Quranic texts vary according to the translation used. This is quite natural as each rendering is only the translator’s choice of words and therefore it would be wrong to accept any single translation as definitive.

It is preferable to use different versions for cross-reference, to check for accuracy and extract the best meaning. (A-Zumar 39:18)

Unless Arabic is intended to be learned as a language study groups can be quite restrictive. The simple Quranic principles are applicable to all aspects of our lives and formal tuition is not required to appreciate them. This can be concluded from the following verses:

“God most gracious…who teaches the Quran”. (Al Rahman 55:1-2)

“We have made the Quran easy to understand and remember”.
(Al Qamar 54:12, 54:22, 54:32, 54:40).

“If you observe God, God will teach you. God is omniscient” (Al Baqarah 2:282)

“Once we recite it, you shall follow the Quran. Then it is We who will explain it”.
(Al Qiyaamah 75:18-19).

Any translation of the Quran, which is true to the original text, is sufficient to convey God’s message. Many people further their understanding of the Quran by disciplined reading and sharing their knowledge through discussion and correspondence.