If a case against clergy were needed then the church has provided it. The increasing accusations against priests who have abused their positions of trust are sufficient proof that power of religious authority can be dangerous.

Allegations of sexuat abuse and homosexuality may not be new, but are now receiving more media attention than ever before.

God sent His message through his appointed prophets who were honoured men, other than that they were no more than human.

Apart from delivering God's message they earned their livelihood by working as fish- ermen, shepherds, traders, and there was even a carpenter!

By making worship a ritualized ceremony the religious establishments have developed full time paid jobs for preachers.

More than anything else these 'jobs for life' can be a haven for corrupt men who
want to use religion as a guise.

Anyone who has a genuine desire to serve God by inviting people to His way does not ask for any payment. In fact the Quran clearly says: "Follow those who do not ask you for a wage, they are guided". (Quran: verse 36.21 ).