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Welcome to The Tick's Apartment of Niceness, chums!

Holy Moley! It's been a while!

4/27/99-Well, as the subject says, it's been a long time. I have some good news to report all. A new server and a new design! I'm not sure of an exact date but once I do, man, you'll be the first to know!

Move him! Take him! Shake him, too!

3/01/99-Java script does plenty of cool things. Games, text tricks, and... other stuff I'm sure. Well, here's something neat! There's a picture of The Tick at the bottom of the page, and you can drag it all around where ever you want in the right frame! Neat, huh?

...Back! Big! Blue! Back! Big! Blue!...

2/27/99-Upon visitation to my local comic book shop (which seems to never have Tick or any comics I like for that matter...) I found a pile o' Tick comics including BBD Ashcan and The Tick's Back issue 0. I bought 'em and their covers are now up in the collectables section. I also added an Active Channel to the page! Enjoy!

Observe and Censor!

2/23/99- I got the "Observation" section up. It will consist of Tick related articles and references to the comic in the cartoon. I also put up a magazine article which deals with the scrapping of an episode of the Tick. Enjoy!

A Guide to the Guide

2/21/99- I have redone the Episode Guide section to look more uniform with the main page.

Giant Circus of the Mighty
page is owned by
Ramsey E.

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The Tick: Defender of Justice, at your comand!! Move him around all you want!
Yes, this is supposed to be invisible. Good job, detective. This page has been up since 10/26/98. By the way.