Name: YOSHINO (Good or Fertile Field) ASA (Born in the Morning)
Birthday: July 20 (Cancer)
Eyes: Deep Violet
Hair: Jet Black
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125 lb.
Favorite Color(s): Violet & Red
Favorite Food(s): Egg Rolls, Wonton Soup, & Strawberry Shortcake
Least Favorite Food(s): Sushi & Liver
Pet Peeves: Kento! (just kidding! ^_^) Having people feel sorry for her.













    ::lays on her bed reading a magazine while humming to something that she's listening to on her head phones:: Oh hey there! You kinda gave me a little startled there; I didn't even see when you came in. That's okay, it's what I get for playing the music too loud. Pull up a chair and make yourself right at home! As I'm sure you already know, I'm Asa Yoshino. Mika and I have been best friends since grade school. ::laughs:: We're practically like sisters!

    I live in Yuzawa, Japan pretty much most of my life. My mother died when I was very young and I hardly ever see my dad since he's always on business trips. ::sigh:: I guess that's why I'm so independent, but I don't mind it all that much. I spend most of my time with Mika and her grandfather, so it's not like I sit around feeling lonely all the time or something.

    Mika would tell you that I'm a bit stubborn willed, but that's like the kettle calling the pot black, ne?! ::giggle:: I guess am kinda like that and I do admit to being the type of person who has no trouble in telling you what's on her mind now and then. I demonstrate that a lot towards Kento, but only 'cause he's such a baka, always teasing me and stickin' his nose where it doesn't belong! Oops, sorry I'm going off subject, aren't I? It's just that he gets me so mad at times! Anyway, I do care a great deal about my friends, they're very important to me so I tend to worry about them a lot, specially Mika now that she's a full fledge Dragon Warrior and all. Oh yeah! I also have this 'really' big soft spot for animals, especially cats. I just love White Blaze and Onyx! Call me a nut case but I think that they're the most sweetest and most adorable things on four legs!

That's about it for me! I'm really glad that you stopped on by to visit.
You're always welcome to stop on again at anytime while you're here.