It so happened that an Imam and a Priest were condemned to fight a dual. The winner would be a free man, the loser had to die. Both men were given pistols and sent into a darkened room. The kindly Priest, not wishing to harm the Imam, fired up the chimney, hitting the Imam in the backside.


There was a trial going on, to decide whether to impose a Fatwa on a young man. The judge noticed that there were only 11 imams in Jury Box. "Where is the twelfth man, the doctor?" He asked one of them. "He had to go away on business", he said with a smirk, "But don't worry - he left his verdict with me."


A man was cleaning out his garage one evening, when he opened an old trunk which he had bought from the East. He found a dirty brass lamp, and gave it a rub. A genie appeared, and promised to answer any three questions for releasing him. "Who, me?" Said the startled man. "Yes, you." Answered the genie. "Now what's your third question?"


A missionary in Central Africa came upon a witch doctor pounding away at a large drum. "What are you doing?" Asked the missionary.
"We have no water." Replied the witch doctor. "I see," said the missionary. "So I suppose you're praying for rain?"
"No," said the witch doctor. "I'm calling the plumber."


A bomb fell on London in 1941, the city hospital was being evacuated. Matron was hastily going through her desk drawers. "Sally!" She shouted to a nearby nurse, "I can't find my teeth!"
"Never mind about that!" Sally shouted back. "It's bombs they're dropping - not sandwiches!"