Last Year in October Professor Richard Falk of Princeton University has warned that the rich countries of the West have used the United Nations since 1945 and now the World Trade Organisation for their own "distinctive economic interest".

Similarly, efforts by the industrialised countries to impose environmental standards are actually smoke screens to hamper the growth of the developing countries.

One example is Decision 11/12 of the Basle Convention to ban shipments of "Basle wastes" from OECD to non-OECD countries. This includes secondary materials like scrap metal, which are vital for aluminium, steel and other recycling industries.

Despite the fact that some Asian countries have developed advanced recycling industries (using the same Western technologies), they still feel that we do no know how to handle such materials. For our own good, they will ban the export of scrap materials to developing nations.

Since the language of the convention is intentionally vague in many places, even the export of second hand clothing to China or Vietnam may be affected.

The same Basle Convention, however, allows OECD countries to import as such scrap materials as they want from anywhere in the world to sustain their own recycling industries. What this means is that not only will Asian recycles suffer from the lack of raw materials, but they will never be able to catch up with the OECD recycles.

As Prof. Falk has pointed out, this is nothing but a ploy to hamper the development of new industries in developing countries.

The West is driven by its Weltanschauung or worldview. Phrases like "New World Order" or "Vital interests of the Western economies" are symptoms of this worldview. Actually there is nothing new about their worldview. The phrase "New World Order" has been inscribed in Latin Novus Ordo Seclorum on every US dollar bill (at the base of the mason’s pyramid) for over 200 years now.

Why do the rich countries of the West continue to behave like this? Why do they feel that it is their right to take what they want and deny others the right to have the same things? Perhaps a look at the roots of some of their ideologies will provide some answers.

Thomas Robert Malthus was an English economist and pioneer in population studies. Malthus rose to become a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, the French Academie des Sciences and the Royal Academy of Berlin.

Malthus is best known for his incorrect assumption that population growth always tends to outrun production. His view was that man is doomed to suffer poverty.

In the 19th century, this perverted thinking held sway held sway over many European economists and policy-makers to justify laissez faire (read piratical) trade practices. Events like the exploitation of lands in Asia by the Dutch and British East India companies as well as the expansionist wars in Europe can be linked to such straight-jacketed thinking.

Not only did Malthus condemn mankind to inescapable poverty, he also held that man’s hope for social happiness must be in vain. Population will expand to the limit of subsistence and will be held in check by famine, war and ill health. However "vice", "misery" and "self-restraint" could check this excessive growth!

Such stunted thinking is partly responsible for the trade mark "us versus them" attitude of the West, especially since the East India Company days. In their thinking, there are only so many trees, fishes and other resources on the earth. Either "we" grab it first or else "others" will take it away from "us". It is therefore, typical when President George Bush said "the American way of life is not up for bargaining". They must console themselves for their piratical practices to exploit others and for their protectionist barriers to keep others down.

This goes against the teachings of all major religions including the Bible and the Quran. It is not coincidental that the rise of Malthusian thought was during the ebb of religious faith in Europe. In the Quran, God tells us that He has provided bountifully for all mankinds. (To say otherwise would imply a flippant Creator).

"For each one of them, we provide, for them from your Lord’s bounties. Your Lord’s bounties are inexhaustible". (Sura 17:20).
"…. You shall not kill your children from fear of poverty – we provide for you and for them. You shall not commit gross sins, obvious or hidden". (Sura 6:51).

The fact that China can feed all her people or India can have a huge grain surplus is evidence that God has indeed provided us with enough resources. Rather than fighting wars or embarking on confused economic policies, if we water the soil and let the seeds grow, there will be plenty.

The West must, therefore, re-establish its religious roots. If the people believe in God and have faith in God’s compassion and mercy for all His creation, then they will stop being afraid of not having enough to eat or wear. Instead of Malthus or any other mortal thinker, truly the West is in need of God.

(Reference NST, Oct 12 1995)