Who Am I?!?!

Okey, in this section you'll learn who the author of this site really is!! And, I've made two versions of this, English and Indonesian (coz that's where I came from!! ^.^).


Okay...how do I start.......*think*........
I'm Terry.......my real name? Nah, I don't think you have to know my real name, right? Anyway, I'm 15 years old, I just through a lot of exams, and graduated Junior High. In July, I'll start my day in High School (soooo happy!!)
I'm a very cheerful girl, love to chat for hours, aaand....addicted to FRIENDS, especially Chandler ^.^
Enough of this, let's talk about my hobbies, let's see...............I love to sing, acting and sit for hours in front of the computer ^.^

I have two older brothers, both of them go to college, the first one is majoring Computer (he's the first one who
introduced me to the computer ^.^) and the second one is majoring architecture. My dad is a doctor and my mom is
just a very good housewife ^___^

Okey......oh, besides this site I also have this Dragonball site, but probably...most of you don't want to know about it!! Okey.......that's all!!!!

Indonesian's Prokem

Nickname gue Terry......tapi nama sebenernya Y-A-N-I. Nama panjang gue Tri Asih Kusmaryani, Terry itu dari Tri, get it?!?!? Gue 15 taon, baru aja lulus dari SMP I Cikini Raya......dan, alhamdullilah....keterima di SMA 8. I'm a moslem, yes. Tinggal dimana?? Hmmm....all I can say is di Menteng en Ciputat!! Hayo! Bingung gak loe!! Yg di Menteng itu rumah nenek gue (who recently passed away), gue tinggal disitu pas hari2 sekolah, soalnya lebih deket, tapi kalo liburan gue ke Ciputat, rumah gue yg sebenernya, jelas?? Good! Gue nge-fans bgt ama FRIENDS terutama Chandler, gue mulai sukanya pas dia jatuh cinta ama pacarnya Joey...ihh, kasian dehh....=(

Gue punya dua kakak laki2, yg pertama kuliah di Fakultas Komputer UI, en dia yg pertama kali ngenalin gue ama komputer, en buat gue jadi pecandu komputer gini!! Yg kedua, kuliah di Fakultas Teknik (Jurusan Arsitektur) UI.
Bokap gue dokter spesialis mata en nyokap seorang ibu rumah tangga yg baik ^____^ Dan, kami hidup rukun selalu!
Buset.........kayak dongeng aja, yaa.....hehehe..........

Oh, elo2 tau Dragonball khan?? Yah, cuman pengen ngasih tau aja kalo gue punya Dragonball site......sapa tau, mau mampir!! Kalo mampir, isi guestbooknya juga, yaaa!!!!!!!! Okeh! Segitu aja!!!! Daggghh!!!!!!