Please can you publish information about the benefits of Clitoral Excision with regard to the alleviation of excessive sexuality.
Is it true that this minor operation was not infrequently performed in Britain in Victorian times to bring about the above-mentioned remedy?

D Payne,
Essex, England.

We are not able to comment on whether this "minor operation" was performed in Victorian England or not.
God says in the Quran: "Indeed We have made man in a perfect mould". The human being has indeed been perfected in its creation by the Almighty God. Therefore it is puzzling why the created should need to "remedy" the perfect handiwork of the creator.

As for superstitions and ritualistic practices God says in the Quran, "Will you then revert to the pagan days of old?" Surah (5:50-51). Please see ‘Male and Female Circumcision’ article in this issue.

I am very happy that more and more people are coming back to the Quran, and this is a sign of change in every individual in facing reality and not simply following blindly. While following God's guidance through the final scripture (Quran), we are faced with problems - that is the various opinions of the Quranic people (people who follow the Quran alone). Most of them are divided by their own interpretations. It really saddens me to know that we fall back to disbelief after believing. We become arrogant. and hate one another due to the various understandings we uphold.

In Malaysia for instance, there are believers who uphold only three prayers omitting the other two, while there are believers who uphold the regular five prayers, and what is more shocking is that there are yet believers who think the number of times of the prayers are not important at all. In my country there are believers who think the Friday Congregation is to only discuss the Quran and nothing else.

Quran is the light and guidance for the people who believe in it. We should know the Quran does not speak to us, and as humans we read and understand it. Our Almighty God has made the Quran easy to understand especially for those who sincerely seek the truth. Here, understanding in the sense is coming to one logical conclusion and not various understandings. As God says, "Listen to all and follow the best". This could be the only reason why God ordered us to follow Him and His messenger.

The Sunnis, Shi'tes, Wahabbis and other have their hadith as another source to follow Muhammad as a replacement to the Prophet after his demise. The Scholars and Ulamas of these various sects have the ability and great influence in bringing millions of Muslim followers into their belief, eventhough we no know the truth from falsehood. We believe only in the Quran and nothing else hut in the Quran alone, but how about obeying the messenger, as God has told us to obey God and His Messenger.

I realise that there should be a human messenger to relate the Quran crystal clearly to the people on the basis of logic, fact and truth, so that they would clearly understand and consequently not fall into Sects, which God has strongly forbidden. The Quran is fully detailed by our Almighty God.
Prophets and Messengers only come to warn us and to bring us out of darkness into the light. In other words, the coming of prophets and messengers are blessings and Mercy for those who believe.

God chooses among his servants and inspires that chosen one. If that chosen servant of God came with irrefutable solid proof, we must be wise to study that God Chosen servant's claim, before accepting or denying it. The reason for God wanting us to follow the messenger is unity. By holding fast to the rope of God in unity and being united like a column of bricks in a wall, we would gain the respect of even the disbeliveers. So let us forget the minor differences we are disputing about, and let us stop bickering over trifles and let us all obey God and His Chosen messenger by following the Quran alone, returning back in the straight path "The path of those whom you have blessed, not of those who deserved Your wrath nor the strays".

Rahedah Mohd, Singapore

With regard to A. Sanderon’s letter and in response to the article "Who moved the stoned?" – Signs Magazines Issue 7, we make the following suggestion to the writer through your column.

The  author of the said article Mr Ahmed Deedat request to arrange with his/her  bishop or Archbishop to indulge in a public dialogue in Glasgow, with him on the subject "Was Christ Crucified?", whereby the various questions raised by A. Sanderson will also be discussed within the context of the dialogue. Mr Ahmed Deedat will cover his own expense to and from Glasgow.
We eagerly await A. Sanderson's positive response to the above through the columns of your esteemed magazine. With Salutations of Peace .

Cassim Deedat,
IPPCI, Durban, South Africa.

Thank you for regularly sending your magazine to us. We refer to the article "WORDS" published in the issue No.8. We really, are confused when the author bluntly dispels the authority and authenticity of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAAS). Surely he/she must say his/her prayers as enjoined on the Believers by Allah in the Qur'an. Could the author then provide us with evidence from the Qur'an on how to say the salat, e.g. how many raka'at and what to read in these raka'at? Should we say our prayers individually or in congregation behind an Imaam? We would be grateful if you could enlighten us on the above. Jazaak Allah Khir.

Insha-Allah we look forward to hearing from you soon. Until then we pray to Allah Almighty to shower you with His blessings and guide you onto the Straight Path.

A Siddiqui
AI-Furqan Charity Trust London.
The author does not reject the words or actions of the Prophet Muhammad. He does however question the accuracy of the transmission of that message through the centuries in the form we now call Hadith and Sunnah. Salat as subject which requires a separate article. What do other readers think about this? Editor.
  Signs magazine presenting a Quranic perspective for discussion and debate. We would like to hear from you. If you have any news, views or questions please write to us. Signs Magazine Strathyre House P.O. Box 164 Glasgow G3 6LR. (U.K.) Fax No: +44 (0) 141-331 2861 or Can e-mail us at