Message to Mankind

  God's immutable principles are not restricted by culture or geography and can be applied anywhere.  

This year has been quite eventful but we are nowhere closer to a peaceful world today than we were a decade ago. Religion as an institution is falling apart and the corruption in governments is being exposed at a greater pace. The battle against poverty, crime and violence is an uphill struggle and drug addiction and related deaths are on the increase. Divorce is tearing families apart at a frightening pace and sexual perversion of masquerades as entertainment in this age where 'alternative sex' is accepted as normal. Most of these aberrations are mistakenly accepted in the name of political correctness and personal freedom.

We can easily lay the blame on our politicians and religious leaders - many of whom are themselves deplete of moral values. But the harsh truth is this: the fault lies within ourselves. In the race of materialism we have become selfish. While struggling for personal prestige we are losing the esteem of the society as whole.

The voices that do speak out are lost in the wilderness of apathy. People are too absorbed in the 'Me' culture to hear calls of those in real deprivation. While we may be content with our own lives, are we genuinely happy with the state of our global village? Is this what we want our children to inherit? If not then how do we change our complacent society?

Our leaders are from among ourselves, and in a democratic country reflect our choice. To make changes we must begin with ourselves. First we should realise that there are some things which we cannot change and have the serenity to accept them. Then we must have the courage to change the things we cannot accept. (For example, the Poll Tax in Britain was abolished because of public outcry against it.) Finally we need the wisdom to distinguish between the two. So how can we acquire this wisdom? People make decisions all the time from information they receive. 'Reasoning' is the intellectual faculty by which conclusions are drawn. This ability is a tool for sifting knowledge in order to come to a sound conclusion. The decision itself is 'wisdom'.

Therefore it is important that we gain as much knowledge as possible so that we can make our own judgements on important matters relating to our personal life, family, work, and of course faith.

We do, however need a 'checklist' to see if our decision, based on our reasoning, is correct and this is where we need a set Permanent Values as our yardstick. These unchanging laws can only be provided by a supreme and just authority. This, ultimate power is of course God. As God's immutable principles are not restricted by culture or geography they can be applied anywhere. And within that framework byelaws can be made to suit particular situations and circumstances.

Before we can implement God's Laws we need to find out what they are. God does not want to impose any difficulty on us so he has given us His Criterion in an easy to understand book, God's system is simple yet disciplined. Individuals have rights and responsibilities and they are set out in the Quran - His Message to Mankind. This book is a fully detailed guide and is unique by any standards. It has the timeless Permanent Values we need. It shows by historical illustration and direct instruction how individuals and lawmakers can create a better environment for everyone. Many people will reject the Quran without even reading it and knowing what it has to offer. Will you?