The Carlton Caption Competition

We received hundreds (well, er, six actually) of entries in the caption competition, some of which were even quite funny. The entries submitted were:

Look I only sell computers... I didn't say I knew how to work them - Hazel Ann Marsden

I want to be a tree, I want to be a rock, No I want to be a salesman - Richard West

er excuse me - could someone come over and dis-connect the power cable from the back of my head - thank you - Nick Hall

I say, I say, I say: How many people does it take to fill a lighting gallery - Val Foskett

Oh yes, David Attenborough's doing a documentary on me soon, you know.... Richard 'Mike Hunt' Foskett

Did you just fart Simon, or was that the sound effects CD? *- Mike 'Bob Dave' Davis

* Erm - definitely the sound effects CD! - honest! - Simon

After months of deliberation the prize for best entry goes to

Nick Hall

for his caption...

Er excuse me - could someone come over and dis-connect the power cable from the back of my head - thank you

Nick, if you're reading this, could you get in touch with us to claim you prize! Please email,

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