Four People Fooled

short skit with Ernie (Jim Henson) and a Newsboy

[Scene: A newsboy is standing outside, advertising a pile of newspapers. Ernie enters.]

Newsboy: Extree! Extree! Read all about it! Four people fooled!

Ernie: Four people fooled?

Newsboy: Read all about it, mister.

Ernie: Gee, that sounds kind of interesting. Okay, here you go ...

[He gives the newsboy some money, takes a paper, and starts to read.]

Hmm .... Hey, wait a minute. I don’t see anything in here about four people being fooled.

Newsboy: Extree! Extree! Read all about it! Five people fooled!

Ernie [dejectedly]: I think I just made the papers.

[He squeezes his nose, which honks.]

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