Our wedding in Sri Lanka
David and Suzanne Cushman (nee Howard) were married on February 12, 1998, at Buriwela, Sri Lanka.
your picture here
Here we are with the elephant we left the wedding on. This elephant has also been featured on British TV with Melinda Messenger on a holiday programme and in the Sun newspaper in a story in which a man claimed to have had the elephant as his best man at the wedding.mmm. My best man was my uncle Maurice Dawton. He is not pictured here.
How it happened
We chose Sri Lanka after deciding we wanted to get married abroad to solve the headache of our families coming from opposite ends of the UK. We looked at Egypt, Mexico and India and finally found Sri Lanka offered the best combination of a great place to visit, easily arranged official bits and price! We were also convinced there would be none of the conveyor belt feeling you hear of about Caribbean weddings.
That proved to be right.

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