Updated 13 March 2013 / Added 11 December 2010 |
Roger Swift (1957-58): "...Because of my time in the P.I. at Clark AB, I spent just 11 months on Taiwan. I left there in Feb. of 1958, so that puts me getting there in March of '57, along with Dan Pentacost (pictured below). Dan and I were classmates in Biloxi and were on the same flight to the P.I. The reason we were picked to go to Taiwan was because on the swing shift that they asked us to volunteer...we told them we would let them know the next day. The next day, the orders to go were posted on the B.B. (bulletin board) with our names on them.
...My hometown up until around 1959 was Buckfield, Maine, a rather large farming town of around 1,000 people. Buckfield is about 35 or 40 miles from the Atlantic Ocean, northwest of Portland, Maine." [09 Dec 2010]
1.) Roger Swift (Buckfield, ME) 2.) John Denver (Boston, MA) at barracks. 3.) 1958 shot of Roger Swift trying to lift baskets of dirt from the new swimming pool excavation. "The Last Resort" (Army Club) is in background. The Last Resort's name was later changed to the Linkou Club. 4.) John Denver (Boston, MA) on right. Unidentified on left.
1.) A2C (Airman 2nd Class) Dan Pentacost (Macon, GA) behind the barracks. 2.) Dan Pentacost. Barracks on right and Chapel in left background. 3.) Dan Pentacost in 1958 behind the barracks (right). New pool construction and Chapel on left. 4.) John Hallum (see "Note" below).
Note: "John Hallum (photo 4. above) and I went through Keesler AFB together and were assigned to the 6925th RGM Clark AB Philippines. John was sent to Formosa, 6925th Det. Three of us were chosen to stay at Clark to play football. We met two fellows passing through on the way back to the U.S. at the Airmens Club one night, and they painted a rosey picture of ShuLinkou for us. We were in the orderly room the next day volunteering for Linkou. We flew up on a USAF C-47 the safest flight I have ever been on. The crew chief issued us a parachute and fitted us up. He told us if we had to bail out just roll out the door, and when we could see the tail of the plane pull the cord. He said if the chute failed, bring it back and he would give us another. I slept on mine." [13 Mar 2013] Gary Scorby (Linkou 1957-58)
All unidentified. (For any IDs please send us an email at the link at the top of this page.) Photo no. 10. (bottom row-far right). Just finished laying brick sidewalks (foreground) and paving streets (truck-right background)...ready for grass. Basketball court (left), BBQ grill (barrels-center), tents (right) and Chow Hall (far right) in background.
1.) Roger Swift on walk to the village of Linkou. 2.) Walking to the Linkou village. John Denver on left. Dan Pentacost on right. Two in middle are U/ID. (3. & 4) Same group walking to Linkou village.
1.) The winding dirt road down the Hill to Taipei prior to paving. 2.) Roger Swift on a monument located along the mountain road to Taipei. The monument is also shown in the previous photo (left-center). 3.) Shrine along the mountain road to Taipei. 3.) Farmer collecting "fertilizer" for his crops from a benjo ditch and filling his honey bucket.
1.) BOQ (Bachelor Officers' Quarters) and Orderly Room (right background) 2.) Corrugated metal open-bay barracks. 3.) Latrine (right) and shower room behind it (left background). 4.) The round Telephone Exchange building is shown in the background.
1.) Front of barracks and brick sidewalks (left), Motor Pool (background) and Orderly Room (right). BBQ GRill (barrels-center) and new grass just starting to grown. 2.) Motor Pool (background) and Orderly Room (right). Brick sidewalks (far left and foreground)) and BBQ grill (barrels-center). 3.) Orderly Room (right), Motor Pool (background) and BBQ Grill (barrels-foreground). Freshly paved street (crushed stone). 4.) Water truck watering the freshly planted grass on base. Orderly Room on left.
1.) Roger Swift in a tea patch near the base during a walk to Linkou village. 2.) Main Gate and Gate Shack. 3.) Taiwanese women planting grass seeds between the barracks. Shot taken through a barracks windows (red draperies are shown on both sides of the window). 4.) Taiwanese laborers carrying out dirt in baskets on their shoulders from the new swimming pool excavation. "The Last Resort" (Linkou Club) is shown in the left background.
1.) Jan/Feb 1958 shot of swimming pool excavation (foreground). Barracks on left and "The Last Resort" (Linkou Club) on right. 2.) View of the swimming pool construction and Air Force barracks from the Army side of base and "The Last Resort" (Linkou Club). 3.) Taiwanese women carrying out the dirt from the swimming pool. Air Force barracks in background. 4.) Concrete forms for the walls of the new swimming pool (Feb 1958). Chapel in background.