I have gone through an article which, recently appeared in 'Signs' Issue No 5 regarding religious practices in India. I am however not surprised to see that the whole issue is unethical since it is not based on reasoned arguments in conformity to the Islamic ideology, norms and practices.

As a result the thesis is such that they can lead the Muslim community in adopting the one sided religious dogmas of Mohammad Ibn-AbWrl Wahab of Saudia Arabia. I am without doubt that the Quran is the essential guide to the universe, and who so ever will attempt and administer the Quranic advice will lead a successful life in this world and the hereafter.

In repudiation of the set issues, I am of the conviction that the argument, which purports to claim the view that religious practice in India, are being implemented merely to reel money. It is not only questionable whether the Indian Muslims have in reality created a unique industry by paying money to the people who pray on their behalf to Allah, but also one could equally ask who invented the business in the first place. Was it the religious scholars or the self proclaimed 'peers' or even the disciples of Abdul Qadir Jailani - who are commanding sums so as to initiate prayer on the behalf of the gullible, members of the global Qadriyya order.

An order which has its origins dating back some 8 centuries, with a line of descent from the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Hazrat Ali - may Allah be well pleased with both of them. This chain has led to the conversion of a multitude of non-Muslims in to adapting the Islamic Faith through the mechanism of sufism and not by the edge of the sword as has been frequently argued. The Muslims of the Indian subcontinent today number in excess of 200 million and the demographic evidence points us towards the importance of conversion which was a consequence of the tiring efforts of the spiritual sufis (auliaism) and not the influence of the Wahbis of Saudia Arabia. The African country of Sengal is being a living testament of this means of conversion. As with the case in Sudan which is being similarly effected by this process, a process implemented by the disciples of sufism across the entire African sub-continent in agreement with the views of the Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohammad that there is a significant proportion of the believers who are merely selective in their practice of the teachings of the Quran, whilst being aware of their obligation of complete compliance yet nonetheless claim ignorance. Hence they cannot achieve the prosperity in life as promised to mankind.
S.A.Chisti, Glasgow, Scotland.



Many thanks for your kindness in sending me the current issue of Signs magazine and for your generosity in including the back issues. I come from a non-Muslim background and have only recently begun to read the Quran, so 1 look forward to re-reading it in light of the commentaries given.
There is much for me to 'weigh and consider'!
Richard Allan, Glasgow, Scotland.



As the ashes had settled down in Charar-e-Sharief at the Site where the 535-year-old wooden mausoleum of Sheik Nooruddin Wali', 'one of Kashmir's "holiest" shrines', was burnt to the ground, the cat got out of the sack finally. 'That Sheik Nooruddin "Wali" was proved not to be the protector that he was made out to be!

As Time Magazine (May 22, 1995 issue) had reported, Sheik Nooruddin was "a Muslim saint worshipped by both Hindus and Muslims." As for Hindus, worshipping of holy people is normal. But the fact that he being worshipped by Muslims, constitute a great sin. In other words, the Kashmiri Muslims had long accepted him as someone worthy of worship beside Allah!

Sheik Nooruddin was their 'patron saint' who was to protect the Kashmiri Muslims. Then, it is a great wonder, he could not ward off the evils they have suffered for the past half a century. Not only that, he failed to save even his own shrine! Had they trusted God and lived by the Laws of Qur'an, they would have been made among the finest people in the world by Him! Instead they lived by the Laws of "Schools of Law" or 'Mazhabs', which allow them to portray "Qital" -the true 'armed struggle, as "Jihad" just to kill one another. But, Qur'an says that killing of one life unjustly is like killing the whole mankind and saving of one life is like saving the whole mankind!

Jihad (the righteous deed of supreme order) is the 'Religion of Abraham' and is defined by Qur'an as: "It is He (God) who named you Muslims (submitters) so that the Messenger becomes your witness and you become witnesses to the mankind; so establish regular Prayer, give regular Charity, and hold fast to God; He is your Protector, the Best to protect and the Best to help" (Qur'an ch 22 v 78). Thus, Jihad is not about terminating lives nor destroying properties. But, in order to be Muslims we have to compulsorily uphold Jihad. According to the above verse, Jihad is accepting the Messenger as our Witness and we becoming witnesses unto the mankind! But, the current baptism formula in Islam is to reject the Witnesshood of the Messenger by declaring ourselves to be the 'Messenger's Witnesses', i.e., by uttering the Second Kalima Shahadah!

The trials and tribulations now in the Muslim world, notably in Kashmir is the convincing proof of the truth in Muhammad the Messenger's complaint to God: "My Lord! My people took this Qur'an, (then) went on away from it"! (Qur'an 25:30). Yes! There will be no peace in Kashmir until they return to Qur'an!
Mohammed Kamaludin Singapore.
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