at much cheaper prices than in the states (name-brand whiskey cost around $1.00). The ID card was used to keep track of monthly purchases, which were limited and recorded on Ration Cards (see images below), to limit selling alcohol on the black market to local merchants, individuals, clubs, and bars.
All U.S. military personnel stationed in and around Taipei were issued a Ration Card (also referred to as a "PMO Card") like the one shown above. All "rationed and controlled" items purchased were recorded on the card's backside and tracked monthly to deter black marketing. "Rationed and controlled" items included liquor purchased from the Embassy Shop, beer and soft drinks (two cases each per week were allowed) purchased from the beverage store in the West Compound, cigarettes, food items from the Commissary, TVs (two per tour), stereo systems, electronics and appliances.
Prior to departing Taiwan the Provost Marshal's Office (PMO), located in the West Compound next to the Embassy Shop, required proof of purchase (receipts), sale or ownership of all controlled durable goods purchased during your tour such as TVs, stereo systems, appliances, etc.
John Hanretty's 1971 Taiwan Driver's License and Accident Card (front & back). Linkou GIs who owned or drove cars were required to have this Chinese driver's license and Air Force accident card on their person. The instructions on the back of the accident card had instructions in both Chinese and English, and was produced along with your driver's license at the scene of an accident.
Yes, Dawgs, there really was an Officer's Club at Linkou. This is Roger Jarvis' O' Club membership card, which he used infrequently during his 1975-77 Linkou tour. Roger, a USAF civilian employee at Linkou and former Marine, recalls: "The better fun and enjoyment was always at the Linkou NCO Club...the only time the officers had any events at the O' Club were the 'Dining-in's' (image above) and 'Dining-out's'. What I liked most about ShulinKou was there just seemed to be a really good family sense there, among everyone." [8 Feb 14]
Now, just in case you're still wondering, the Officer's Club was located behind Headquarters and next to the, where the heck was the BOQ...?
First termers on Dawg Flight, as well as other Flights and units, had a ritual when getting "Short" with time remaining on Taiwan and in the Air Force. "Really Short" was 30 days or less. This milestone required the Short-Timer to purchase a bottle of Seagram's V.O. to be finished off prior to departing Linkou.
The ribbon from the Seagram's V.O. bottle (1970 "V.O." Christmas ad on right) signified the honor and milestone of being a "short-timer". Properly displayed, the ribbon was threaded through the top button hole of a uniform shirt and had to be worn while on duty.
1971 New Year's calendar transmitted from Kadena AB, Okinawa and printed on rolled paper on a Linkou Ops Center teletype machine by THE PHANTOM during a Dawg Flight mid on New Year's Eve from 11:00 PM Thursday, December 31, 1970 to 7:00 AM Friday, January 01, 1971. Dawg Flight celebrated New Year's Eve at the Linkou Club on the Hill just prior to working that mid...there was some serious "bleeding" by the Dawgs that night. The Dawgs hung this long, one-piece calendar (8.5" X 42") inside their barracks room locker doors to use as a "short" calendar.
Displayed above are the front and back sides of a haircut chit handed out for a free haircut at the Shulinkou barber shop next to the BX. Typically, these chits were provided to us by our supervisory sargeants (...including "SSgt" Lentz) who kept a ruler in their hip pocket. Per Air Force regulation 35-10, sideburns could not creep below the notch in the middle of your ears and hair had to be off your ears and collar in the back. However, since long hair and sideburns was the style in the '70s and preferred by most first-term Dawgs and their girlfriends downtown to a short military style haircut, the Dawgs constantly pushed the limit.
Robbie and several other Dawgs "miraculously" discovered that "Dippity-Doo" hair gel would plaster down their hair enough to meet military regs while at work. Then a quick shampoo after work...and "Voila"...instant long hair for running town. The quarter-size haircut chits pictured above were made of plastic and given their condition...most likely saw little use.
(Left photo) THE PHANTOM's 1970 jacket emblem and Chinese name, "Yau-dong". Provided by THE PHANTOM (Dawg Flight: ca. 1970)
(Right photo) Three Dawgs "on the town" wearing their trademark Dawg Flight jackets in 1970. (From left) Tim "Two Shoes" Kerekes (1970-71), Bill "Young'un" Meyer (1970-72) and George "Sergio" Raseta (1970-71). Photo by N. Carpenter (Dawg Flight 1969-71)
The Dawgs wore tailor made navy-blue nylon team jackets with a "D" emblem embroidered on the front. Above the "D" was their name embroidered in Chinese characters. The unique jacket and emblem were designed by THE PHANTOM in early 1970 and were tailor-made for each Dawg at a Taipei tailor shop that also made all the Dawg Flight sports jerseys. The trademark jackets were proudly worn everywhere Dawg traveled...especially on the streets of Taipei.
(1.) Mr. Loo's Tailors was a Dawg Flight favorite in 1970/71. "Hip Dawg" Jack Boex (1970-71) is shown on the town wearing a new tailor-made double breasted leather jacket from Mr. Loo's. (2. & 3.) Mr. Loo's small tailor shop was located in the back section of the East Compound near the rear gate. (4. & 5.) Suit hanger from Mr. Loo's.
(Left Photo) Jim "LT" Hansen's (Dawg Flight Commander 1971-73) "Beggars + One" team bowling shirt from Dawg Flight's Fall 1972 "After Swings Bowling League". The "Plus (+) One" team member was the first WAF on Dawg Flight and the only "first termer" on the team. (Center & Right Photos) Jim Hansen's tailor-made 6987th Taipei, Taiwan jacket.
Ray "Buddy Ray" Tallman (Dawg Flight 1971-76): "The patch...was an "unofficial" Dawgie patch that was worn on Dawg Flight jackets not the uniform. Can't remember who designed this patch but I do remember there were three or four other versions of a Dawg Flight patch which were voted on by Dawg Flight members circa 1974. Since women were allowed into the intel career fields circa '72, some versions of the patch were unacceptable to management." [16 June 2009]
(Top Row) January 1969 shots of Keesler AFB students on the main base marching to their morning "A-shift" training classes. Training course classes were held in two separate five-hour sessions: "A-shift" for airmen attending the morning class session (0700-1200 hrs), and "B-shift" for airmen attending the afternoon class session (1200-1700 hrs). The ditty-bags on the backs in the fourth photo were for training manuals used by airmen attending Electronics courses (...they had homework). Airmen on both "A" and "B" shifts reported for squadron duties daily either after or before their classes started or ended at noon.
(Bottom Row) The 292X1 ("Ditty Bopper") Morse Intercept Operator Course classes at Keesler AFB were held at Thomson Hall (Nov. 1967 photos). The rear of Thomson Hall (second photo) was the break area where the "Roach Coaches" would park (lots of coffee and "NoDoz"). "Ditty Bops" received a 15-minute break every hour...otherwise they went crazy from all the dits & dahs they listened to in class.
Note: Keesler AFB training course classes for other AFSCs, including Electronics, were held at: Allee Hall, Bryan Hall, Cody Hall, Dolan Hall, Maltby Hall, and Wolfe hall.
These are the stripes we wore as "Airmen" and "Sergeants" during our four short years in the Air Force. (Top left) A3C (Airman Third Class, E-2) and A2C (E-3) (Bottom left) Buck Sgt/A1C (E-4) and SSgt. (E-5). Most of us attained the rank of Buck Sergeant prior to discharge. Many Dawgs received "early-out" discharges after their 15 month tours in Taiwan. The Air Force could not extend you involuntarily in place beyond the 15 month tour. So with that, many took the early out. Discharge was at McCord AFB, WA.