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Supporting Cast

Diana Darrin



(With the Stooges)
(Other Films)
(On TV)

With The Stooges
  1. Triple Crossed (1958)
  2. Flying Saucer Daffy (1958)
  3. Outer Space Jitters (1957)
  4. Merry Mix-up, A (1957)
  5. Rumpus in a Harem (1956)

Other Films
  1. Naked Ape, The (1973)
  2. Slither (1972) .... Band Singer
  3. Broken Land, The (1962)
  4. Blood Arrow (1958)
  5. High School Confidential! (1958) .... Gloria
    ... aka Young Hellions (1964) (USA: reissue title)
  6. Amazing Colossal Man, The (1957) .... Hospital Receptionist
  7. Incredible Shrinking Man, The (1957) .... Nurse
  8. Cruel Tower, The (1956)
  9. Girls in Prison (1956) .... Meg, short redhead


  1. "Perry Mason" (1957) playing "Mrs. Thatcher" in episode: "Case of the Poison Pen Pal, The" (episode # 5.20) 2/10/1962


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