Allah (SWT) has stated in the Qur'an: '...it is for Us to explain it' (75:19). Therefore the Qur'an declared that it explains everything: '...and we have sent down to thee the Book explaining all things' (16:89). It is simple (18:1) and there is no contradiction in it (4:82). The Qur'an then states that it has been revealed in clear Arabic (26:195). The Qur'an is the word of Allah (9:6).

The Qur'an is not like ordinary books - where there are chapters on each subject. Each subject when brought up again, a new aspect is revealed. This is called 'Tasreef-e-Ayat' (6:106). The book is the spoken word of Allah revealed as the caravan of believers progressed and established themselves on earth.

In order to understand the Qur'an one has to pay attention and reflect profoundly (4:82). The message is not meant for any particular set of individuals or group of people, but is for all times and for anyone searching truth. Therefore, the Qur'an can never be understood by just following others nor through anyone else. Scientifically there is no last word in the interpretation and understanding of the Qur'an, whereas verses relating to the basis of faith, laws etc. are permanent and unchangeable. To understand the Qur'an following is stated: 'Soon will We show then Our signs in the (farthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the truth' (41:53).

Therefore to understand the Qur'an one should have knowledge of the state of development of the society of the time. If one does not have knowledge of the problems and efforts of a society, one cannot apply the Qur'anic knowledge to the situation.

There is another important point to keep in mind while understanding the Qur'an. The Qur'an has commandments and laws with some facts stated. The commandments and laws have established meanings (3:7) while the facts particularly those related to the abstract realities are explained metaphorically. However, there can be a difference of opinion in their interpretation, but there cannot be any difference of opinion on commandments and laws.

The Qur'an lays down the fundamentals while finer details are required to be worked out by the Islamic society of the time. The Qur'an can never be understood with preconceived ideas (56:79). Some of us approach the Qur'an to get support for these preconceived ideas, which is not a right approach and the Qur'anic message remains illusive.

Finally, we should remember that by following the Qur'an we should start getting the tangible results in this world which initially manifest themselves as change in our thoughts and conviction and followed by change in our behaviour. The change in behaviour is what we call doing righteous deeds.