Asiah Abdul Latif


Attitudes Of Singaporean 'Muslims'

I was disappointed with the prevailing attitudes of 'Muslims' in Singapore. Campaigns have been continually active for various kinds of contribution such as monetary help for the Community Chest, pledge for kidney donation upon death and blood donation drives.

    Sadly, I have gathered countless disappointing remarks both from the-streets and from local Malay television programmes such as 'Tinjauan'. Most `Muslims 'were' concerned about where such donation money goes to, who the recipients of their kidneys are and whether or not the blood be given to fellow 'Muslims'.

    I have been quoting the word 'Muslims' in inverted commas because this attitude does not conform to the teachings of the Quran. It is not for us to judge the deeds of our 'fellow humans referring to them as 'non-Muslims' as God is the only judge of their works.

    'O you who believe, no people shall mock other people, for they may he better than they; nor shall women mock other women, for they may be better than they. Do not defame each other, nor ridicule any names. It is repugnant to practice wickedness after acquiring faith. Those who refuse to repent are wicked'.
(Quran 49:11).

    Instead, isn't it more worthwhile to reflect upon our own works? Life and death lies in His hands, none of us can 'postpone' anybody's death. The worry that this `help' would only serve to prolong the `evils' that they do proves baseless. Though it is highly probable for recipients to be 'non-Muslims' (they make up 90% of Singapore's population), it. Should not matter to anybody because we are not accountable for the works of others.

    Say, "You are not responsible far our sins, nor are we responsible for what you do". (Quran 34:25)

    I have no idea how such remarks came about and would like to see a change in the future.