Polygamy is just one of the many issues which many people criticise about Islam. It is generally viewed as a barbaric practice, and i thought to keep women down, therefore making Islam to be a religion of unequality, as only a man can have more than one wife, but a woman could not have more than one husband.

Some people think that a woman is reduced to the status of an object or an animal, and are treated as second rate citizens. Isn't it surprising that in the civilised West, the part of the world which condemns polygamy there are many more people who have many relationships outside marriage, while still being married to one person!

During this time, I have noticed that many people do not know what the Quran has to say about this Issue. In Sura 4, verse 3, God says, ' If you deem it in the best interests of the orphans, you may marry their mother if you like; you may marry two of them, or three, or four. However, if you feel that you may not be equitable, then one is enough, or be content with what you already have. This may be easier for you to afford. '

From this you can see that polygamy is only in the best interests of the orphans, and marriage to their mother is permitted, (not any woman you want to marry) to give them a home with two parents (we have seen the amount of 'single parents' living in Western society, on state benefits), and it is only applicable to widows, you can't marry just anyone. It is obvious that polygamy is for the benefits of the women as well, not to keep them down! We can also see that the number of wives is not limited to 4, you can marry more, but God tells you to marry only one woman if you cannot afford to marry many.

This verse makes a lot more sense than what is usually heard about polygamy in Islam. God specifically mentions widows, as not many people would want to marry them, and their children would be left fatherless, with no one to support them. This is why polygamy, as specified by God, would help society, and reduce poverty.

If we look at Sura 4, verse 1 29, God says, 'In polygamy, you can never be equally attentive towards your wives, no matter how hard you try. '

This verse tells us that God does not recommend polygamy, but only IN THE BEST INTERESTS of the orphans, it is permitted, as we have seen before. The interests of the orphans are put first and foremost.

So you can see that polygamy in Islam is not a very complicated issue, it is just due to misinformation and some ignorant 'muslims' who quote sources other than the Quran, and added their own rules. Polygamy has been wrongly represented and compared to the ancient barbarians, which have nothing to do with Islamic polygamy, which is in the best interests of the orphans and society in general.