1. Season 1: Keith is specifically mentioned as being from:

  2. Arus
    It's never mentioned

  3. Season 1/2: Lance has psychic ability in that he:

  4. Knows who is lying
    Can read minds
    Can see into the future

  5. Season 1: In the episode with the invisible robeast, who is with Allura in the carriage?

  6. Keith, Lance, and Pidge
    Keith, Pidge, and Nanny
    Lance, Pidge, and Nanny

  7. Season 2: Why does Pidge adopt a white kitten?

  8. He's lonely.
    He wants to get back at the mice, who have been bothering him.
    Just for the heck of it.

  9. Season 1: Who makes a cameo appearance at the end of the last episode?

  10. The ghost of King Alfor
    Some officials in Galaxy Garrison
    The members of the Vehicle Voltron Force

  11. Season 1: Where is Sven sent to recuperate after he is severely wounded by Haggar?

  12. Planet Earth
    Planet Nimon
    Planet Ebb

  13. Season 1: Voltron was divided into five parts by:

  14. Zarkon's fighters.
    He was made that way.

  15. Season 1: Hunk has an inferiority complex because:

  16. He doesn't.
    He feels stupid compared to the rest of the team.
    He couldn't keep up with the team during drills.

  17. Season 2: Which of the mice is kidnapped?

  18. Cheddar

  19. Season 1: In one episode, Haggar disguises herself as one of Allura's relatives; who?

  20. Princess Romelle
    Allura's mother
    Queen Orla

  21. Season 1: Why did Pidge and the three children explore the once-buried castle?

  22. They stumbled upon it by accident and were curious.
    Pidge was checking for Doom agents and the children followed him.
    They were looking for buried treasure.

  23. Season 2: At a parade, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge are disappointed because:

  24. It gets rained out.
    Statues are made of Keith and Allura, but not of them.
    They had to leave early.

  25. Season 1/2: How are Princess Romelle and Princess Allura related?

  26. They are sisters
    They are cousins
    They aren't; they just look alike

  27. Season 2: Who tried to destroy the Voltron Force with poison concealed in a 'honey drink?'

  28. Merla

  29. Season 1: Who does Allura spar with?

  30. Keith
    She doesn't ever get to spar.

  31. Season 1: Lotor chases after Allura because:

  32. He just likes her.
    She resembles his mother.
    He wants her as a political prisoner.

  33. Season 2: Zarkon mentions that he doesn't remember when Haggar was beautiful because:

  34. She never was.
    He hadn't been born yet.
    His memory only goes back a thousand years.

  35. Season 1: What Lion is the first Lion Keith ever pilots?

  36. Green Lion
    Black Lion
    Blue Lion

  37. Season 1: Which of the 5 original space explorers goes out to spy on Doom's forces and so isn't with the rest of the team when they first activate the Lions?

  38. Lance

  39. Season 1: Which of the 5 original space explorers did Haggar at first try to destroy?

  40. Sven

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