TITLE: Denied(1/1) AUTHOR: Ana Vicente RATING: PG CLASSIFICATION: V; R, A KEYWORDS: M/S R, Mulder POV SUMMARY: Mulder angst about Emily DISCLAIMER: The X-Files belong to CC, 10 13 Productions and Fox Television. SPOILERS: EMILY FEEDBACK: Thorn17@mailcity.com or alienmoon76@hotmail.com ARCHIVE: Just let me know. AUTHOR'S NOTES: I suppose Emily is one of my great frustrations. Anyway, I thought it would be a good time to give this 180 word thing a try. ------- * ------- Just an accident. Files falling together , revealing the unsuspected truth. I walk in. Scully's holding three transparencies. Though I recognize the uneven bands on them as DNA strands, the look on Scully's face as she sees me is what makes me understand there's something about them she would sooner not tell me. Softly, she shows me how two of the transparencies combine to account for every single band on the third. The tags indentifying them read FWMULDER, DKSCULLY and EASIMS. I run. A voice of five years ago follows me, repeating the same words over and over again, "We'll need another sample, agent." I pace my living room, finding new reasons for an old anger. The things atop my desk fly across the room. One more thing I've been denied: my daughter. Scully's daughter. Scully stands in the doorway, watching me. "I never -- " I choke. She sits on the couch beside me, unbearable pain in her eyes. "Yes, you did." Two years ago, we mourned her loss. Now, leaning on each other, we cry for a family that never was. THE END --- Ana