The AVR Web ring homepage
Welcome to AVR WebRing
This is an effort to link all the AVR related Web sites in a
"chain" for the benefit of all those who develop or are interested in the AVR
The only requirement to join this ring is that your web site has something related to the
This could be from a links page or a single project to full blown development systems.
How to join
To join you have to follow 4 easy steps.
1. Apply to join the
2. Download AVRring.gif which is the ring's logo
3. After joining the ring you will be mailed a html code snippet which you will have to
insert to bottom part of your home page together with the ring logo.
4. Send an E-mail to me, that you have done all
the following. I will notify you when your web site is added to the ring
How to change your registration information
After you joined the ring you
can always change your
registration information
Contacting the WebRing master
For any additional info or if you encounter any problems you can send me
an E-mail also you can page me through ICQ
ICQ #7220868
Visit a random site in the ring
or look at the complete