A Letter from a Witness

The following letter was sent by a Jehovah's Witness to one of our readers. The text of this letter is obviously paraphrased from their book 'Reasoning from the Scriptures' and is inaccurate when compared to the Quran.

Dear Friend,
I appreciated you giving me a few minutes of your time this afternoon when I called at your door. My friend and I called at your home one Sunday morning some time ago and you very kindly invited us in. I know you are a very busy person who works hard for his family. You are commended for this.

I have done a little research into what you believe. Jehovah's witnesses respect all religions. We endeavor to become familiar with other religions. In this way it helps us to be more understanding towards our neighbors. I understand the Quran is the principal "Holy Book" of Muslims. Some people, we have learned, who belong to your religion agree that the Bible is God's word, but you believe that it is superseded by the Quran. You also believe that there is no God but Allah. You believe Jesus was one of the prophets, as was Muhammad, and that Muhammad (570 -632 CE) was the Comforter foretold by Jesus. You believe Muhammad was the most important prophet and Muslims strongly believe that God has no son. In our study of the Bible, the Word of God, we have found it tells about the problems of life that people like you and me experience and it shows us what the real solution is. I do not believe in Christiandom's trinity. I worship the one true God, the creator of the heavens and the earth. Am I right that you believe that Jesus (or Moses) was a prophet! Was he a true prophet? Then what he said was from God, and if other teachings do not agree with it, they must be from another source? Is that not so?

I understand the Quran believes in Adam, Noah, and Abraham, (mentioned about 70 times in 25 different Suras having his name as a title for Sura 14).

Noah and Abraham were men of great faith. Their obedience to God came first in their lives. Noah and his family were spared during the global flood because he acted immediately when warned by God of the flood. He built the ark, as commanded by God, and warned the people around him. The Bible said he was a preacher of righteousness. Obedience to our heavenly father now will bring us, people of all nations, into a close relationship with our loving heavenly father, and we alt have the hope of enjoying everlasting life.

I am sorry I did not get your name. I apologize for this. Your wife is a very nice person and your children are very friendly and listened attentively that Sunday morning you kindly invited us in.

Jehovah's Witness meets at the local Kingdom Hall. You would be welcome any time. You said I could call on you again when I read the Quran. I hope with me dong this research as above, we could have another discussion.

I appreciate, as I have already said, that your time is limited, but if you could spare me a few minutes of your time next Sunday, I could find out more about what your answer to the solution to the world's problems and what our prospects are to see an end to the suffering and death in the world.

Kind regards to you all. Helen Walker. Seafar, Scotland.


Its apparent from her letter that Helen Walker has never read the Quran. The 'research' which she undertook must have taken her a good five minutes!
The information is obviously taken from 'Reasoning from the Scriptures' the Jehovah's
Witness textbook.

People who submit to God accept the Quran as the veritable word of God - there is no other 'Holy Book' because the Quran is complete. Therefore the question of a 'principal' or 'secondary' book does not arise. No Muslim accepts the Bible as God's word.

The message, which Jesus taught, was the Gospel and from God but Jesus did not go around with a Bible and preaching from it.

The Muslim believers are commanded to say: "We make no distinction among any of His messengers." (Quran 2.285) so the belief that Muhammad is the 'most important prophet' is not from the Quran.

Helen's question 'Am I right that you believe that Jesus (or Moses) was a prophet?' is not very clear. Who is she asking the question about? If the question concerns the status of both Jesus and Moses then answer is that both were messengers of God.

If the Jehovah's witness have a genuine desire to 'Reason from the Scripture' then they should be prepared to read the Quran for themselves and not just refer to selected texts quoted from their own books.