SELPHIE: Yay!! The 2nd chapter!!
RINOA: This chapter will be even better!! .... Hopefully
SELPHIE: Now who'll recite the copyrights?
RINOA: My turn!! This is an original fanfic Paola and I wrote ourselves, with our, er, unique minds! It was written in the year 2000, and all the characters are trademarks of Squaresoft® So if you want to post this fic on your site, you have to ask for our permission.
SELPHIE: Well said! *clapz*
RINOA: Now enjoy Chapter 2!
NARRATOR: Squall and Aeris are talking when they pass by Zell and Tifa...
SQUALL: Is that Zell?
AERIS: OH my gosh!!!! Tifa's holding hands with him!!! Isn't that cute!
SQUALL: Yeah, I never thought that Zell could get a girl.
AERIS: Hey is that Reno?
SQUALL: Who's Reno? And hey! He's walking with Quistis!
AERIS: Reno's a Turk from my world of FF7...But isn't Quistis a good person? Reno's just...bad
SQUALL: I don't know. Looks like everyone's getting matched up.
AERIS: I know!!!
NARRATOR: Back with Rinoa and Cloud.
CLOUD: So, are these Ball's fun?
RINOA: Well, I'll put it this way.  If you can dance it'll be alot of fun. If you can't, well I'll show you.
CLOUD: We HAVE to dance?!?
RINOA: Well it's a Ball isn't it?
CLOUD: I can't dance...
RINOA: NOW you're sounding like Squall! Don't sound like him! I'll teach you. Mr. STUPID Squall made a fool of himself on the dance floor, then about 30 seconds later he could dance.  It must be a guy thing.
CLOUD: Uh...uh...uh...No, Rinoa I really can't dance...
RINOA: YES you can! I'll show you!
NARRATOR: Back with Zell and Tifa...
ZELL: So...well now I'm out of things to say...
TIFA: Hey! Wanna go out for icecream?
ZELL: YEAH! That sounds like fun!
TIFA: Lets ask Aeris and Squall if they wanna come.
ZELL: Yo! Squall, S'up? Wanna come with me and Tif for icecream down in Balamb?
AERIS: Tif? That's a cute nickname...
ZELL: Tif? I meant Tifa!
AERIS: I'm just playin, don't flip out like that!
ZELL: Are u guys coming or not?
SQUALL: Yeah, we'll come...
AERIS: Hey there's Reno with Quistis!
ZELL: Lets have 'em join us.
TIFA: Reno? Quistis? That's just...strange @_@
ZELL: Quistis! Wanna come with us for icecream?
QUISTIS: Sure! Reno can come, too, right?
ZELL: Yeah...
QUISTIS: If we're going down to Balamb, better watch up Zell; Your mom's there.
ZELL: Yeah? So...
QUISTIS: Oh, I'm just thinking about how your mom will react when she sees you holding hands with a girl! *laughs*
ZELL: She won't care! I'm 17!
QUISTIS:Yeah, I guess you're right...
NARRATOR: Meanwhile, back at the fountain...
(Shera appears)
SHERA: Hmmm... that portal brought me to some strange place... *hears some footsteps* Hey, who's there?!
CID: That's a familiar voice...
BARRET: #%(, no wonder! Look, it's your sweety-pie!!
CID: Shera?!?! How the #&%@ did you get here?!
SHERA: I-I jumped into some kind of portal, and it brought me here...
VINCENT: That's the way we got here!
SHERA: Do you know where we are?
BARRET: Some place called Balamb or some #%(@#...
SHERA: So how can we get back to our world?
REDXIII: That question is beyond all of us...
BARRET: %&*@, as long as we're here we might as well have some fun! Cid, you can take Shera to the ball!
CID: #&%(*@, what?!?! *looks at Shera* Heh...
VINCENT: Look, he's speechless..
BARRET: *sarcastic* Isn't that sweeettttt?!?
CID: You're starting to annoy me, @#%&@#! Limit Break-Highwind!!!
REDXIII: ....He's back to his old self..
VINCENT: ...Yeah..
NARRATOR: As Shera, Vincent, & RedXIII watch Cid beat the hezzie out of Barret, everyone else is at a local icecream parlor...
AERIS: What a nice icecream parlor!
ZELL: Let's have a seat..
(all seat at the counter)
WAITRESS: Now what will everyone have?
TIFA: I'll have strawberry!
ZELL: I want Peach Sherbert!
AERIS: Umm.. I'll take Chocolate Chip..
SQUALL: ... I'll have Rocky Road...
RENO: Can I just have some booze?
WAITRESS: *annoyed* This is an icecream parlor, sir..
RENO: Fine, I'll take Chocolate Mousse...
QUISTIS: I'd like a Jamoca Almond Fudge...
WAITRESS: Okay, hold on a second.. *walks off*
AERIS: It's been a while since we took a break like this, huh Tifa?
TIFA: Yea! Jumping into that portal wasn't regretful at all.
AERIS: 'Specially since you met you-know-who!
TIFA: *blushes* Well, yeah, that too!
ZELL: Oh, what'd you two say? I wasn't listening, sorry.
AERIS: Oh, nothing! *grins*
WAITRESS: Here's your icecream.. that'll be 420 gil!
WAITRESS: *blinks* So... who's paying?
ZELL/RENO/SQUALL: I will! No, I will!!
TIFA: Look, if it's that important... just pay an equal portion...
QUISTIS: So each of you pay 140 Gil each...
(pay for the icecream)
RENO: This is good icecream... but I want some beer...
NARRATOR: Suddenly, the other Turks' walk into the parlor...
ELENA: Buy me some icecream, Tseng.
TSENG: Okay, what flavor do u-
RUDE: Ooh, look! It's Reno with that girl!
ELENA: They look cute together!
TSENG: Wow... the first girl Reno has ever liked...
RUDE: Now it's our turn to bug him! *laughz*
NARRATOR: While the events in the ice-cream parlor were occuring, Rinoa is endlessy trying to teach Cloud to dance...
CLOUD: I told you, Rinoa, I can't dance!
RINOA: Pleaaase cooperate, Cloud! Would you want me to be embarrassed in front of all the SeeDs and my friends?
CLOUD:... No, of course not, Rinoa...
RINOA: C'mon, Cloud, all you have to do is stay with the rhythm and beat... Try it again...
CLOUD: Okay... *does a few steps then almost trips*
RINOA: You need more practicing, that's all.. Try again...
NARRATOR: Back at the fountain..
BARRET: *#@%&, I'm bored! I'm going to find the other's!
REDXIII: I'll come along, too...
(everyone but Cid & Shera leaves)
CID: (*@%, Shera! Be more careful! You shouldn't have stepped into the #^% portal! How about if we're stuck here forever?!?!
SHERA: Sorry... look, I'll go off with the other's... *walks off*
CID: *sighz and shakes his head*
VINCENT: Cid, admit it.
CID: What?! Vincent! I thought you left!
VINCENT: No, I'm here as well... Now admit it..
CID: I got no *(%#& to admit!
VINCENT: ....It's obvious you like her more than you make it sound..
CID: No!! #&%(#@!!
CID: Is it really obvious?
VINCENT: *smiles and nods*
CID: But #*%#! How can I "admit" it?! %&@#%, I wouldn't know what to say! And that #%&@# Barret would always be bothering me!
VINCENT: If you really have true feelings for her, you wouldn't care what Barret says...
CID: ....You're right.. Well, how the #%& will I admit it to her?!
VINCENT: Well.. how about the ball? That'd be a great opportunity to talk to her and such...
CID: How about if she hates me? #*#%*, all that crap I've been yelling at her about... It might've, well, it might've gotten her angry deep inside..
VINCENT: *shakes his head* I doubt it... if she really hates you, wouldn't she have left and restarted her life a long time ago..?
CID: ....
VINCENT: Let's go and catch up with everyone else... Think about what I said, okay?
CID: [Maybe I should go ask her to the dance...]
NARRATOR: Irvine and Selphie...
IRVINE: So Selphie...
SELPHIE: Yeah...?
IRVINE: Like, wanna come to the Ball with me?
SELPHIE: Sure!! I was hoping you'd ask me!!!! *hugs Irvine*
IRVINE: *grins*
NARRATOR: Back with everyone walking out of the icecream parlor...
RENO: That was fun...
ZELL: Yeah! We should do it again sometime...
SQUALL: *smiles at Aeris*
SQUALL: *puts his hand on his head and shakes it (like he always does)*
AERIS: *giggles*
TIFA: Aeris, you seem happy.
AERIS: So do you!
QUISTIS: *Looks at everyone confused*
ZELL: So... *walks close to Tifa and holds her hand*
RENO: Isn't that cute! *Does the same with Quistis*
SQUALL: [oh,what the heck] *Holds Aeris's hand*
NARRATOR: Rinoa and Cloud see the three couples coming into the garden.
RINOA:Is that Quistis!?
CLOUD: Oh my God! Whoa, alotta people got matched up in one day, don't you think?
RINOA: *smiles* Yup.
NARRATOR: Cid is walking around looking for Shera...
CID: SHERA! There you are!
SHERA: Uh...Hi Cid...
CID: Well, I've never done this so cope with me...
CID: Shera, do you...uh...er...wanna...come to that Ball with me? *Blushes*
SHERRA: *blushes* SURE! *smiles, walks closer to Cid and gives him a little kiss*
NARRATOR: It ends up that Barret, RedXIII, and Vincent were watching everything.
REDXIII: Now isn't that cute.
BARRET: Yeah, that is... Almost as cute as watching the garbage man take out the trash.
NARRATOR: Since the dance is 2 days away, Quistis arranged to get extra dorm rooms for the FF7 characters until they find a way to get out of the FF8 world, though they're not in any particular hurry. Finally, the night of the ball comes...
TIFA: The day's here! Our dresses look great!
AERIS: The shopping we did yesterday was fun! So how do I look?
TIFA: Great! How about me?
AERIS: Nice! I hope the guys feel the same way...
QUISTIS: Now how do I look....?
QUISTIS: *inspects her dress* Okay... I usually don't like these formal outtings... But I'll make an exception this time.
AERIS: *smirks* You really like Reno, huh?
QUISTIS: *blushes* .....
TIFA: Hey, for these past few days I haven't seen much of Cloud... or Rinoa...
AERIS: Yeah, I wonder what they're up to..?
NARRATOR: Speaking of Cloud & Rinoa...
RINOA: Yay! All that practice has to pay off now, Cloud. Are you ready?
CLOUD: Yep! And... thanks for teaching me how to dance.. you look great.
RINOA: *smiles* You're welcome. And thanks.. you don't look so bad yourself *winks*
CLOUD: You ready to go, yet?
RINOA: I still have to get a few things ready. You can go off and meet the other guys. I'll catch up with you.
CLOUD: Okay, see ya in a few. *runs off to the guys' dorm rooms*
CID: So Vincent, how do I look?
VINCENT: Not bad...
CID: #&%(*@#! Give me a &(*% better answer!! What the %&*# does "Not bad" mean?! &*%(@!
VINCENT: Relax! You look fine! Shera will think the same thing, too...
CID: *looks at his hair* Is my hair fine?
CID: &#%*(@#!! Stop with your one-word responses!!!
VINCENT: Sorry. Your hair's great, too... especially after using up 6 mousse bottles...
CID: How about my clothes?!
VINCENT: They're nice, too... You ironed them so much that I'm surprised there aren't any holes burnt through 'em.
CID: Good! Now where the %*&@ are the other's?!
REDXIII: We're here.
BARRET: %&#@(, you done primpin', Cid?! I want to eat now!!!
CID: Fine, let's go then...
CLOUD: *appears all of a sudden* Hi everyone! You're going to the ball?
BARRET: Yeah... Hey, where the #&%# have you been for these past few days?!
CLOUD: With.... never mind... Hey, listen, I'm going to see the other guys, okay?
CID: %&#@!! Are you sure I look all right!?!?
BARRET: Cid, shut up!! You look fine!! Now stop losin' my patience!! %*(&@#!
CLOUD: What's making you so tense??
BARRET: You didn't hear?! Cid gots himself a girllll!!!
CID: *glares at Barret angrily*
CLOUD: Who??
VINCENT: It's Shera.
CLOUD: Huh? How'd she get here?!
REDXIII: She jumped into a portal as well..
CLOUD: Ohhh... *smirkz* Nice hair, Cid... But how many bottles of mousse did you use, 5?!
VINCENT: Close- he used 6.
CID: *sits down and mutters angrily*
CLOUD: I'm just kidding. You look great. Shera probably will agree, too. Now I gotta run... bye!! *runs off to the other dorm rooms*
SQUALL: .... Is everyone ready?
ZELL: Not yet... my hair doesn't look good enough yet.
SQUALL: ... Who cares? Tifa will like it no matter what...
ZELL: *ignores him and continues moussing his hair*
RENO: What about me?! Do I look great?
ZELL: O'course. Quistis will just hug you.
RENO: Good *drinks some wine* Gosh, I hope I can dance...
ZELL: *whispers to Reno* It's okay... Squall dances like the worst. You should've seen him dancing with Rinoa once *snickers*
SQUALL: What are you two talking about?
ZELL: Nothing.. *finishes moussing his hair* Done!
SQUALL: ....ok...
CLOUD: *walks in* Are you all ready, too?
RENO: Yeah *sips some more wine*
CLOUD: Who are you all going with?
RENO: I'm going with the beautiful Quistis Trepe... *sips more wine*
ZELL: Oh, you'll see my date later... she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen... too pretty for words.
SQUALL: No, mine is...
CLOUD: Who are they?
SQUALL: ....you'll see....
ZELL: Who's your date?
CLOUD: *smiles* You'll see, too. Since you won't tell me your dates.
NARRATOR: Meanwhile, the other Turks are walking around waiting for the ball to begin..
RUDE: ...I wanted to go with Tifa...
TSENG: Fat chance.. she's going with, uh, what's his name.. Oh yeah, that guy that Reno messed with when we first got here...
RUDE: That punk?!
ELENA: The ball is going to be soooo fun, huh Tseng?
TSENG: Yeah... [I hope I still remember how to dance...]
RUDE: And while you two are dancing, I'm sitting the corner filling myself with punch... Hey, maybe I can ask Tifa to dance while she isn't occupied with that jerk!
TSENG: Yeah, you can do that if you don't mind that guy punching your face in like what he did to Reno...
NARRATOR: As the Turks talk, Sephiroth & Seifer are at the front door of the training grounds...
SEIFER: Squall is going to be at that ball.... and that Cloud guy you've mentioned.. he might be there, too.
SEPHIROTH: Ah, a good chance to kill them both...
FUJIN: We're a POSSE!!
RAJIN: ....
SEIFER: I wonder why we haven't ran into any of our enemies... they must be running off everywhere.
RAJIN: Ya know... I want to have fun at that ball, ya know.
FUJIN: We're a POSSE!!
NARRATOR: Back at the girls' dorm rooms...
AERIS: There! Is everyone ready?
TIFA: Yup! Hey, let's go find Shera... I heard she jumped into the portal, too, somehow..
YUFFIE: *walks in and plops onto a bed* Gawd... *huff*... Tired... *puff*.... Water... *puff*
TIFA: YUFFIE! What happened to YOU!?
YUFFIE: Materia... *shakes her head in exhaustion*
QUISTIS: [that word again...] I'll go get her a glass of water...
AERIS: *pouts* Now where have you been for these past few days?! Running around looking for materia?!
YUFFIE: *nods and drinks some water*
TIFA: You're hopeless... Hey, are you going to the ball..?
YUFFIE: What.. *puff* Ball..?
AERIS: Gosh, you didn't hear about the Ball? It's tonight!
YUFFIE: *jumps up* I'm coming!! Maybe they're hiding the Materia in the ball room! Whaddya waitin' for! Let's go!! *runz off*
QUISTIS: Materia...?
TIFA: Don't mind her... she's just hyperactive.
AERIS: *spots Shera* Ooh, Hi Shera!!
SHERA: Oh, hi...
TIFA: You look.. nervous... anything wrong?
SHERA: Er *blushes* Well, nothing really... Cid asked me to the ball.. and, I'm just nervous I guess..
AERIS: He did?! How sweet!!
TIFA: I knew he liked you from the start! You look great, Shera!
SHERA: Thanks...
QUISTIS: Uh oh, the ball's about to start.. Let's go!
NARRATOR: All the guys go to the ladies dorm room's.
ZELL: Tifa! You look great!!!
TIFA: *blushes* Thanks! So do you!
ZELL & TIFA: *walk to the Ball holding hands*
AERIS: They are just so cute! Aren't they Squall?
SQUALL: Yeah...Hey, you look nice.
AERIS: So do you!
AERIS&SQUALL: *walk out to the ball*
QUISTIS: Reno!!!
RENO: Hey Quisty!
QUISTIS: Come on! Lets go! *grabs his arm and goes to the Ball*
SHERA: Hi Cid. *blushes*
CID: Hey Shera *also blushes*
CID: *takes her hand and goes to the Ball also*
NARRATOR: Vincent, RedXIII and Barret just watch in the corner.
BARRET: #(*&$(@&#(*@#&$(*#@&$(*&#@$(*&#@$
BARRET: This is (*#^$ BORING!
REDXIII: C'mon, let's just watch! It's so cute looking at everyone!
BARRET: #&$@(*#&@#
VINCENT: Whatever...
CLOUD: Rinoa! C'mon, were late!
RINOA: Yeah, I know! It doesn't really matter though... Let's go see everyone!
CLOUD&RINOA: *walk off*
SQUALL: I know how to dance now...
SQUALL: Oh my God! I said that outloud! I guess everything is coming out of my head and coming out of my mouth.
AERIS: *giggles*
AERIS: Let's go dance!
SQUALL:No, not now in a little bit. I wanna see some other people.
ZELL: Hey, before we dance let's go talk to Squall and Aeris.
TIFA: Okay.
ZELL: Yo Squall... S'up! Aren't you guys gonna dance?
AERIS: Soon...
TIFA: We'll dance if you guys dance...?
ZELL: Let's wait for Quistis and that other guy, what's-his-name, Reno.
TIFA: Oh my gosh! Is that Tseng and Elena? You gotta say they are a good couple.
AERIS: I know!
QUISTIS: Hey everyone! *smiles*
ZELL: *whispering to Tifa* I've never seen Quistis so happy; a guy is just what she needs!
TIFA: *whispering back* I know. *smiles*
QUISTIS: Hey look! It's Rinoa and that Cloud guy!
AERIS: Cloud! Over here!
CLOUD&RINOA: *walk over to everyone*
RINOA: Hey everyone!
TIFA: Now, where have you two been for the past couple of days?
CLOUD: I dunno *shrugs*
RINOA: I was teaching Cloud how to dance, Now he won't be an embarrasment at the first Ball like SOMEONE...
QUISITIS: *whispering to Zell* This is gonna cause problems... go dance and everyone will follow.
ZELL:*whispering back* Okay.
ZELL: C'mon Tifa, let's go dance...
AERIS: C'mon Squall, let's go, too!
SQUALL: Okay...
IRVINE: C'mon, let's go dance.
NARRATOR: Everyone goes and dances, Then a slow song comes on...
TIFA: Wow Zell, You're only guy that I've known that can actually dance good.
ZELL: I've had practice *smiles*
RENO: Quistis, You're too tall.
QUISTIS: No, you're just too short.
RENO: Wait, maybe it's becuase you have 4-inch high shoes...
QUISTIS: Yeah, that might be it. *giggle*
RINOA: Cloud, you're such a good dancer now!
CLOUD: Thanks for helping me *Smiles*
RINOA: No problem! *looks through the clear window and see's a shooting star and all the sudden remembers Squall.*
RINOA: *blinks*
CLOUD: Rinoa...? Are you okay?
RINOA: Y-yeah! I'm fine!
AERIS: Squall you dance so good!
SQUALL: Hehe... *blushes*
ZELL: Hey Tifa, I'm tired of dancing.. Now lets go outside...
TIFA: Okay, it is getting a little hot in here.
NARRATOR: Back with Shera and Cid...
SHERA: ...heh...
CID: ..... *smiles nervously*
VINCENT: *whispering to Cid* Say something!
CID: Ahem... er, nice ball, huh?
REDXIII: *whispering to Cid* And what do people do at balls....?
CID: %&#, Oh yeah! *snapz* W-want to dance, Shera?
SHERA: *smiles weakly* Sure...
NARRATOR: Cid & Shera get up and dance.. finally.
SHERA: ....
CID: Hmmmm... *remembers that he has to talk* Uh..
SHERA: H-how much will they bet you?
CID: Eh?
SHERA: I-I know you really didn't want to take me... so how much will Barret, Vincent, & Red pay you if you go through one date with me?
CID: Shera! How can you %*@# think that?! I wanted to take you on my own free will! *looks at the other guys angrilly*
SHERA: *lookz at Cid* You sure?
CID: I'm sure. Heh... *smiles nervously*
SHERA: Well... why did you decide until now to, well, to tell me that you actually like me?
CID: I don't know... I guess I'm just that kind of guy... *blushes*
SHERA: *leans over to Cid and kisses him*
BARRET: %&#@! This is so boring!
REDXIII: Go find someone to dance with then...
BARRET: You're not going to find me gettin' off my #%&# and dancin' like a foo'!
RUDE: *approaches them* Have any of you seen Tifa?
REDXIII: If you're thinking about dancing with her, I'd hesitate about it... she has a date.
RUDE: I'll decide who I want to dance with or not, furball. Just tell me where she is.
BARRET: You're too late; she walked off with Zell somewhere...
RUDE: Oh well *drinks some punch* This is boring...
BARRET: *grumbles* Tell me about it...
SEIFER: *walks in* Hmmm... where's Squall...
RAJIN: Fujin, let's dance, ya know!
FUJIN: NO!! *walks up to Rajin and kicks him*
RAJIN: Oww owwww....
SEPHIROTH: I can't seem to spot Cloud, either...
SEIFER: *spots Rinoa* Oh, there's Rinoa! Squall must be here then- Hey.. that's a new guy...
SEPHIROTH: Hey, it's Cloud! *draws his sword*
SEIFER: What's he doing dancing with Rinoa...? And where's Squall?
RAJIN: Ya know, There he is, Seifer! *pointz into the crowd*
SEIFER: Hmmm.. he's with another girl... he must've had a fight with Rinoa. Oh well, let's take a break and enjoy this ball then.
SEIFER: Squall's hurt enough if he & Rinoa had some kind of fight *sits down on a chair*
SEPHIROTH: Okay then *grabs a beer*
RAJIN: A happy ending, ya know!
FUJIN: I WANTED A BATTLE! *gets ready to kick Rajin*
RAJIN: ..... Ya know, I'm gonna run to the cafeteria and see if there's any hot dogs left, ya know... *escapes Fujin's clutches*
YUFFIE: *zooms all over the place* No materia anywhere!! *bumps into Rajin*
RAJIN: Ya know.. you're new!
YUFFIE: Outta my way! I'm in a hurry!
RAJIN: Like, wanna dance, ya know?
YUFFIE: Ewwww!! Grossness!! Leave me be! I'm off to find some materia! *runz off*
RAJIN: [Materia....? Whatta weird chick, ya know...]
NARRATOR: Back with Zell and Tifa...
ZELL: So...heh
TIFA: Why do you seem so tense all of the sudden?
ZELL: I dunno...I guess you're my first real girlfriend. *blushes*
TIFA: Aww you're just too cute! I never really went out with someone either...
ZELL: Hey Tif...What's it like in your world?
TIFA: Well, in the world of FF7 it's very different from here, but we still have Chocobos and such...
ZELL: Oh...What else?
TIFA: Well, In our world we had two types of people bothering us; The Turks and Sephiroth.  We thought we killed Sephiroth but he's still around. *look's at the ground and sighs*
ZELL: Tifa, what's wrong?
TIFA: Nothing, I'm just...I dunno... *shrugs*
ZELL: Wanna go back inside?
TIFA: Nah, I like being here alone... with you.
ZELL: Look at all the stars. *puts his arm around Tifa*
TIFA: *Leans in closer to Zell and puts her head on his shoulder*
ZELL:This is alot better than being inside.
TIFA:Y eah, alot better *looks up and smiles at Zell*
ZELL: *smiles back and kisses her*
NARRATOR: While Tifa and Zell are kissing, Aeris, Squall, Cloud, Rinoa, Cid, Sherra, Irvine, Selphie, Quistis, & Reno walk out and see Zell and Tifa.
AERIS: Should we say something?
CLOUD: No, it's fun watching.
RINOA: I think that is so cute!
SELPHIE: I know!
TIFA&ZELL: *both look and see everyone just standing and looking at them*
CID: Welcome back to earth.
ZELL&TIFA: *fall over in embarrasment*
TIFA: Uh...uh...thanks Cid.
ZELL: S'up everyone? Heh...
SHERA: It's still early, who's up for going to dinner somewhere?
SELPHIE: Oh! I am!
AERIS: Where's a place where we can have dinner?
QUISTIS: We can go down to Balamb City...
ZELL: Yeah! Let's go!