The Last Roundup


I'll tell you a story about a fine day,

It began to develop in an innoocent way.

A truck brought some show cows to the P.N.E.,

When suddenly one was running 'round free.

He crossed mcgill street, on the pedestrian walkway,

Trotting along on his own merry way.


The bid for his freedoim was going just fine,

When a citizen spotted him down on the rail line.

He called the police to set up a posse,

Tto come to his place and re­corrall "Bossy".

Patrolmen and traffic and all of the press,

And P.N.E. Staff to help sort out this mess.


They eagerly tried to corrall this poor beast,

Who ran for his freedom, down the rails going east.

The cow turned around and went west on the track,

Which brought brand new meaning to a "big mac" attack.

Traffic men scattered as the press made their pitch,

And a C.T.V. Cameraman jumped in the ditch.


The cow kept on running, everyone in pursuit,

This whole situation was really quite cute.

Four thousand pounds of beef on the run,

Call Corporal Millman and bring a large bun.

Ian will stop him as he did once before,

Too bad he's on holiday, this man of folklore.


The cow changed direction and went to the north,

And everyone ran for all they were worth.

He came to the shore and waded right in.

And when the water got deefer, he went for a swim.

He came back on shore to run for the hill,

And made Murray Rayment take one hell of a spill.


He came to a stop for a very brief rest,

But the press ran towards him and he turned to the west.

Down to a dock and right to the brink,

Then from twenty feet up, dove right into the drink.

The police boat was called to take up the chase,

While the cow swam on madly at a very fast pace.


When our hero appeared on the deck of the boat,

Holding a lasso, made of new nylon rope.

Constable Denton got a rope round the steer,

While back on the shore there arose quite a cheer.

They towed the cow back and led him to shore.

But even this task, was one heck of a chore.


For the cow, although caught, still longed too be loose,

And struggled and kicked and pulled at the noose.

But finally the cow all wet, bruised and bleeding,

Sixty pounds lighter, in need of a feeding,

Surrendered and entered, his trailer, his home,

Never again to be free and to roam.


So next time you're eating a burger or steak,

Remember the cow who made a fast break.

That cow could be part, of your dinner tonight,

You better chew well, that cow loved to fight.

And young Gerry Denton, who ended this game,

Just call him "Cowboy", his brand new nickname.

PC 664 T.J. Gowdyk 84­08­31 (22)