ImpTac Ship Patch - From Then and Now

The Credits

Darksaber, XvT Technologies, Lord Hexer, XWCS, Dreddnott, Hernan Barreiro, Steele, Jedi Hunter, Maverick, Andy Kroell
Hernan Barreiro, Marcus Edson, Maverick
Technical Apparati
Dreddnott, Demon, Rabid, Troy Dangerfield, Mike Anderson, Marc Samios, Stealth, Draconious
Original Graphics
Darkness, Cowboy, Maverick
Quickstrike, Palpy, Mirax, Reno Piett, Gan Solo, Shock & many more
Quickstrike, Maverick
Special Thanks (for support moral, immoral, and political)
Palpy, Quickstrike, Kenny83, Quickshot14, Cyrax, Jag, Kilemal, Mirax, Gavin45, Dark Raider, Anshar, Burtino, Voodoo, Hero, Rodeo, Rogue, Herr Lew, Bobafettish, Cable, Yoda, Lord Hexer, Goldenboy, Opiwan, Shock, Dark Curse, Konjurer, and many more
Very Special Thanks
Cast and Crew of the OPT Project, ImpTac, Loyal Fans and Supporters in DJO, Code Alliance, and Lucasarts (for not suing)